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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 5: the week of flying fights. (search)
broken up, and the Confederacy at least mounted on its last legs. The splendid work of the right wing of our army on the 2d had set this in motion, and we still thought our restless behavior on the extreme left had at least induced Lee to notify Davis on the evening of that day that he should be obliged to abandon his lines during the night and would endeavor to reach Danville, North Carolina. Davis anticipated him with military promptitude, and succeeded in getting off with his personal effeDavis anticipated him with military promptitude, and succeeded in getting off with his personal effects and the Confederate archives by the Danville Road. Grant had ordered a general assault on the interior lines of Petersburg and Richmond early on this morning of the 3d, but it was then discovered that they had been evacuated during the night. These places were immediately occupied by our troops, and General Warren was assigned to the command of the forces in and around Petersburg and City Point. The order given by Lee for the general retreat had been put into execution early in the ev
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 7: the return of the Army. (search)
s-came out to ask what had happened that disturbed us so deeply. It is bad news for the South, said I. Is it Lee or Davis? she asked, a look of pain pinching her features. I must tell you, madam, with a warning, I replied. I have put your hen broken up; many able and honorable officers, and perhaps thirty thousand of their best men had given their parole; but Davis and officers of his Government had got away, and there were other armies and other men, whom the shock of the surrender aion's tears, than to walk the earth guilty of a nation's blood. Better, thousandfold, forever better, Lincoln dead, than Davis living. Then admonished of the passion he was again arousing, he passed to an exhortation that rose into a prayer, theelse of some renegades, thinking all was lost, giving way to general disgust with all creation. The houses of Lee and of Davis received much attention,--the latter apparently already pillaged. The famous statue of Washington stood solitary in the
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 8: the encampment. (search)
not the whole of Sherman's great Army of the West. The part of it which he brought here comprised many high names and titles, as well as stalwart men: the old Army of the Tennessee (once McPherson's, later Howard's, now under Logan), composed of the Fifteenth Corps, Hazen commanding (Sherman's old corps), and the Seventeenth Corps under Blair, together with the Army of Georgia, commanded now by Slocum, composed of the Fourteenth Corps (part of Thomas' old Army of the Cumberland), now under Davis, and the Twentieth Corps under Mower,--this latter composed of the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps of the Army of the Potomac sent to Sherman after Gettysburg, with Howard and Slocum. That part of Sherman's old army known as the Army of the Ohio, now commanded by Schofield, and made up of the Twenty-third Corps under Cox and the Tenth Corps under Terry,--of Fort Fisher fame,was not brought to this encampment. The fame of these men excited our curiosity and wish to know them better. Althoug
any unwonted feeling. The man was quiet, silent, and seemed to be waiting calmly. I never saw a smile upon his face until some months after the battle, when President Davis came to review the troops at Fairfax Court-House. That smile was caused by a little incident which may entertain some readers. The present writer was sent o the officer commanding requested that the vehicle should draw out of the road to make way for the President. This was done at once, and soon his Excellency, President Davis, appeared, riding between Stuart and Beauregard — the latter wearing his dress uniform with a Zouave cap, the crown of which was an intensely dazzling circle his arms and exclaimed, Papa, Papa! in a tone so enthusiastic that it attracted attention, and General Stuart said, This is my family, Mr. President, Whereupon Mr. Davis stopped, saluted the young lady, patted the boy upon the head, and endeavoured to attract his attention, in which he failed however, as the boy's mind was absorb
battles; lost about one-third of their force by death in action, or disabling wounds; and were again on the war-harried banks of the Rappahannock. VII. A few words will terminate this sketch of the summer campaign of 1863. Of this great ride with the cavalry through Pennsylvania, the present writer has preserved recollections rather amusing and grotesque, than sad or tragic. The anxiety expressed by a fat lady of Dutch origin, to secure a blue postage stamp with the head of President Davis upon it, a gentleman whom she evidently expected to find endued with horns and tail en Diable; the manner in which an exceedingly pretty damsel in a town through which the army was retreating, turned her back upon the writer, as he smiled respectfully upon catching her eye; turned her back, tossed her head, and looked daggers; the air of hauteur and outraged feeling with which another refused to lend a coffeepot, not even melting at the offender's low bow, and I will not insist, madam -
