chap. IX.} 1763. Oct. |
chap. IX.} 1763. Oct. |
2 Hutchinson to Richard Jackson, Grenville's Secretary in the Exchequer, Sept. 1763: βThe real cause of the illicit trade in this province has been the indulgence of the officers of the customs; and we are told that the cause of this indulgence has been, that they are quartered upon for more than their legal fees, and that without bribery and corruption they must starve. If the venality of the present age will not admit of a reform in this respect, perhaps the provision now made may be the next best expedient.β
3 β I, Sampson Toovey, clerk to James Cockle, Esq., Collector of His Majesty's Customs for the port of Salem, do declare on oath, that ever since I have been in the office, it hath been customary for said Cockle to receive of the masters of vessels entering from Lisbon, casks of wine, boxes of fruit, &c., which was a gratuity for suffering their vessels to be entered with salt or ballast only, and passing over unnoticed such cargoes of wine, fruit, &c., which are prohibited to be imported into his majesty's plantations. Part of which wine, fruit, &c., he the said James Cockle used to share with Governor Bernard. And I further declare that I used to be the negotiator of this business, and receive the wine, fruit, &c., and dispose of them agreeable to Mr. Cockle's orders. Witness my hand, Sampson Toovey.
Essex Co. Salem, Sept. 27, 1764. Then Mr. Francis Toovey made oath to the truth of the above, before Benjamin Pickman, J. Peace.
Boston Gazette, 12 June, 1769. No. 741, 3, 2. Same in the London Daily Advertiser and Morning Chronicle of July 22, 1769, and in Boston Gazette of 9 Oct., 1796, 757. 2. 1. Compare what Lieut.-Governor Sharpe, of Maryland, and Temple, the Surveyor-General of the Customs say of Bernard's integrity in revenue affairs.
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