Libertytown, Md., March 24.--On Thursday of last week four young men of the city of Frederick came to the good old town of Liberty, and whilst passing the Stars and Stripes floating from a pole at the west end of the town, took occasion, we are told, to curse that time-honored emblem, and say something about taking it down.
Hearing, however, that they would be called to account for their rebellious acts, they loaded their pistols before leaving the hotel, we are told, and said what they would do if attacked.
Now comes the “fun.”
About five o'clock the carriage is seen coming up the hill, and when nearly opposite the flag, two of our citizens walked out into the middle of the street and gave the command, “Halt,” which was promptly obeyed.
The next command was: “Salute that flag.”
After an excuse or two about a “bad cold,” and “how salute it?”
they gave a weak “cheer.”
The answer was, “That won't do; a little louder!”
and the second time their voices, raised considerable; but “louder yet” was commanded, and the third time they gave a mighty good proof of strong lungs.
They were then ordered to curse Secessionism, and they did so, after which they were allowed to pass on, wiser, if not better men.--Banner of Liberty, March 24.
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