June 15, 1863. |
June 9. |
Lee had about a week's start of Hooker in the race for the Potomac, and when the latter disappeared behind the Stafford hills,
May 13. |
June 17. |
June 15, 1863. |
June 9. |
Lee had about a week's start of Hooker in the race for the Potomac, and when the latter disappeared behind the Stafford hills,
May 13. |
June 17. |
1 The eastern, under General Couch, was called the Department of the Susquehanna, with Headquarters at Harrisburg; and the western, under General Brooks, the Department of the Monongahela, with Headquarters at Pittsburg. The Middle Department was under the command of General Schenck, Headquarters at Baltimore.
2 Maryland was called upon for 10,000 men; Pennsylvania, 50,000; Ohio, 30,000; and West Virginia, 10,000.
3 The Secretary of War and Governor Curtin called upon Governor Parker, of New Jersey, for troops, and he responded by issuing a call on the 16th. On the same day, General Sanford, of New York City, issued an order for the regiments of the First Division of that State to proceed forthwith to Harrisburg, “to assist in repelling” the invasion of Pennsylvania. In addition to these, about 1,800 volunteers from various parts of the State were organized and equipped, and sent to Harrisburg. On the 20th of June, about 50,000 men had Responded to the President's call. New York had furnished 15,000; Pennsylvania, 25,000; New Jersey, 3,000; Delaware, 2,000; Maryland, 5,000. A patriotic appeal of Governor Bradford, of the latter State, fully aroused the loyal people to action.
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