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One Sanderson, of Orleans County, New-York, makes this proposition through the columns of the Rochester Democrat:

The undersigned is willing to enter into an agreement to build two steam battering-rams for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, ($150,000,) and whip any war vessel now afloat without firing a gun or losing a man; then for seventy-five thousand dollars, ($75,000,) he will build four rams, and whip the two first without firing a gun or losing a man on either side; then for fifty thousand dollars, ($50,000,) he will build eight rams, and whip the four without firing a gun or losing a man on either side; then for twenty-five thousand dollars, ($25,000,) he will build a caloric pony, and place on its back a battery, and do more fighting with it than any regiment of infantry that is now in the field, and, by so doing, demonstrate the fact that the day has come when nations can disband their armies and navies, and, comparatively speaking, do all their fighting by caloric or steam.

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