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Doc. 3.-proclamation of Gov. Letcher. By the Governor of Virginia.

A proclamation.

Under authority of an act passed on the first day of the present month, (October,) I, John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do hereby proclaim the regulation hereto annexed as having been adopted by me, and to be obligatory upon all persons and corporations coming within their purview from the date hereof.

Given under my hand as Governor and under

L. S.
the seal of the Commonwealth this tenth day of October, 1862, and in the eighty-seventh year of the Commonwealth.

John Letcher. By the Governor. George W. Munford, Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Regulations for obtaining possession of salt in this commonwealth for distribution to the people. Prescribed by the Governor under the act to provide for the production, distribution and sale of salt in this Commonwealth. Passed October first, 1862.

1. No railroad, canal, or other internal improvement company in this State shall undertake to transport any salt beyond the limits of the State unless under some contract already existing with the confederate States or some State of the confederate States. Before said salt shall be removed, the person asking for such transportation, shall make oath or affirmation that the removal asked for is of salt furnished under such existing contract. Without such oath, the salt shall be seized by the superintendent or agent of the transportation company for the use of the commonwealth, and notice be immediately given to the Governor of the amount of salt seized, and the name of the person or persons asking for the transportation.

Individuals in like manner are prohibited from transporting salt beyond the limits of the State. Any person may seize and hold the same for the State and give like notice.

All salt manufactured in the counties of Smythe and Washington, and on hand on the day when the above act was passed, unless heretofore removed from the salt-works, and all salt manufactured after that day, until due notice to the contrary be given by publication in some newspaper printed in the city of Richmond and in the town of Abingdon, shall be thereafter held to be the property of the commonwealth of Virginia, and shall not be removed without authority from the Governor or his duly constituted agent, unless it be salt made to supply some existing contract with the confederate States, or with the separate States of the confederate States, or with individuals, for the benefit of any county, city, or town.

If the owners of salt-works in said counties shall refuse or cease to manufacture salt other than an amount sufficient to execute existing contracts as aforesaid, then, from and after such refusal or cessation shall appear to the Governor to exist, he will exercise the authority vested in him, and seize, take possession of, and hold and exercise full authority and control over the property, real and personal, of any person, firm, or company so refusing or ceasing to manufacture.

If the supply of salt manufactured be not enough to furnish the people of this commonwealth with a sufficient quantity of salt for home consumption, then as soon as such fact shall appear to the Governor, he will exercise the authority vested in him, and “disregard any contract made with the separate States of the confederate States” until the State of Virginia is supplied.

When salt is procured by the State of Virginia, and its constituted agent shall offer the same for transportation on the route of any railroad, canal, or other improvement company, the same shall be immediately transported to the depot designated, unless such transportation will interfere with the transportation of troops, munitions of war, and army supplies of the confederate government. Upon refusal of such company to transport the said salt, the constituted agent of the State will be authorized to take control of any such work and to manage the same until the transportation be accomplished.

The like provision shall be observed when it becomes proper to transport that or other things necessary for the production of salt.

The following places are designated for the present as the points at which salt will be concentrated for sale and distribution, namely, Milborough depot, on the Central Railroad, and Dublin depot, on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad. Other [15] places of deposit will be speedily designated when suitable arrangements for supplies shall have been perfected.

Due notice will be given of the time when the salt will be ready for delivery. The price, quantity for each person, and how it is to be sold and delivered, and the agents employed therefor, will be prescribed in future regulations, and published as required by law.

After the price is so prescribed, the sale of any salt within the commonwealth at a higher rate per bushel, is declared by law to be a misdemeanor, and any violation of the rules and regulations prescribed by the Governor is also a misdemeanor, to be punished, upon conviction, by fine of not less than one hundred nor more than two thousand dollars.

A board of assessors has been appointed by the Legislature to assess the compensation or damages to be paid for property seized or used by the State under this law. The time and place of their meeting will be hereafter prescribed.

The act prohibits all courts or judges from issuing orders or injunctions to stay any proceedings of the Governor, or his authorized agents, under this law.

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