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United States (United States) (search for this): article 7
ed to Committee Military Affairs. Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military officers, reported a bill containing in effect the provisions of the resolution of Mr. Conrad for the appointment of a Commanding General of the armies of the Confederate states, and urged that it be put upon its passage. Mr. Wright, of Ga., hoped that the chairman of the military Committee would not insist upon immediate action on the bill. He had no disposition! to oppose the bill as he understood it, but e to lose incoming to conclusions on- great questions, such as he regarded the bill before the House. The proposition was not a mere experiment. All Governments recognized the necessary of such an office as the bill intended to create. The United States had made General McClellan Commander-in-Chief of the armies of that Government, and whilst he did not desire ours to imitate that Government, yet he conceived the public necessities required that there should be an officer of ability and expe
Floyd (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 7
he and offered. Mr. Milks, from the Committee on Military, desired to report a bill that committee which he thought would cover the ground of the resolution, The bill was then and Mr. Conrad withdrew his resolution. Mr. Trippe, of Ga., submitted a bill for the payment of the salaries of District Collectors in those State which had assumed the war tax. Referred to the Committee'on Claims. Mr. Moore, of Ky., asked leave to introduce a bill to pay the citizens of Pike and Floyd counties, in that State, for supplies furnished to our armies. Referred to the committee on Claims. Mr. Perkins, of La. offered a resolution, which was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Kenner, of La., introduced resolutions adopted by the Legislature of that State, which he desired referred to the Committee in Post-office and Post Roads. They were to referred. Mr. Conrad, of La, presented a memorial of the proprietors of the New Orleans Delta, which was referred to Committ
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 7
House of Representatives. Thursday, Feb. 27, 1862. House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. M. Road, of Kentucky Journal of yesterday read. Mr. Baldwin, of Virginia, appeared and took the requisite oath. The question before the House being the motion of Sir Villare of that hee the House meet at 11 o'clock, instead of 12 as now, and remain in session until 4 o'clock P. M., that gentleman accepted the amendment of Mr. Miles, of South Carolina, outstanding 12 o'clock. Mr. , of Texas, opposed the amendment and favored the resolution as originally presented The hour for meeting was fixed at 11 o'clock. Mr. Bauck, of Kentucky, moved to strike but the clause of the resolution, making a motion to adjourn out of order until 4 o'clock P. M., motion agreed to. Mr. Garnett, of Va., said that as the President had upon this House, in common with the people of the Confederate , to observe to morrow as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer,
n might conflict with that provision of the Constitution. Mr. Miles explained the bill, and stated that that appointment of an officer to the position of Commanding General, did not create him Commander- in-Chief. Mr. Wright asked the purpose of the bill was it to supersede the President in command of the army? If that was its object, he was prepared to fight now, and on, until convinced that he was wrong. Asked that the bill be printed, and the members allowed time to consider it. Mr. Gartrell, of Ga., hoped that his colleague would not insist upon postponing the bill, and if he did, that the members would vote him down. Be thought that the bill should be passed at once, and believed that it would give power, concentration and effect to our armies. He called the question on the motion of his colleague. The question being pu was decided in the negative, and without further consideration of the bill, the House, on motion of Mr. Lyons, went into secret session.
