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Doc. 33.-expedition up New River, N. C.

Lieutenant Cushing's report.

U. S. Steamer Hetzel, Nov. 26, 1862.
sir: I have the honor to report that I entered New River Inlet on the twenty-third of this month, with the United States steamer Ellis under my command, succeeded in passing the narrow and shallow place called the Rocks, and started up the river. My object was to sweep the river, capture any vessels there, capture the town of Jacksonville, or Onslow Court-House, take the Wilmington mail, and destroy any salt-works that I might find on the banks. I expected to surprise the enemy in going up, and then to fight my way out. Five miles from the mouth I came in sight of a vessel bound outward with a load of cotton and turpentine. The enemy fired her to prevent her fal<*>ing into our hands. I ran alongside; made sure that they could not extinguish the flames, and again steamed up the river.

At one P. M. I reached the town of Jacksonville, landed, threw out my pickets, and placed guards over the public buildings. This place is the county scat of Onslow County, and is quite an important town. It is situated on the right bank of the river going up, and is thirty-five or forty miles from the mouth. I captured twenty-five stand of public arms in the court-house and post-office, quite a large mail, and two schooners. I also confiscated the negroes of the confederate post-master. I forgot to mention that the town is situated on the main direct road to Wilmington. Several rebel officers escaped as I neared the place, and carried the news to that city.

At half-past 2 P. M. I started down the river, and at five P. M. came in sight of a camp on the banks, which I thoroughly shelled. At the point where the schooner captured in the morning was still burning, the enemy opened fire on the Ellis with rifles, but were soon silenced by our guns. I had two pilots on board, both of whom informed me that it would be impossible to take the steamer from the river that night. High water and day-light were two things absolutely essential in order to take her out. I therefore came to anchor about five miles from the outer bar, took my prizes alongside, and made every preparation to repel an attack. All night long the signal-fires of the enemy could be seen on the banks. At daylight I got under way, and had nearly reached the worst place in the channel when the enemy opened on us with two pieces of artillery. I placed my vessel in position, at once hoisted the battle-flag at the fore; the crew gave it three cheers, and we went into action. In one hour I had driven the enemy from his guns and from the bluff, and passed within a hundred yards of their position without receiving fire.

Up to this time I had been in every way successful; but was here destined to meet with an accident that changed the fortune of the day, and resulted in the destruction of my vessel. About five hundred yards from the bluffs the pilots, mistaking the channel, ran the Ellis hard and fast aground. All hands went to work at once to lighten her, and anchors and steam used to get her afloat; but without success. The headway of the steamer had forced her over a shoal and into a position where, as the centre of a circle, we had a circumference of shoal all around. When the tide fell I sent a party ashore to take possession of the artillery abandoned in the morning; but when they reached the field it was discovered that it had been removed while we were at work on the vessel. If I had secured this I proposed to construct a shore battery to assist in the defence of my vessel by keeping the rebels from placing their batteries in position. At dark I took one of my prize schooners along-side, and proceeded to take every thing out of the Ellis, excepting the pivot-gun, some ammunition, two tons of coal, and a few small arms. Steam and anchor again failed to get my vessel [182] afloat. I felt confident that the confederates would come on me in overwhelming force, and it now became my duty to save my men. So all hands were called to muster, and the crew told that they could go aboard the schooner. I called for six volunteers to remain with me on board and fight the remaining gun. Knowing that it was almost certain death, the men came forward, and two masters' mates — Valentine and Barton — were amongst the number; these gentlemen subsequently behaved with coolness and bravery. I ordered the schooner to drop down the channel out of range from the bluffs, and there to wait for the termination of the impending engagement, and if we were destroyed to proceed to sea.

Early in the morning the enemy opened on us from four points, with heavy rifled guns, (one a Whitworth.) It was a cross-fire and very destructive. I replied as best I could, but in a short time the engine was disabled, and she was much cut up in every part, and the only alternatives left were surrender or a pull of one and a half miles, under their fire, in my small boat. The first of these was not, of course, to be thought of; the second I resolved to attempt. I fired the Ellis in five places, and having seen that the battle-flag was still flying, trained the gun on the enemy so that the vessel might fight herself after we had left her, and started down the river, reached the schooner, and made sail for sea. It was low water on the bar and a heavy surf was rolling in; but the wind forced us through after striking several times.

We were just in time, for about six hundred yards down the beach were several companies of cavalry trying to reach the mouth of the inlet in time to cut us off. We hoisted our flag and gave three cheers and were off.

In four hours I reached Beaufort. I brought away all my men, my rifled howitzer, and ammunition, the ship stores and clothing, the men's bags and hammocks, and a portion of the small arms. I retained aboard a few muskets, pikes and pistols to repel boarders.

I neglected to state that when I took possession of the enemy's ground, on the twenty-fourth, a salt-work was destroyed and ten boats rendered useless that were to have been used for boarding. At nine A. M., the United States steamer Ellis was blown in pieces by the explosion of the magazine. Officers and men behaved nobly, obeying orders strictly under the most trying circumstances.

I respectfully request that a court of inquiry may be ordered to investigate the facts of the case, and to see if the honor of the flag has suffered in my hands.

I am, sir, very respectfully your obedient servant,

Wm. B. Cushing, Lieutenant. To Commander H. K. Davenport, Senior Officer Commanding in Sounds of North-Carolina.

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