Guy C, Hawkins papers.—number 2,
[Sketches of some of the reasons Which may be adduced before a committee of the Legislature in favor of a separation of the town of Charlestown.]This appeal of the petitioners to the Legislature for a seperation from the town of Charlestown is made to you tinder peculiar circumstances and from more than ordinary reasons. Not only do we contend that the territory is sufficient for two towns, and that as a matter of convenience it is highly expedient, but we do complain of a variety of oppressive grievances, of unjust and unequal burthens. I would have it distinctly understood, however, that, although we do insist on these considerations as our most important reasons for a division, yet we do not implicate the town or charge its officers with partiality. As individuals, as a municipal community, they have our most unlimited confidence and respect. This inequality is in the nature of things; it grows out of the unnatural connection of the two sections, nor can it he remedied but by a seperation. We shall endeavor, first, to convince the committee that the territory and population is sufficient for two towns, and that as a matter of convenience the measure is expedient, and shall then proceed to state some of the reasons connected with this subject, growing out of our peculiar situation, sand developing facts in which we, the petitioners, are deeply interested.
The town of Charlestown is an irregular figure nearly or quite nine miles long, with a very unequal breadth, containing in 1820 somewhat short of 7,000 inhabitants. Seven-eighths of this population is confined within the limits of the peninsula, a territory short of two miles in length, and this is connected with the country part of the town by an isthmus or narrow neck of land. There is the contemplated division of the two, sections. The publick buildings and offices are all located at the extremity of the peninsula, and the inconvenience of this to the western section must be apparent to every one. The number of inhabitants in this section will not vary much from 1,000, and although the