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Major-General P. R. Cleburne's division.

First brigade

Commander: Wood, Colonel M. P. Lowry---32d Mississippi regiment, and 45th Mississippi regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel R. Charlton; 16th Alabama regiment, Captain T. A. Ashford; 33d Alabama regiment, Colonel Sam. Adams; 45th Alabama regiment, Colonel E. B. Breedlove; Sharpshooters, Captain Dave Coleman.

Second brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Liddell---2d Arkansas regiment, and 15th Arkansas regiment, Colonel D. C. Govan; 5th Arkansas regiment, and 13th Arkansas regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Murray; 6th Arkansas regiment, and 7th Arkansas regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel P. Snyder; 8th Arkansas regiment and 1st Louisiana regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel F. M. Kent.

Third brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General L. E. Polk---35th Tennessee regiment, and 48th Tennessee regiment, Colonel B. J. Hill; 2d Tennessee regiment, Colonel W. D. Robeson; 1st Arkansas regiment, Colonel J. W. Colquitt; 3d and 5th Confederate regiment, Colonel J. A. Smith.

Fourth brigade.

Commander: Brigadier-General Deshler, Colonel R. Q. Mills---17th Texas regiment, 18th Texas regiment, 24th Texas regiment, and 25th Texas regiment, Major W. A. Taylor; 6th Texas regiment, 10th Texas regiment, and 15th Texas regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel T. S. Anderson; 19th Arkansas regiment, and 24th Arkansas regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Hutchinson.

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