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Arises. --The police yesterday arrested Alfred Hill, a free negro, and Alpheus Grandison, a slave, for stealing $16 from a fellow darkey, Messrs. R. H. Dickinson, Ro. H. Styll and N. Tinsley Pate arrested Dr. George R. C. Todd, at the St. Charles Hotel, and conveyed him to the cage, where he was delivered in custody of police officer Bibb, and locked up for being a suspicious character, and using incendiary language. Todd hails from Lexington, Kentucky. He was heard by sundry witnesses reviling prominent leaders of Confederate State forces as "d — d traitors," and indulging in other opprobrious epithets towards the South and its defenders, when he was immediately seized. Prisoner (who has an impediment in his speech) is a brother of Lieutenant David H. Todd, an officer in the service of the Confederate States--a gallant and meritorious gentleman. He is also a brother of Mrs. Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln, President of the Northern States. He had on his person one or more
St. Charles Hotel. --This capacious establishment, so kindly tendered by the owners, Messrs. R. H. Dickinson and Geo. W. Yancey, has been converted into a regular Hospital by the committee appointed to attend on our wounded and sick volunteers. The committee deserve great praise for their untiring exertion and strict attention to the wants of our sick and wounded. There is in attendance a regularly organised corps of Surgeons, among whom are Drs. J. F. Jackson and F. W. Hancock, of Richmond; Dr. Tuff, of Washington, D. C., and Dr. Jones, of Maryland. There are 160, or more, patients in the building.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership. --By the death of Chs. B. Hill, the concern of Dickinson, Hill & Co. is dissolved. All persons indebted to said concern will make payment to us. The name of the concern will be used only in settling up the business. R. H. Dickinson, N. B. Hill, Surviving partners. Co-Partnershiers. Co-Partnership.--The subscribers have associated themselves together under the style of Dickinson & Hill, for the purpose of carrying on the Auction and Commission Business for the sale of Negroes, at the old-established stand of Dickinson, Hill & Co. Richard H. Dickinson, Nat. B. Hill. Oct. 1, 1861. oc 4--ts ers. Co-Partnership.--The subscribers have associated themselves together under the style of Dickinson & Hill, for the purpose of carrying on the Auction and Commission Business for the sale of Negroes, at the old-established stand of Dickinson, Hill & Co. Richard H. Dickinson, Nat. B. Hill. Oct. 1, 1861. oc 4--ts
100 dollars reward. --The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery to me of my servant girl Elmira, who ranaway about the first of August. She is black, about 16 years of age, well grown for her age has large full eyes. I purchased her last spring of Mr. R. H. Dickinson; she formerly belonged to a Mr. Fitzhugh, of Fredericksburg. She has a mother living at President Davis's. She has been seen frequently on Church Hill, going in the direction of Union Hill and Howard's Grove. A. W. Taylor, Corner 29th and Main streets. no 6--1t*
One hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, in Nelson-county, on the 27th of October, a negro man named Overton; said negro is about five feet ten inches high, bright mulatto; he has a wife at W P Harrison's, near the Carbon coal mines, upper end of Henrico county, and was seen there in the last three or four days. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to Dickinson, Hill & Co. Wm P Cox. no 5--6t*
Fifty dollars reward. --For Primes, who left my farm on the 17th inst, and is Lurking about the city. He is about 15 or 16 years old; fall; yellow complexion; pock marked; dressed in a gray suit; wears a cap. The above reward will be paid if delivered to hill & Dickinson. H Lofland. oc 28--1w*
Two hundred and fifty dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber on Wednesday, the 9th inst, one negro man named Henry, age about 30 years, medium height, dark copper color, weighs about 165 pounds, and came from Chester District, S. C. He may attempt to get back to that State. He was supposed to have been caught on the same day, but broke and ran from his captor. I will give two hundred and fifty dollars reward for his apprehension and delivery to Messrs. Hill, Dickinson & Co, or confined in any jail so I get him. R H Davis se 14--ts
s reward --Ranaway from the subscriber, on the evening of the 28th inst, a young negro man named John, formerly the property of Mr. Charles Cook, of Hanover, by whom he was sold on the morning of the 28th inst, at the auction house of Hill, Dickinson & Co. Said negro is about 19 years of age, beardless, and has a small scar upon the shin of his right leg; black, straight, an I well proportioned. The above reward will be paid upon his delivery to Hill, Dickinson & Co or myself. [se 30--ts]away from the subscriber, on the evening of the 28th inst, a young negro man named John, formerly the property of Mr. Charles Cook, of Hanover, by whom he was sold on the morning of the 28th inst, at the auction house of Hill, Dickinson & Co. Said negro is about 19 years of age, beardless, and has a small scar upon the shin of his right leg; black, straight, an I well proportioned. The above reward will be paid upon his delivery to Hill, Dickinson & Co or myself. [se 30--ts] Robert H Davis.
For sale. --A No. 1 Cook, and a Washer, Ironer, and Nurse.--We have for sale privately a No. 1 cook; she is about 50 years of age, and as good as any in the State. Also, a woman about 20 years of age, with a young child, who is a good house servant, washer, ironer, and nurse. Hill, Dickinson & Co, oc 31--ts