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Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
its blue field is sacred. And let me conclude with the sentiment of a citizen of another State, declaring that we will preserve the Constitution. We will preserve the Union; we will preserve our flag, with every star that glitters upon it, and we will see to it that there is a State for every star. [Continued cheering.] The meeting then adjourned, and Gov. Seymour arriving again at the hotel, shook hands and conversed with citizens and friends until the hour for dinner. The Eastern Virginia Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg. The New York Time contains a letter signed John P, Gray, who was sent to the Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg to Inspect it. The following is an extract from his report: I remained, and visited the Asylum with Gen. Foster and staff, and while there received from Col. Robert M. West, commanding the post, and Dr. John D. Weaver, 1st Pennsylvania artillery, physician in charge, all the sets in their possession in regard to the institution, since it has
New York State (New York, United States) (search for this): article 1
th every material power to secure success to our cause. But we say more than that; we say that we will add to the power of force the influences of wise statesmanship, of conciliation, of Christian charity, of patriotic purpose.--[Cheers.] The draft has been the first great attempt to exercise this power, and it has miserably failed. --instead of strengthening the Government, it has immeasurably weakened it. I do not fear for the States, but for the Federal Governments. The great State of New York can maintain her rights when the little men who insult her are passed away and forgotten. [Great cheering.] You remember how gloriously the State responded to the calls for volunteers. Our rulers, when they saw the mighty armies they had marshaled, thought it had been done by their own power, instead of by the spontaneous patriotism of the people. They said we will pass around the hat no more when we want men ormoney, but we will pass a law and send out force, so that when we want m
York (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
en admitted and 61 have been discharged and died, leaving a population of 238. The matron and some other officers and their attendant, to their praise, remained faithful to their posts, and are discharging their duties without reward further than food and clothing. A parcel of land belonging to the institution is cultivated by the servants and some of the patients, and yields a reasonable supply of summer vegetables; fish and oysters, in their season, are also easily obtained from York river. For all other supplies there is no dependence other than the magnificence of the United States Government. The army rations are furnished, consisting of fresh and salt beef, pork, flour, beans, rice, hominy, coffee, tea, sugar, potatoes, desiccated vegetables, dried fruit, salt, vinegar, soap and candles. Fuel, clothing, bedding, furniture, are also supplied. The United States Sanitary Commission, with its universal charity, has furnished from its stores such needed comforts as hav
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 1
d, the accomplished Superintendent of the Asylum, Dr. Gait, committed outside. There were then in the institution nearly 300 patients. Those insane people were without medical supervision or support, and Gen. McClellan ordered Dr. Thompson, of Illinois, in charge, and all needful supplies were furnished. In June, Dr. Thompson was relieved by the appointment of Dr. G. F. Watson by Gov. Pierpont. This arrangement continued until the withdrawal of the United States army from in front of Richmonin the hears, and the procession then moved forward to the burying-ground. The interment was made at Elmwood Cemetery. Some Stories of Lincoln — the change in Baltimore. At a Republican meeting in New York Saturday night Gov. Yates, of Illinois, gave Abraham the I, the following handsome puff. "As I said at the Chicago Convention, I say now, I believe he is the instrument in the hands of God to lead this chosen people to the banks of deliverance on the other side. When I sent my
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 1
joice at the full completion of our heart's desire, we are met — not by assurances that peace is restored to our land, not by the fact that rebellion is put down; no, my friends, we are met by another call for 600,000 men. This moment everywhere our armies are on the defensive. The question to day is — not "What are we doing? "but "What are the enemy doing?"The question is --not "Where do our Generals attack?" but "Where are we threatened?" Look at the Potomac. Look at the Cumberland and Tennessee. Notwithstanding the vast contributions of blood, and men, and treasure, to day we are called upon to furnish 600,000 more, including the number embraced under the Conscription act, and you, the people of New York, to-day are called upon to furnish 108,000 men before the 5th of January next. Now, there are some things about which there is no difference of opinion among candid men of all parties. It is agreed that there is a limit in the expenditure of money when the nation must be w
