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I do not think that anything has been omitted by me; but some topics have been reserved for the end of my speech, and they are of such a nature that they ought to reconcile you cordially to Deiotarus—for I am not now afraid of your being angry with him; I am apprehensive rather of your suspecting that he harbours some resentment against you. And that suspicion, believe me, O Caesar, is as remote as possible from the truth. For he recollects only what he still has left owing to you, and not what he has lost by your means; nor does he consider that he has been deprived of anything by you, but being aware that it was necessary for you to give many rewards to many people, he did not think it hard that you should take something from him who had been on the other side.

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load focus Latin (Albert Clark, Albert Curtis Clark, 1918)
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