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Inclosed is another order on the banker, in case you come Saturday. I write it now, being uncertain that I can write many days longer. I embrace you!

From Ossoli. Rome, 21st August, 1848.
Mio Bene,--I have received your dear letter, and am very sorry not to have found myself there to breakfast with you; but I am waiting a message from you to bring me directly to you, and I hope to find myself some day so situated that you will no longer have need of a companion. You tell me that you are not very well able to write, and I am sorry for you; but since it gives you so much fatigue, ask the master of the house to write, if nothing else, a little assurance of your health, since this is a great solace to me, and I wish you would at least put your seal ring upon it, for that is enough for me. Believe me always the same. I embrace you, adieu; thy affectionate

G. A. O.

From Madame Ossoli Rieti, 22d August, 1848.
I am a little better, dearest; but if I could thus pass a less suffering day! On the contrary, it troubles me that this seems rather an indication that I must wait yet longer. Wait! That is always hard. But — if I were sure of doing well — I should wish much to pass through this trial before your arrival; yet when I think that it is possible for me to die alone, without the touch of one dear hand, I wish to wait yet longer. So I hope for your presence on Sunday morning.

I see by the papers that the Pope suspends the departure of the troops. He acts as I thought he would,

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