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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 18 (search)
oon. Upon this night trip I passed over the battle-field of Chickamauga on the anniversary of the sanguinary engagement in which I had participated the year before, and all of its exciting features were vividly recalled. Upon reaching Atlanta, I went at once to General Sherman's headquarters. My mind was naturally wrought up to a high pitch of curiosity to see the famous soldier of the West, whom I had never met. He had taken up his quarters in a comfortable brick house belonging to Judge Lyons, opposite the Court-house Square. As I approached I saw the captor of Atlanta on the porch, sitting tilted back in a large arm-chair, reading a newspaper. His coat was unbuttoned, his black felt hat slouched over his brow, and on his feet were a pair of slippers very much down at the heels. He was in the prime of life and in the perfection of physical health. He was just forty-four years of age, and almost at the summit of his military fame. With his large frame, tall, gaunt form, r
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The fall of Richmond. (search)
uard, explained Gary. Touching his hat to me he called out, All over, good-bye; blow her to h — ll, and trotted over the bridge. That was the first and last I ever saw of General Gary, of South Carolina. In less than sixty seconds Captain Mayo was in column of march, and as he reached the little island about half-way across the bridge, the single piece of artillery, loaded with grape-shot, that had occupied that spot, arrived on the Manchester side of the river. The engineer officer, Dr. Lyons, and I walked leisurely to the island, setting fire to the provided combustible matter as we passed along, and leaving the north section of Mayo's bridge wrapped in flame and smoke. At the island we stopped to take a view of the situation north of the river, and saw a line of blue-coated horsemen galloping in furious haste up Main street. Across 14th street they stopped, and then dashed down 14th street to the flaming bridge. They fired a few random shots at us three on the island, and w
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Chapter 3: strategy. (search)
versary, outflanked and shut up between the Meuse and the North Sea, could not receive battle parallelly to this sea, without running the risk of a total loss. In the same manner, the valley of the Danube presents a series of important points, which have caused it to be regarded as the key to Southern Germany. Geographical decisive points are also those which would control the junction of several valleys, and the centre of the great communications which intersect a country. For example, Lyons is an important strategic point, because it commands the two valleys of the Rhone and the Saone, and is found at the centre of the communications of France with Italy, and of the south with the east; but it would be decisive only so far as there should be found there a strong place, or intrenched camp with tetes de ponts. Leipzig is incontestably a strategic point, because it is found at the junction of all the communications of the north of Germany. If this city were fortified, and situ
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Sketch of the principal maritime expeditions. (search)
rd of the Hungarians, Bulgarians, and of the Greeks, Peter the Hermit succeeded at last in crossing the Bosphorus, and arrived before Nice with fifty or sixty thousand men, who were entirely destroyed or taken by the Saracens. A more military expedition succeeded this campaign of Pilgrims; a hundred thousand French, Lorrains, Burgundians and Germans, conducted by Godfrey of Bouillen, directed themselves by Austria upon Constantinople; a like number, under the Count of Toulouse, marched by Lyons, Italy, Dalmatia and Macedonia. Bohemond, Prince of Tarentum, With Normans, Sicilians and Italians, embarked, in order to follow the route by Greece upon Gallipoli. This grand migration recalls the fabulous expeditions of Xerxes; the Genoese, Venitian and Greek fleets are freighted for transporting those swarms of crusaders into Asia, by passing the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles; more than four hundred thousand men were united in the plains of Nice, and avenged there the fate of their pr
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Note on intrenched camps. (search)
ve well sufficed, guarded by a ditch like the Danube! For the rest, the interesting notice of Captain Allard upon those towers, proves that they are well conceived for obtaining the greatest possible fire, upon the whole periphery of attack with a small number of artillerists, although there is a manifest error in the enumeration which he has made of them. In mountainous places like Genoa, (where they are employed for the first time upon a different model,) as well as Besancon, Grenoble, Lyons, Befort, Briancon, Verona, Prague, Salsburg, and the forts covering the gorges of mountains, they would be valuable. With regard to the trace of the camp which seems somewhat extensive, the space of from eighteen to twenty thousand yards, to be garnished completely upon a single line with a reserve, would require a hundred and fifty battalions at least; but it would rarely, occur that both banks would require to be defended at the same time, the same also of the side along the Danube; now,
