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There being sixteen primary schools within the peninsula, those outside were numbered as follows:—

No. 17—Lower Winter Hill primary.

No. 18—Upper Winter Hill primary.

No. 19—Prospect Hill primary.

No. 20—Milk Row primary.

The number of scholars enrolled at these schools was 26, 26, 40, 56; the average attendance, 21, 23, 38, and 38, respectively. Throughout the grammar schools on the peninsula ‘backs have been put to all the seats, as they have hitherto been the subject of much complaint on the part of parents and scholars. For six hours daily have pupils been obliged to sit on a round piece of plank, fashioned to a standard, and without any backs.’ Mr. Frothingham, for his excellent report, received the congratulations of the board.

The accompanying table, appended to this year's report, will, I am sure, awaken feelings of interest in the minds of all who have thus far followed our history of the public schools of Charlestown:—

Cost of schools in various towns, 1838

Wager Per Month
PopulationAnnual AppropriationNumber of SchoolsMalesFemales

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