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Humphreys, David 1752-1818

Military officer; born in Derby, Conn., July 10, 1752; graduated at Yale College in 1771, and was for a short time tutor in the family of Colonel Phillipse, of Phillipse Manor, N. Y. He entered the army as captain early in the Revolutionary War, and in October, 1777, was major of a brigade. He was aide to General Putnam in 1778,

David Humphreys.

and early in 1780 was made aide to Washington. Having distinguished himself at Yorktown, he was made the bearer of the captured British standards to Congress, when that body voted him an elegant sword. At the close of the war he accompanied Washington to Mount Vernon, and in July, 1784, went to France as secretary of legation to Jefferson, accompanied by Kosciuszko. In 1787 he was appointed colonel of a regiment for the Western service, but when it was reduced, in 1788, he again went to Mount Vernon, where he remained with Washington until sent as minister to Portugal in 1790. He was master of ceremonies in regulating the etiquette of the republican court of [462] the first President. Appointed minister to Spain in 1797, he continued there until 1802, and concluded treaties with Algiers and Tripoli. He was extensively engaged in agriculture and manufactures after his return to America, and in 1812 he took command of the militia of Connecticut. He was a poet of considerable genius; also a dramatic writer. He died in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 21, 1818.

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