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Maryland, O Maryland!

The following song was written as a substitute for “Maryland, my Maryland” :

The traitor's foot is on thy shore,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
He whispers treason at thy door,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
His minions crowd old Baltimore;
     Her streets are stained with patriot gore;
Her Union banner waves no more,
     Maryland, O Maryland!

Hast thou no noble hearts to feel?
     Maryland, O Maryland!
No hands to wield the avenging steel?
     Maryland, O Maryland!
Dost thou desert thy country's weal,
     While rebel foes their plots reveal,
And bruise thee with the traitor's heel?
     Maryland, O Maryland!

[73] Are all thy loyal sires of old,
     Maryland, O Maryland I
Who sleep beneath thy sacred mould,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
Forgotten like a tale that's told,
     While their base sons have honor sold,
And only treachery is bold?
     Maryland, O Maryland!

Spurn from thy soul the shameful wrong,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
Once more for liberty be strong,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
Let thy old glorious banner-song,
     Its spirit-stirring strains prolong,
While thousands to its standard throng,
     Maryland, O Maryland!

Virginia has forged her chain,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
Hark, how it clanks o'er hill and plain,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
Is that indeed “the proud refrain,”
     “Sic semper,” to be heard again,
Mingled with many a cherished strain,
     Maryland, O Maryland!

Well may the crimson stain thy cheek,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
That thou shouldst be so basely meek,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
When wounded Freedom sends a shriek,
     From plain to plain, from peak to peak,
And all her clarion voices speak,
     Maryland, O Maryland!

Wake thee, and from the dust arise,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
Look up! look up, with eager eyes,
     Maryland, Maryland!
Where the “star-spangled banner” flies,
     Across the azure of the skies,
And, ere thy day of doom, be wise,
     Maryland, O Maryland!

Gird on thy armor for the fight,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
On for the Union and the right,
     Maryland, O Maryland!
Be no more dead, or deaf, or dumb;
     Rouse to the bugle and the drum;
“Huzza! she breathes! she burns! she'll come!”
     Maryland, our Maryland!

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