t had foreseen had come to pass. Between his 40,000 men and Danville were the 140,000 men of Grant. Ii. I should think it impossible even for his worst enemy to regard the situation of this truly great man at the moment in question without a certain sympathy and respect. He was not Commander-in-Chief only, but the whole Southern Confederacy himselfcarrying upon his shoulders the heavy weight of the public care. Every confidence was felt in the patriotism and sincere devotion of President Davis to the Southern cause-but there was a very general distrust of his judgment, and his administration had not made him popular. Lee, on the contrary, was the idol almost of the people; and it was to him that the South looked in this dark hour, calling on him for deliverance. Up to this moment he had been in a condition to meet his great responsibility. In a campaign of unexampled fury, dragging its bloody steps from the Rappahannock to the Appomattox, he had held his lines against a
y drop of rain that pattered on my shivering form, fell upon me like the summer shower falls upon the parched and thirsty grass. I did not complain that I had to march the whole fourteen miles through the cold, mud, and snow, in my bare feet, for I knew that this was my last hardship. Our guard were not at all rigorous in our marching, and therefore, I often had an opportunity to converse with the teamsters. One of them remarked to me: Did you know dere wuz a coffin laid on Massa Jeff Davis's door step t'odder night? No, answered I; what do you think that was done for? I dunno, I ‘spect some ob de Union men done it to let him know dey would kill him if he didn't mind. He's had his house guarded ebber since wid two hundred men. Well, uncle, what do you black folks think about this war? Why, God bless you, sah! we been looking for Massa McClellan wid all our eyes. And if he'd jes come leetle closer, dar's a darky here what'ud a leff dis State quick! At th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letter from President Davis-reply to Mr. Hunter. (search)
nterview and subsequently until his capture, I had the honor of being one of the President's aids, and was most intimately and cordially associated with him and the remaining members of his official family; and I beg to say, that he never spoke a word to me on the theme suggested by Mr. Hunter; nor did I ever hear a word spoken by one of his aids implying any disparagement of Mr. Hunter, or indicating that any facts had been gotten hold of respecting the alleged or any other interview with Mr. DaVis. It is almost incredible to me that any one at all acquainted with the character of Mr. Davis could indulge a suspicion, however faint, that he could have been capable of betraying trust or of breaking faith.. Of all men he is the last to whom such imputation could attach. It is equally beyond belief that he could have tolerated, much less inspired in his staff, any assault upon the motives or character of Mr. Hunter. The Confederate President was immeasurably superior to any such
d Examiner. auction sales. this day. by Dickinson, Hill & Co., Auctioneers. 10 negroes.--Will be sold by us, this morning at 10 o'clock, 10 likely negroes. may 24 Dickinson, Hill & Co., Aucts. auction sales. by Pulliam & Davis, Auctioneers. 8 negroes.--This day, at 10 o'clock, we will sell 8 likely negroes, Men, Boys, and Girls. may 24. Pulliam & Davis, Aucts. Dickinson, Hill & Company, body-sellers and body-buyers, subject only to the Constitution, carry Davis, Aucts. Dickinson, Hill & Company, body-sellers and body-buyers, subject only to the Constitution, carry on their nefarious business in Wall street — I believe its name is — within pistol shot of the capitol of Virginia and its executive mansion. Near their auction-room, on the opposite side of the street, is the office of another person engaged in the same inhuman traffic, who has painted, in bold Roman letters, on a signboard over the door: E. A. G. Clopton Agent, For Hiring Out Negroes, and Renting Out Houses. Both negroes and houses, by the laws of Virginia, are held, adjudged and
that our weakness is rapidly manifesting itself even to our own deluded minds? Fellow-soldiers, we have been too often deceived by these wily liars to place the slightest confidence in any thing they tell us! They are but Invented lies to enable them to tie the cord of Despotism tighter around our wrists! Every intelligent soldier among us knows that we are already whipped, and why not acknowledge it at once? Why not show our leaders that we know we are whipped as well as they do? President Davis virtually Acknowledges this fact; so does the Secretary of war, and the Secretary of the treasury. What use is there for us to contend against A dead currency and an empty Commissary in the face of the best army ever marshaled for combat? Think of these things, fellow-soldiers, and decide what shall be your course. We have made up our minds to go home as soon as our time is out. many soldiers. The italics and capitals are the author's; the punctuation is mine. I have the origin