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ier-General Jackson, filed to the right, and formed facing the river, and endeavored to press forward to the water's edge; but in attempting to mount the last ridge we were met by a fire from a whole line of batteries, protected by infantry and assisted by shells from the gunboats. Our men struggled vainly to ascend the hill, which was very steep, making charge after charge without success; but continued the fight until night closed the hostilities on both sides. During this engagement, Gage's battery was brought up to our assistance, but suffered so severely that it was soon compelled to retire. This was the sixth fight in which we had been engaged during the day, and my men were too much exhausted to storm the batteries on the hill; but they were brought off in good order, formed in line of battle, and slept on the battle-field, where I remained with them/. Brigadier-General Jackson gives this account: My brigade was ordered to change direction again, face toward Pit
d way. Ketchum's invaluable services have already been alluded to. Byrne's battery rendered not less useful service on Sunday, and again on Monday, to the Kentucky Brigade. When Byrne called on the Sixth Kentucky Regiment for a detail, No detail, cried John Spurrier, springing from the ranks, but all the volunteers you want! and thus he was supplied. Captain Polk lost a leg, fighting his guns well; Hodgson and Slocomb, with the Washington Artillery, are highly commended; and Bankhead's, Gage's, and Girardey's batteries; and, indeed, the record of gallant and effective service, commemorated in the battle reports, covers the entire list of batteries, so that almost any distinction seems invidious. The brigadiers and infantry commanders appear anxious to testify with generous gratitude to the obligations they were under to the artillery. A gallant soldier, Major Caldwell of the Ninth Kentucky, who afterward commanded a brigade, informed the writer that he never saw the artillery f
crate it as did the money-changers who sold doves in the temple of the living God. Here you have, to remind you, and to remind all who enter this hall, the portraits of those men who are dear to every lover of liberty, and part and parcel of the memory of every American citizen; and highest among them all I see you have placed Samuel Adams and John Hancock. You have placed them the highest, and properly; for they were two, the only two, excepted from the proclamation of mercy, when Governor Gage issued his anathema against them and against their fellow-patriots. These men, thus excepted from the saving grace of the crown, now occupy the highest places in Faneuil Hall, and thus seem to be the highest in the reverence of the people of Boston. This is one of the instances in which we find tradition so much more reliable than history; for tradition has borne the name of Samuel Adams to the remotest of the colonies, and the new States formed out of what was territory of the old col
assistance, and hope to receive both in good time.--Collection of the Zenger Club, pp. 20, 21. The New England States, with a population less numerous than that of Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia, furnished more than double the number of soldiers to battle for the common cause. The South was repeatedly overrun, and regarded as substantially subdued, by armies that would not have ventured to invade New England, and could not have maintained themselves a month on her soil. Indeed, after Gage's expulsion from Boston, and Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga, New England, save the islands on her coast, was pretty carefully avoided by the Royalist generals, and only assailed by raids, which were finished almost as soon as begun. These facts, vividly impressed on the general mind by the necessities and sacrifices of the times The famous Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D., an eminent Calvinist divine, published, soon after the commencement of the war, a dialogue concerning the slavery of the
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Introduction. (search)
us and mighty People, spreading over a very great tract of the globe, it was natural that they should attribute to assemblies so respectable in the formed Constitution, some part of the dignity of the great nations which they represented. The meeting of the first Continental Congress of 1774 was the spontaneous impulse of the People. All their resolves and addresses proceed on the assumption that they represented a People. Their first appeal to the Royal authority was their letter to General Gage, remonstrating against the fortifications of Boston. We entreat your Excellency to consider, they say, what a tendency this conduct must have to irritate and force a free People, hitherto well disposed to peaceable measures, into hostilities. Their final act, at the close of the Session, their address to the King, one of the most eloquent and pathetic of State papers, appeals to him in the name of all your Majesty's faithful People in America. The Declaration of Independence Recogniz
