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PAX JULIA (Πὰζ Ἰουλία, Ptol. 2.5.5; called in the Geogr. Rav., 4.43, Pacca Julia), a town of the Turdetani, in the S. of Lusitania, and on the road from Esuris to Ebora (Itin. Ant. pp. 426, 427). But on the subject of this route see LUSITANIA, Vol. II. p. 220. It was a Roman colony, and the seat of a Conventus juridicus (Plin. Nat. 4.35); probably the same town as that called Pax Augusta by Strabo (iii. p.151),--as many towns bore double names in this manner,--notwithstanding that it is placed by him among the Celtici. (Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1. p. 388, and the authorities there cited.) It lay on a hill N. of Julia Myrtilis, and is commonly identified with Beja.


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