adequate to the discharged and the responsible duties resting upon the War Department at this time. After bellowing a good deal of reflection upon the object, but two modes had ben presented to mind, the most practicable of which was suggested in the resolution he and offered. Mr. Milks, from the Committee on Military, desired to report a bill that committee which he thought would cover the ground of the resolution, The bill was then and Mr. Conrad withdrew his resolution. Mr. Trippe, of Ga., submitted a bill for the payment of the salaries of District Collectors in those State which had assumed the war tax. Referred to the Committee'on Claims. Mr. Moore, of Ky., asked leave to introduce a bill to pay the citizens of Pike and Floyd counties, in that State, for supplies furnished to our armies. Referred to the committee on Claims. Mr. Perkins, of La. offered a resolution, which was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Kenner, of La., introduced resol
off red a resolution for the appointment of a Commanding General upon whom shall revolve the control and tion of the armies of the Confederate . In support of the resolution, he said that no one person was adequate to the discharged and the responsible duties resting upon the War Department at this time. After bellowing a good deal of reflection upon the object, but two modes had ben presented to mind, the most practicable of which was suggested in the resolution he and offered. Mr. Milks, from the Committee on Military, desired to report a bill that committee which he thought would cover the ground of the resolution, The bill was then and Mr. Conrad withdrew his resolution. Mr. Trippe, of Ga., submitted a bill for the payment of the salaries of District Collectors in those State which had assumed the war tax. Referred to the Committee'on Claims. Mr. Moore, of Ky., asked leave to introduce a bill to pay the citizens of Pike and Floyd counties, in that State, fo
might conflict with that provision of the Constitution. Mr. Miles explained the bill, and stated that that appointment of an officer to the position of Commanding General, did not create him Commander- in-Chief. Mr. Wright asked the purpose of the bill was it to supersede the President in command of the army? If that was its object, he was prepared to fight now, and on, until convinced that he was wrong. Asked that the bill be printed, and the members allowed time to consider it. Mr. Gartrell, of Ga., hoped that his colleague would not insist upon postponing the bill, and if he did, that the members would vote him down. Be thought that the bill should be passed at once, and believed that it would give power, concentration and effect to our armies. He called the question on the motion of his colleague. The question being pu was decided in the negative, and without further consideration of the bill, the House, on motion of Mr. Lyons, went into secret session.
prietors of the New Orleans Delta, which was referred to Committee on Claims. Mr. Welch, of Miss, asked that two memorial's presented by him in the early part of the session, might be taken up and referred to appropriate committees — the first, relating to cotton, to the Committee on Commerce, the other to the Military Committee, agreed to, and memorials so referred. Mr. Jerkins, of Va., introduced a memorial, which, without reading, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Boteler, of Va., introduced resolutions of the Legislature of Virginia with reference to an increase of the pay of the non-communed officers and privates of Confederate army. Referred to Committee Military Affairs. Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military officers, reported a bill containing in effect the provisions of the resolution of Mr. Conrad for the appointment of a Commanding General of the armies of the Confederate states, and urged that it be put upon its passage. Mr. Wright
The motion was agreed to. Mr. Kett, of Ky., offered a resolution but no member be allowed to speak more than once upon any question until all who feared to speak have been heard, and that all be confined to two speeches by one member upon any question, unless by un ous consent of the House. Mr. Bolt, of Ga., hoped that he gentleman would permit the resolution to lie upon the report of the Committee ules been had been presented. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Roles. Mr. Burham asked the consent of the House to make a personal explanation with reference to the report of the Richmond Enquirer of the discussion of yesterday.-- the report does not fully represent the remarks of himself or the honorable member from Texas (dr. Wilcox) in opposition to the bill representing intoxication in the army introduced by the honorable member from Virginia, (Mr. Smith) They are not opposed to oppressing this great evil, but are of the opinion that the rules and ar
drew his resolution. Mr. Trippe, of Ga., submitted a bill for the payment of the salaries of District Collectors in those State which had assumed the war tax. Referred to the Committee'on Claims. Mr. Moore, of Ky., asked leave to introduce a bill to pay the citizens of Pike and Floyd counties, in that State, for supplies furnished to our armies. Referred to the committee on Claims. Mr. Perkins, of La. offered a resolution, which was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Kenner, of La., introduced resolutions adopted by the Legislature of that State, which he desired referred to the Committee in Post-office and Post Roads. They were to referred. Mr. Conrad, of La, presented a memorial of the proprietors of the New Orleans Delta, which was referred to Committee on Claims. Mr. Welch, of Miss, asked that two memorial's presented by him in the early part of the session, might be taken up and referred to appropriate committees — the first, relating to cotton
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