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and Romney to retire, and accomplished all his ends. General Loring was then left at Romney, and Jackson returned to Winchester. All that is well known. What follows is not known to many. General Loring conceived an intense enmity for Jackson, and made such representations at Richmond, that an order was sent to Loring direct, not through Jackson, commanding in the Valley, recalling him. Jackson at once sent in his resignation. The scene which took place between him and his friend Colonel Boteler, thereupon, was a stormy one. The Colonel in vain tried to persuade him that he ought to recall his resignation. No, sir, exclaimed Jackson, striding fiercely up and down, I will not hold a command upon terms of that sort. I will not have those people at Richmond interfering in my plans, and sending orders to an officer under me, without even informing me. No soldier can endure it. I care not for myself. If I know myself I do not act from anger-but if I yield now they will treat bet
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
nder General Griffin. They forced the passage under artillery and infantry fire, scaled the heights, and got possession of five guns of different batteries and a number of small-arms, when, night approaching, the detachment was recalled. General Pendleton reported the result to general headquarters, and General Lee ordered General Jackson to send his nearest division back to the ford early in the morning. A. P. Hill's division was ordered. He was fortunate in approaching the ford (Boteler's) before the Federals had crossed all of their advancing column; formed his brigades in two lines and advanced to attack. General Porter, upon the report of this advance, found that his troops could not get position on the south bank in time to meet this threatening, ordered the troops withdrawn to cover about the canal and adjacent heights, and succeeded in getting most of his men safely back. General Hill deployed the brigades of Gregg, Thomas, and Pender as his front line, under co
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The invasion of Maryland. (search)
alry really been in advance, the reconnoissance could have been accomplished with comparative ease. I was a medical officer attached to the infantry, and, acting as an aide for Major Lovell, had opportunity to witness what is here stated. Editors. Proceeding on our march, we went to Bunker Hill, where we remained for several days. A report was made of a Federal advance, but it turned out to be only a party of cavalry and amounted to nothing. As soon as the cavalry Blackford's, or Boteler's, Ford, Prom the Maryland side. From a recent photograph. This picture, taken from the tow-path of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, shows the ford bellow Shepherdstown by which Lee's army retreated after Antietam, the cliff on the Virginia side being the scene of the disaster to the 118th Pennsylvania, or Corn Exchange, regiment. When Porter's corps arrived at the Potomac in pursuit, on September 19th, Confederate artillery on the cliffs disputed the passage. A small Union force, under
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. E. B. Stuart's report of operations after Gettysburg. (search)
of conflict on the turnpike, and found that General Fitz. Lee had, with his own and Chambliss' brigade, driven the enemy steadily to within a mile of Shepherdstown, Jenkins' brigade not having yet appeared on the left. It, however, soon after arrived in Fitz. Lee's rear, and moved up to his support. The ground was not practicable for cavalry, and the main body was dismounted and advanced in line of battle. The enemy retired to a strong position behind stone fences and barricades near Colonel Boteler's residence, and it being nearly dark, obstinately maintained his ground at this last point till dark, to cover his withdrawal. Preparations were made to renew the attack vigorously next morning, but daybreak revealed that the enemy had retired towards Harper's Ferry. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded was heavy. We had several killed and wounded, and among the latter, Colonel James H. Drake, First Virginia Cavalry, was mortally wounded, dying that night (16th), depriving his r
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Congress, National (search)
iments in a coarser manner, declaring that cotton was king. You dare not make war on cotton, he exclaimed; no power on earth dare make war on cotton. He said South Carolina was about to secede, and that she would send a minister plenipotentiary to the United States, and when his credentials should be denied she would assert the sovereignty of her soil, and it will be maintained at the point of the bayonet. In the House of Representatives the Southern members were equally bold. When Mr. Boteler, of Virginia, proposed by resolution to refer so much of the President's message as related to the great question before the House to a committee of one from each State (thirty-three), the members from the slave-labor States refused to vote. I do not vote, said Singleton, of Mississippi, because I have not been sent here to make any compromise or patch up existing difficulties. The subject will be decided by a convention of the people of my State. They all virtually avowed their determ
