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Quaint old records.

Old Medford records are not more peculiar than those of other towns, as witness the following:—

Woburn Dr. to Daniel Reed Junior, to boarding Sally
priest nine weeks at 2s. per week ending
5th of March—
to her bringing the itch into my family I leave to
your generosity, but money should not hire me to
have it.

Daniel Reed Junior Woburn March 2 ye 1792

Allowed for Itch1-0.-0
£ 1. 18. 0

In Medford, in 1702, the town had a reckoning with Ensign John Bradshaw, and found there was due him for labor performed and minister's board, ‘from the beginning of the world to this day £ 16, 16s, 6d.’ [p. 24]

But ninety-one years later, when money was dollars, rum seems to have been current in Charlestown. Some one has styled it ‘Everlasting Rum.’

Charlestown, April 6, 1793.
This day Rec'd of Benj n Wright one Glass of Cherry Rum in full of all Demands from the beginning of the World to the end of the World I say

It seems Mr. Reed's confidence was not misplaced, and the Wyman-Wright accounts effectually closed.

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