chap. II.} 1763. |
Such was ‘the liberal and generous’ 7 system of the political economists who grouped themselves round the calm and unpretending Quesnai, startling the world by their axioms and tables of rustic economy,8 as
chap. II.} 1763. |
Such was ‘the liberal and generous’ 7 system of the political economists who grouped themselves round the calm and unpretending Quesnai, startling the world by their axioms and tables of rustic economy,8 as
1 Blanqui: Histoire de l'economie Politique, II. 54.
2 Quesnai: Maximes Generales du Gouvernement. Edition of the ‘Physiocrates’ of Eugene Daire, 83.
3 Blanqui: Hist. de l'econ. Pol. II. 94.
4 Hence their name; not democrats, but ‘physiocrates.’
5 Quesnai: Maximes Generales du Gouvernement, XVI.
6 F. Quesnai: Maximes Gienrales du Gouvernement, XXV.
7 Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, Book IV. ch. 9.
8 Marmontel: Livre cinquieme, Oeuvres i. 149, 150.
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