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The closing scene took place at sunset, when the body was interred beside that of Mrs. Garrison in the beautiful cemetery at Forest Hills, in the presence of a large number of friends, and with no other service or ceremony than the singing of an appropriate selection by the quartette.

The flags of the city and State were at half-mast on the day of the funeral. The Governor of the State, in his1 order respecting Decoration Day, invoked special honor2 to the ‘great citizen whose name will be forever associated with the cause and the triumph of the contest.’ In various Northern and Southern cities the colored3 people met in memory of their illustrious champion. The leading papers of the United States and Great Britain contained long editorial and biographical articles on the founder of the anti-slavery movement, which were, with rare exceptions, appreciative and eulogistic. Even the very sheets which had formerly caricatured and reviled him, joined in the general panegyric, and it was one of the bitterest of these which confessed, the morning4 after his death, that the life just ended ‘was lived with a simplicity, singleness of purpose, and unflinching devotion to a self-imposed task rare in the annals of any time or any land.’

1 Thomas Talbot.

2 May 30.

3 Boston Philadelphia, Washington, Cincinnati, Raleigh, Atlanta.

4 N. Y. World, May 25, 1879.

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