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Joliet, Louis 1645-1700

Discoverer; born in Quebec, Canada, Sept. 21, 1645; was educated at the Jesuit college in his native city, and afterwards engaged in the furtrade in the Western wilderness. In 1673 Intendant Talon, at Quebec, with the sanction of Governor Frontenac, selected Joliet to find and ascertain the direction of the course of the Mississippi and its mouth. Starting from Mackinaw, in May, 1673, with Father Marquette and five other Frenchmen, they reached the Mississippi June 17. They studied the country on their route, made maps, and gained much information. After intercourse with Indians on the lower Mississippi, near the mouth of the Arkansas, who had trafficked with Europeans, they were satisfied that the Mississippi emptied into the Gulf of Mexico, and made their way back to Green Bay, where Joliet started alone for Quebec to report to his superiors. His canoe was upset in Lachine Rapids, above Montreal, and his journals and charts were lost, but he wrote out his narrative from memory, which agreed, in essentials, with that of Marquette. Joliet afterwards went on an expedition to Hudson Bay, in the service of his King, and was rewarded by his sovereign with the appointment of hydrographer to his Majesty, and was favored with the seigniory of the island of Anticosti in 1680. La Salle's pretensions denied him the privilege of making explorations in the West. He died in Canada in May, 1700. [188]

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