Onondaga, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): article 1
s then ready to fall to pieces, is united, and apparently as strong as ever. Why? That party most endangers the public welfare which not only refuses to use every influence that can be brought to hear, but opposes obstacles in the way of a successful completion of the contrast in which we are engaged. That man who, not content with restoring the Union and up holding the Constitution, adds further objects more difficult of attainment, hinders the success of the war. I appeal to you, men of Onondaga, men of Central New York, if they are not making success more difficult, more unattainable, if in any event they are not postponing the end, until you are brought nearer and nearer those calamities which. He straight in our pathway — national bankruptcy and national ruin. They say we must fight until slavery is extinguished; they say we must fight until the States shall assume new relationships to the Federal Government — until it becomes revolutionary in its aspects and influences. We a
North America (search for this): article 1
e the salvation of God." [Prolonged cheers and applause.] Fellow-citizens, you have heard it said Mr. Lincoln was an honest man. He is; and God Almighty never made a purer, a more honest man than Abraham Lincoln. [Applause.] But that does not begin to be half of it; for I say, after an acquaintance of twenty-five years, and a close study of his character, that in all the elements of clearness, pure, lofty, and prudent statesmanship, Abraham Lincoln has not an equal upon the continent of North America. [Applause.] A grand Yankee mass meeting was held in Bellmore Friday, at which Secretary Chase and others spoke. Hon. S. S. Galloway, of Ohio, said: That the President told him he would send a letter to the meeting; but on calling for it, per agreement, the President said he could not find the time to write one that would do justice to his feelings. "Two years ago," he said, he "passed through Baltimore clandestinely, and now they invite me to their meetings. How can I expr
United States (United States) (search for this): article 1
e to govern, let us at least be consistent, and ask that military men shall judge what these necessities are — men who can marshal armies in the field and fight great battles. The very proposition disfranchises you. If you assent to it, you men of Central New York, give up your constitutional right to your own judgment. Now I propose to inquire, What has taken place since I stood here one year ago? What were the circumstances of our country then? At that moment the people of the United States had given, voluntarily, under the calls of our Government, six hundred thousand men to swell the ranks of your armies. Before that time our political opponents, through their journals and speakers, had said that the Administration had failed in the conduct of the war. Therefore it was that at the last November election, when you did me the honor to place me in the Gubernatorial chair, you decided that they had failed in meeting the just expectations of the American people. You gave the
ng of curiosity. The coffin, which was profusely decorated with white flowers and evergreens, was placed in the middle aisle immediately in front of the chancel. The upper part of the coffin lid was removed and the face of the deceased exposed to view. Hundreds of men and women viewed the inanimate form, and many of them as they moved away shed tears. At half-past 4 the clergy and the family of the deceased entered the church. The choir chanted a requiem, and the 15th chapter of Paul's epistle to Timothy was read by the Rev. Mr. Okeson. The Rev. Dr. Rodman, the pastor of the church, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Parkman, performed the solemn rites according to the Episcopal form of service. At 5 o'clock the coffin was placed in the hears, and the procession then moved forward to the burying-ground. The interment was made at Elmwood Cemetery. Some Stories of Lincoln — the change in Baltimore. At a Republican meeting in New York Saturday night Gov. Yates, of Illin
rofusely decorated with white flowers and evergreens, was placed in the middle aisle immediately in front of the chancel. The upper part of the coffin lid was removed and the face of the deceased exposed to view. Hundreds of men and women viewed the inanimate form, and many of them as they moved away shed tears. At half-past 4 the clergy and the family of the deceased entered the church. The choir chanted a requiem, and the 15th chapter of Paul's epistle to Timothy was read by the Rev. Mr. Okeson. The Rev. Dr. Rodman, the pastor of the church, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Parkman, performed the solemn rites according to the Episcopal form of service. At 5 o'clock the coffin was placed in the hears, and the procession then moved forward to the burying-ground. The interment was made at Elmwood Cemetery. Some Stories of Lincoln — the change in Baltimore. At a Republican meeting in New York Saturday night Gov. Yates, of Illinois, gave Abraham the I, the following handso
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