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West Indies (search for this): chapter 14
an grievances should be delayed beyond the tenth day of September of the following year, a resolution to export no merchandise to Great Britain, Ireland and the West Indies after that date was carried, but against the voice of South Carolina. When the members proceeded to bind themselves to these measures by an association, three s of Maryland and Virginia gave up the entire exchangeable produce of their estates. The cessation of the export Chap. XIII.} 1774. Oct. of provisions to the West Indies, of flax-seed to Ireland, injured the Northern provinces very deeply; and yet it would touch only the British merchants who had debts to collect in the West IndWest Indies or Ireland, or the English owners of West Indian or Irish estates. Every refusal to import was made by the colonist at the cost of personal comfort; every omission to export was a waste of the resources of his family. Moreover, no means existed of enforcing the agreement; so that the truest patriots would suffer most. And ye
North America (search for this): chapter 14
3: Congress will make the last appeal if necessary. October, 1774. Washington was convinced that not one thinking Chap. XIII.} 1774. Oct. man in all North America desired independence. He ardently wished to end the horrors of civil discord, and restore tranquillity upon constitutional grounds, but his indignation at thetry are determined to push matters to extremity, more blood will be spilled on this occasion, than history has ever yet furnished instances of in the annals of North America. Ross, a Pennsylvanian, moved that Massachusetts should be left to her own discretion with respect to government and the administration of justice as well ae must then tell you that we will never submit to any ministry or nation in the world. A second congress was appointed for May, at which all the colonies of North America, including Nova Scotia and Canada, were invited to appear by their deputies. The ultimate decision of America was then embodied in a petition to the king, wri
Carolina City (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
anging the form of government and violating the charter of Massachusetts, ought to be held in detestation; and in their letter to Gage, they censured his conduct, as tending to involve a free people in the horrors of war. In adopting a declaration of rights, the division which had shown itself in the committee was renewed. Here, said Ward of Rhode Island, no acts of parliament can bind. Giving up this point is yielding all. Against him spoke John Adams and Duane. A right, said Lynch of Carolina, to bind us in one case may imply a right to bind us in all; but we are bound in none. The resolution of concession was at first arrested by the vote of five colonies against five, with Massachusetts and Rhode Island divided, but at last was carried by the influence of John Adams. Duane desired next to strike the Quebec act from the list of grievances; but of all the bad acts of parliament Richard Henry Lee pronounced it the worst. His opinion prevailed upon a vote which Duane's adhesion
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
nforcing the new system of government in Massachusetts, and extending it to Connec- Chap. XIII.} 1774 Oct. ticut and Rhode Island. The congress, when it adopted this resolve, did not know the extent of the aggressions which the king designed. Hendopting a declaration of rights, the division which had shown itself in the committee was renewed. Here, said Ward of Rhode Island, no acts of parliament can bind. Giving up this point is yielding all. Against him spoke John Adams and Duane. A ri The resolution of concession was at first arrested by the vote of five colonies against five, with Massachusetts and Rhode Island divided, but at last was carried by the influence of John Adams. Duane desired next to strike the Quebec act from thewar might fail, John Adams expressed his anxiety to see New England provided with money and military stores. Ward, of Rhode Island, regarded America as the rising power that was to light all the nations of the earth to freedom. Samuel Adams urged h
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 14
essentially necessary, in order to restore harmony between the colonies and Great Britain. The congress had unanimously resolved, from the first day of the coming December, not to import any merchandise from Great Britain and Ireland. If the redress of American grievances should be delayed beyond the tenth day of September of the following year, a resolution to export no merchandise to Great Britain, Ireland and the West Indies after that date was carried, but against the voice of Southgates of that colony refused their names. The agreement to stop exports to Great Britain is unequal, reasoned Rutledge; New England ships little or nothing there, b provinces from Nova Scotia to Florida, the people of Canada, the people of Great Britain; making the printing press its great ambassador to the rising power. Of nt of any new right. Your royal authority over us, and our connection with Great Britain, we shall always support and maintain; and they besought of the king as the
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 14
res by an association, three of the delegates of that colony refused their names. The agreement to stop exports to Great Britain is unequal, reasoned Rutledge; New England ships little or nothing there, but sends fish, its great staple, to Portugal or Spain; South Carolina annually ships rice to England to the value of a million and a half of dollars. New England would be affected but little by the prohibition; Carolina would be ruined; and he and two of his colleagues withdrew from the congress. Gadsden, who never counted the cost of patriotism, remained in his place, and trusting to the generosity of his constituents, declared himself ready to sign the British commerce enough to bring the government to reflection. But since their efforts to avert civil war might fail, John Adams expressed his anxiety to see New England provided with money and military stores. Ward, of Rhode Island, regarded America as the rising power that was to light all the nations of the earth to freedom.
