
Translator's Preface

THE Latin text of Vols. II. to IV. (comprising Books III.-X.) has been set up, like that of Vol. I., from the latest revisions of the Weissenborn-Mueller edition with German notes, except that the Periochae have been reprinted from the text of Rossbach (1910). But the spelling is that adopted by Professors Conway and Walters in their critical edition of Books I.-V. and Books VI.-X. (Oxford, 1914 and 1919), which is the source also of most of the rather numerous readings which differ from those of the Weissenborn-Mueller text, and has furnished besides the materials from which the textual notes have been drawn up. I have aimed to record every instance where the reading printed does not rest on the authority of one or more of the good MSS., and to indicate the provenience of the emendation. In addition to the symbols used by the Oxford editors, I have employed ω to designate such of the good MSS. as are not cited specifically for some other reading, and ς to designate one or more of the late MSS. or early printed texts.

Besides the translations mentioned in the preface to Vol. I. (those of Philemon Holland, George [p. viii] Baker, and Canon Roberts) I have had by me the anonymous version printed in London in 1686, in folio, “for Awnsham Churchill at the Black Swan in Ave-Mary Lane, near Paternoster Row.”

I am also indebted to the following editions of parts of Livy: Book III. by P. Thoresby Jones, Oxford, 1914; IV. by H. M. Stephenson, Cambridge, 1890; V. by Leonard Whibley, Cambridge, 1910; V.-VII. by Cluer and Matheson, Oxford, 1904; VI. by F. H. Marshall, Cambridge, 1908; IX. by W. B. Anderson, Cambridge, 1909, and by T. Nicklin, Oxford, 1910. The commentaries of Weissenborn-Mueller and Luterbacher have, of course, been constantly consulted.

B. O. F.

In the second impression of this volume a number of misprints and one or two errors of translation have been corrected. I wish to thank Prof. G. R. Noyes of the University of California, and Mr. O. J. S. Satchel of the Boys' High School, Kimberley, South Africa, for the notes of errata with which they very kindly furnished me.

August, 1939.

[p. ix]

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