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), The civil history of the Confederate States (search)
ncurrence of the House with the amendments of the Senate. The necessity, however, for a speedy enactment of the proposed extension appeared to be so great that Mr. Boteler, of Virginia, immediately after the report of the committee, called for the question in order to prevent delay by further discussion. On an appeal to him by Mr. Foote not to make the call, Mr. Boteler declared that whatever his desire might be to extend the courtesy asked for, he was now blind to everything except the welfare of his country. He had recently heard the army of Virginia appealing for reinforcements and it was now time for the eternal talk on the bill to cease. The call wa ability, among whom were Curry, Clopton, and Pugh, Garland, Trippe, Ewing, Breckinridge, Conrad, Davis, Barksdale, Vest, Ashe, Boyce, Gentry, Vaughn, Bocock, and Boteler. Mr. Bocock was speaker and Albert Lamar clerk. The gravity of the situation evidently impressed the Confederate Congress, and in appreciation of the peril of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.2 (search)
ore the short time at his disposal enabled him to concentrate his scattered corps. Jackson on Ewell. What General Jackson thought of General Ewell's services may be inferred from Dr. Dabney's account of an interview between Jackson and Mr. Boteler, held July, 1862, while the army was confronting McClellan at Harrison's Landing. General Jackson advised an immediate invasion of the North, and asked Mr. Boteler to impress his views on the Government, adding, he was willing to follow, not tMr. Boteler to impress his views on the Government, adding, he was willing to follow, not to lead in this glorious enterprise. He was willing to follow anybody-General Lee or the gallant Ewell. (Life of Jackson.) General early's views. General Jubal A. Early, as true and unselfish as he is brave, always ready to break a lance to defend the memory of a comrade unjustly and unduly criticised or censured, writes in the Southern Historical Society Papers, No. 1877, of General Ewell: His military record for the year 1862 is so intimately identified with that of Stonewall Jacks
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.68 (search)
have been a general). It looked then as if we were going back to Maryland. About that time Leonard Taylor, of Company C, said, Boys, we are going to catch thunder to-day, for I have, been dreaming that we were in the hardest battle yet. His dream came too true, for before sunset on that day, the 17th of September, our regiment, the 32nd Virginia, had lost in killed and wounded 45 per cent. (The poor boy was afterwards killed at Second Cold Harbor.) After a hard march we reached the ford (Boteler's, just below Shepherdstown) at daybreak and crossed the Potomac, and marched up the river opposite Shepherdstown, halted, and two men from each company detailed to fill our canteens. At that time General Jackson rode up and directed General McLaws to strike McClellan about Dunkards' Church and drive him back. Kershaw's Brigade rested near the church. Barksdale's next, Semmes' next, Cobb's Legion next, I think, and Fitz Lee's Cavalry next on the river. I think that was about the formati
of the public service: Post-Office Department, Appointment Office, January 22, 1861. Sir --In answer to the inquiry in your letter of the 15th to the Postmaster General, he instructs me to inform you that you were removed from the office of Postmaster at Paducah because you announced yourself as "devoutly in favor of disunion," and it is not considered prudent to retain in the service of the Government men openly seeking its overthrow. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, Horatio King. First Assistant Postmaster General. John C. Noble, Esq., Paducah, Ky. As a rejoinder to the manifesto of a majority of the Virginia delegation, Senators Crittenden and Douglas, and Messrs. Malison, Boteler and Harris, of Virginia, of the House, have united in a letter to Hon. James Barbour, of the Virginia Legislature, giving assurance that the prospect of a peaceful and satisfactory settlement of troubles is better than at any previous time, and hourly brightening.
ral laws, &c., was resumed. Mr. Stanton said one of two things was necessary — either to admit the right of secession, or suppress it. That the Federal army contained only 18,000 men, and that sixty days must elapse before 5,000 could be concentrated here to protect the city, should Maryland and Virginia secede. Mr. Bocock, of Va., said this was a declaration of war, and appealed to those around him, in favor of preserving Southern Rights, to stand up in resistance to the bill. Mr. Boteler, of Va.,thought a more efficient measure to dissolve the Union than this bill could not be devised. Mr. Hindman, of Ark.,viewed the bill as the very best means to dissolve the Union. Mr. Sickles said there was no occasion for the bill, as Lincoln had declared that "there is no danger to anybody." Mr. Burnett said, a bill involving such momentous consequences ought to be discussed. There was great excitement throughout the proceedings. While the roll was being called o