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 3: Fortifications.Their importance in the defence of States proved by numerous historical examples (search)
may be some six or eight gorges in the mountains by which an army might penetrate; but it will always be found that these roads concentrate on two or three points in the great valleys below. Take, for example, the frontier of France towards Switzerland and Italy. The passes of the mountains are secured by the little works of Fort L'Ecluse, Fort Pierre-chatel, Fort Barraux, Briancon, Mont Dauphin, Colmars, Entrevaux, and Antibes; while Besancon, Grenoble, and Toulon, form a second line; and Lyons a grand central depot. Where a great river or chain of lakes forms the boundary of a state, the system of defence will be much the same as that of an open land frontier, the works of the first line being made to secure the great bridges or ferries by which the enemy might effect a passage; those of the second line, to cover the passes of the highlands that generally approach more or less near the great watercourse; and those of the third line, far enough in rear to protect the great inter
r, 494; citation from, 617. Lovejoy, Elijah P., sketch of his life, martyrdom, and death, 130 to 142. Lovejoy, Owen, of Ills., 374; 560. Lowe, Col., killed at Fredericktown, Mo., 591. Lowe, Col., (Union.) repulsed at Scarytown, 524; killed at Carnifex Ferry, 525. Lowe, Gov. Louis E., to the Baltimore mob, 464. Lowe, Gov., of Iowa, his majority, 300. Ludlow, Dr., his church mobbed, 126. Lundy, Benjamin, biographical sketch of, 111 to 115; allusion to, 141; 152; 353. Lyons, Lord, demands Mason and Slidell, 608. Lyon, Robert, of S. C., to a friend in Texas, 450. Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel, his services at St. Louis; captures Gen. Frost's camp, 490; succeeds Gen. Harney; has an interview with Gen. Price, 491; whips Marmaduke, 574; arrives at Springfield, 576; defeats the Rebels at Dug-Springs, 577; attacks the enemy at Wilson's Creek, 578; his heroism and death, 579-80; Pollard's opinion of him, 582. Lytle, Col., wounded at Carnifex Ferry, 525. M. Madis
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 20 (search)
ficers and men left by Hardee in his retreat. The next night we stopped at Rough and Ready, and on the 8th of September we rode into Atlanta, then occupied by the Twentieth Corps (General Slocum). In the Court-House Square was encamped a brigade, embracing the Massachusetts Second and Thirty-third Regiments, which had two of the finest bands of the army, and their music was to us all a source of infinite pleasure during our sojourn in that city. I took up my headquarters in the house of Judge Lyons, which stood opposite one corner of the Court-House Square, and at once set about a measure already ordered, of which I had thought much and long, viz., to remove the entire civil population, and to deny to all civilians from the rear the expected profits of civil trade. Hundreds of sutlers and traders were waiting at Nashville and Chattanooga, greedy to reach Atlanta with their wares and goods, with which to drive a profitable trade with the inhabitants. I gave positive orders that non
Arlington House, on the Potomac, opposite Washington, is now the Headquarters of Gen. McDowell. The N. Y. 8th, Col. Lyons, is quartered there, with their battery of light artillery. The mansion is in the old Revolutionary style,--solid, wide-spread, and low. Gen. Lee left many pictures and relics of the Revolution. In the entry are the paintings of Revolutionary sons, painted in his old age by George Washington Custis. The dining-room is adorned with, among other things, three deer's heads, from deer actually killed by Washington. A fine engraving of the Duke of Wellington confronts a full-length oil painting of Light-horse Harry, the father of Gen. Lee. A few books and letters lie about, marked with the eminent names of Lee and Custis.--N. Y. Express, May 30.
156. our orders. Weave no more silks, ye Lyons looms, To deck our girls for gay delights! The crimson flower of battle blooms, And solemn marches fill the nights. Weave but the flag whose bars to-day Drooped heavy o'er our early dead, And homely garments, coarse and gray, For orphans that must earn their bread! Keep back your tunes, ye viols sweet, That pour delight from other lands! Rouse there the dancer's restless feet,-- The trumpet leads our warrior bands. And ye that wage the war of words, With mystic fame and subtle power, Go, chatter to the idle birds, Or teach the lesson of the hour! Ye Sibyl Arts, in one stern knot Be all your offices combined! Stand close, while Courage draws the lot, The destiny of humankind! And if that destiny could fail, The sun should darken in the sky, The eternal bloom of Nature pale, And God, and Truth, and Freedom die! --Atlantic Monthly, July.