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[203] copies, one for yourself and one to give away, if you like. If you noticed it in a New Orleans paper, you might create a demand for it there; the next edition will be out in May.

Fuller Mss. II. 769. 2 Fuller Mss. II. 793.

On December 10, 1845, we find her recording in her journal the pleasure — rarer in those days than now — of receiving an English reprint, published in Clarke's Cabinet Library.2 She was then visiting Mrs. Child; and she records, also, her hope of a second American edition, but I am not aware that it ever arrived until the book was reprinted, after her death, by her brother Arthur.

She also published, during her connection with the “Tribune,” two thin volumes of her miscellaneous writings, called “Papers on literature and Art.” This work appeared in 1846, just before her departure for Europe, and was, in the judgment of her brother Arthur, the most popular of all her books. He has reprinted it, without alteration, in that volume of her writings called “Art, literature, and the Drama,” including the preface, which was thought to savor of vanity and became the theme of Lowell's satire; although the sentence he apparently had in view, “I feel with satisfaction that I have done a good deal to extend the influence of Germany and Italy among my compatriots,” was strictly true.

It was in this volume that she published — being the only part of it that had not previously appeared in print — an essay on “American literature,”

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