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
edress of American grievances should be delayed beyond the tenth day of September of the following year, a resolution to export no merchandise to Great Britain, Ireland and the West Indies after that date was carried, but against the voice of South Carolina. When the members proceeded to bind themselves to these measures by an association, three of the delegates of that colony refused their names. The agreement to stop exports to Great Britain is unequal, reasoned Rutledge; New England ships little or nothing there, but sends fish, its great staple, to Portugal or Spain; South Carolina annually ships rice to England to the value of a million and a half of dollars. New England would be affected but little by the prohibition; Carolina would be ruined; and he and two of his colleagues withdrew from the congress. Gadsden, who never counted the cost of patriotism, remained in his place, and trusting to the generosity of his constituents, declared himself ready to sign the association.
Halifax (Canada) (search for this): chapter 14
This first American congress also adopted another measure, which was without an example. It recognised the political existence and power of the people. While it refused to petition parliament, it addressed the people of the provinces from Nova Scotia to Florida, the people of Canada, the people of Great Britain; making the printing press its great ambassador to the rising power. Of the British people, congress entreated a return to the system of 1763: Prior to this era, said they in thehands from shedding human blood in such an impious cause, we must then tell you that we will never submit to any ministry or nation in the world. A second congress was appointed for May, at which all the colonies of North America, including Nova Scotia and Canada, were invited to appear by their deputies. The ultimate decision of America was then embodied in a petition to the king, written by Dickinson, and imbued in every line with a desire for conciliation. In the list of grievances, con
Patrick Henry (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
is friends incessantly to study the art of war, and organize resistance; for he would never admit that the danger of a rupture with Britain was a sufficient plea for giving way. I would advise, said he, persisting in our struggle for liberty, though it were revealed from heaven that nine hundred and ninety-nine were to perish, and only one of a thousand to survive and retain his liberty. One such freeman must possess more virtue, and enjoy more happiness, than a thousand slaves; and let him propagate his like, and transmit to them what he hath so nobly preserved. Chap. XIII.} 1774. Oct. Delightful as peace is, said Dickinson, it will come more grateful, by being unexpected. Washington, while he promoted the measures of congress, dared not hope that they would prove effectual. When Patrick Henry read the prophetic words of Hawley, after all we must fight, he raised his hand, and with the entire energy of his nature, called God to witness as he cried out, I am of that man's mind.
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
xecrations upon all those who have been instrumental in the execution. The Massachusetts people are every day receiving fresh proofs of a systematic assertion of ances of in the annals of North America. Ross, a Pennsylvanian, moved that Massachusetts should be left to her own discretion with respect to government and the admerms. He was inexorably bent on enforcing the new system of government in Massachusetts, and extending it to Connec- Chap. XIII.} 1774 Oct. ticut and Rhode Islandof parliament, changing the form of government and violating the charter of Massachusetts, ought to be held in detestation; and in their letter to Gage, they censuression was at first arrested by the vote of five colonies against five, with Massachusetts and Rhode Island divided, but at last was carried by the influence of John . XIII.} 1774. Oct. eluding the Quebec act and the acts specially affecting Massachusetts, were declared to be such infringements and violations of the rights of the
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