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Charles Daniel Tucker.

Charles Daniel Tucker, a member of the Medford Historical Society since 1899, was born in Medford October 28, 1865. He was the oldest child of Daniel Tarbell and Olivia Richards Tucker, and had always lived in the house in which he was born, at 6 Pleasant place. He was educated in the public schools of Medford, graduating from the High School in 1883. After some years of service with Palmer, Batchelder & Co., and Nelson H. Brown, dealers in clocks and bronzes in Boston, he entered into the jewelry and optical business in Medford Square in 1896. By taking a course in the Klein Optical School he fitted himself as an optician, and latterly had been established in that profession at 102 Tremont street, Boston. He died of pneumonia, January 16, 1910, after a brief illness.

Upon the decease of his father he assumed the responsibilities of the family, which consisted of three sisters, one brother and an aged aunt. Business adversities and other troubles tried his character only to develop its noble qualities—patience, fortitude and self-sacrifice. An active member of the First Universalist Church, he filled many offices, and at the time of his death was a parish trustee and a teacher in the Sunday-school. He was a Past Master of Mount Hermon Lodge of Masons.

He had a fine mind, and it was a persistent regret of himself and his friends that his personal circumstances did not permit the largest training of his scholarly abilities. His noble, manly nature won for him many friends, who mourn his untimely death.—

C. L. E.

[p. 77]

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