ed was that of abstinence. Nov. 14, 1774, Medford voted thus: Resolved, That, if any person or persons sells or consumes any East India teas, the names of such persons to be posted up in some public place. Again, Voted that we will not use East India teas till the Acts be repealed. This was equivalent to cleaning the rifle, and looking into the cartridge-box. Medford had its stock of powder deposited in the powder-house, on Quarry Hill, and, on the 27th of August, 1774, removed it. Governor Gage heard that the powder in that house was fast leaving it; and, as he called it the king's powder, he resolved to remove it to Castle William (Fort Independence). Accordingly, on Thursday morning, September 1, about half-past 4, two hundred and sixty troops, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Maddison, embarked at Long Wharf, Boston, in thirteen boats, sailed up Mystic River, landed at Temple's farm (Ten Hills), marched to the powder-house, and removed all the powder in it, two hundred and f
rigades. The gunboats Tyler and Lexington in the river joined with Webster's batteries upon the ridge and a frightful fire was poured into the ranks of the advancing Confederates. In the face of this, although finding himself unsupported save by Gage's battery, Withers led on his men. The division that he had expected to reenforce him had been withdrawn by the order of General Beauregard. To his men working their way up the slope came the order to retire. General Chalmers, of Withers Divisiohe surrender of Prentiss, General Withers set his division in motion to the right toward this point. Chalmers' and Jackson's brigades marched into the ravine of Dill's Branch and into the range of the Federal gunboats and batteries which silenced Gage's battery, the only one Withers had, and played havoc with the Confederate skirmishers. All the rest of the afternoon, until nightfall, the river sailors kept up their continuous bombardment, and in connection with the field batteries on the bank
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of the late General S. Cooper. (search)
ect the machinery which is to be put in motion by the brilliant army chieftains, such as I have mentioned, that wins success. General Samuel Cooper possessed an inheritable right to his enviable eminence. From Dorsetshire, England, his great grandfather came, and settled in Massachusetts. This paternal ancestor had three sons — John, the grandfather of General Cooper, Samuel and William. Samuel was President of Harvard University during the Revolutionary War, and was proscribed by General Gage of the British army, and a reward offered for his head. The son of John, also called Samuel, was the father of General Cooper. At eighteen years old, we find him at Lexington, forming one of seventy men that assembled in front of the meeting-house, to whom Major Pitcairn, commanding the British advance, called out disperse, you rebels, throw down your arms and disperse, on the morning of the 19th April, 1775. Early manifesting such a heroic spirit, it was not surprising that he should
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Our fallen heroes: an address delivered by Hon. A. M. Keiley, of Richmond, on Memorial day, at Loudon park, near Baltimore, June 5, 1879. (search)
gton! A hundred years and more ago, when, as Pitt said, even the chimney-sweeps in London streets talked boastingly of their subjects in America, rebel was the uniform title of those despised subjects. This sneer was the substitute for argument, which Camden and Chatham met in the Lords, and Burke and Barre in the Commons, as their eloquent voices were raised for justice to the Americans of the last century. Disperse rebels was the opening gun at Lexington. Rebels was the sneer of General Gage, addressed to the brave lads of Boston Common. It was the title by which Dunmore attempted to stigmatize the burgesses of Virginia, and Sir Henry Clinton passionately denounced the patriotic women of New York. At the base of every statue which gratitude has erected to patriotism in America, you will find rebel written. The springing shaft at Bunker Hill, the modest slab which tells where Warren fell, the monument which has given your fair city its proudest title, the fortresses which l
he same political community. Everett, it is true, quotes two expressions of the Continental Congress to sustain his remarkable proposition that the colonies were a people. One of these is found in a letter addressed by the Congress to General Gage in October, 1774, remonstrating against the erection of fortifications in Boston, in which they say, We entreat your Excellency to consider what a tendency this conduct must have to irritate and force a free people, hitherto well disposed to peaceasures, into hostilities. From this expression Everett argues that the Congress considered themselves the representatives of a people. But, by reference to the proceedings of the Congress, he might readily have ascertained that the letter to General Gage was written in behalf of the town of Boston and Providence of Massachusetts Bay, the people of which were considered by all America as suffering in the common causes for their noble and spirited opposition to oppressive acts of Parliament. Th