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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bunker Hill, battle of. (search)
etermined to anticipate this movement, and the Massachusetts committee of safety ordered Col. William Prescott to march, on the evening of the 16th, with 1,000 men, including a company of artillery, t noon to Bunker Hill for the purpose of casting up intrenchments there, and the right flank of Prescott was strengthened by a few reinforcements thrown into Charlestown at the southern slope of the hng up intrenchments on Breed's Hill were not relieved by others, as they should have been. Colonel Prescott, at first, did not believe the British would attack his redoubt; and when he saw the movemes sent; also, the whole of Colonel Reed's regiment on Charlestown Neck was ordered to reinforce Prescott. General Putnam was on the field, but without troops or command. The same was the case with G, whose loss was irreparable. He came to the redoubt without command, and did not take it from Prescott. He fell, as he was leaving the redoubt, from the effects of a bullet-wound. The result of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Chrysler's field, battle of (search)
an side (Nov. 7, 1813), and these were soon followed by riflemen under Lieutenant-Colonel Forsythe, who did excellent service in the rear of Macomb. When news was received of the arrival of reinforcements at Prescott, Wilkinson called a council of war (Nov. 8), and it was decided to proceed with all possible rapidity to the attack of Montreal. General Brown was at once ordered to cross the river with his brigade and some dragoons. Morrison's troops, fully 1,000 strong, had come down to Prescott in armed schooners, with several gunboats and bateaux under Captain Mulcaster, and were joined by provincial infantry and dragoons under Lieutenant-Colonel Pearson. They pushed forward, and on the morning of the 9th were close upon Wilkinson, and the land troops were debarked to pursue the Americans—2,000 men, including cavalry. General Boyd and his brigade were now detached to reinforce Brown, with orders to cover his march, to attack the pursuing enemy if necessary, and to co-operate
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hartford conventions. (search)
n of a provision in the famous ordinance of 1787 establishing territorial governments over the territories northwest of the Ohio which forever excluded slavery from those regions. He was universally esteemed for his wisdom and integrity. William Prescott was a son of the distinguished Colonel Prescott, of the Revolution, who was conspicuous in the battle of Bunker Hill. He was an able lawyer, first in Salem, and then in Boston. He served with distinction in both branches of the MassachusetColonel Prescott, of the Revolution, who was conspicuous in the battle of Bunker Hill. He was an able lawyer, first in Salem, and then in Boston. He served with distinction in both branches of the Massachusetts legislature. Harrison Gray Otis was a native of Boston, and member of the family of that name distinguished in the Revolution. He was a lawyer by profession, and served the public in the Massachusetts legislature and in the national Congress. He was an eloquent speaker, and as a public man, as well as a private citizen, he was very popular. Timothy Bigelow was a lawyer, and for several years speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Joshua Thomas was judge of probate i
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Johnston, William 1780- (search)
en the patriot war in Canada broke out in 1837. Being a bold and adventurous man, and cordially hating the British, Johnston was easily persuaded by the American sympathizers in the movement to join in the strife. The leaders regarded him as a valuable assistant, for he was thoroughly acquainted with the whole region of the Thousand Islands, in the St. Lawrence, from Kingston to Ogdensburg. He was employed to capture the steamboat Robert Peel, that carried passengers and the mail between Prescott and Toronto, and also to seize the Great Britain, another steamer, for the use of the patriots. With a desperate band, Johnston rushed on board of the Peel at Wells's William Johnston. Island, not far below Clayton, on the night of May 29, 1838. They were armed with muskets and bayonets and painted like Indians, and appeared with a shout, Remember the Carolina! —a vessel which some persons from Canada had cut loose at Schlosser (on Niagara River), set on fire, and sent blazing over Nia
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lundy's Lane, battle of. (search)
ne. The latter is better known. On his retreat from the battleground at Chippewa, July 5, 1814, the British general, Riall, fled down the borders of the Niagara River to Queenston, put some of his troops in Fort George, and made his headquarters near the lake, 20 miles westward. Drummond was mortified by this discomfiture of his veteran troops by what he deemed to be raw Americans, and he resolved to wipe out the stain. He drew most of the troops from Burlington Bay, York, Kingston, and Prescott, with a determination to drive the invaders out of Canada. With a force about one-third greater than that of Brown, Drummond pushed forward to meet the latter. In the mean time Brown, after burying the dead and caring for the wounded, had moved forward to Queenston and menaced Fort George. He expected to see Chauncey with his squadron on the Niagara River to co-operate with him, but that commander was sick at Sackett's Harbor, and his vessels were blockaded there. Brown waited many day
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Montreal, massacre at (search)
land at Longueil was attacked by Col. Seth Warner and about 300 Green Mountain Boys, and driven back in great confusion. The news of this repulse caused the speedy surrender of St. John, when Montgomery pressed on towards Montreal. Carleton, knowing the weakness of the fort, at once retreated on board a vessel of a small fleet lying in the river, and attempted to flee to Quebec with the garrison. Montgomery entered Montreal without opposition, and sent a force under Colonel Easton to intercept the intending fugitives. He hastened to the mouth of the Sorel with troops, cannon, and armed gondolas. The British fleet could not pass, and Prescott, several other officers, members of the Canadian Council, and 120 private soldiers, with all the vessels, were surrendered. Carleton escaped. Then Montgomery wrote to the Congress, Until Quebec is taken Canada is unconquered. Leaving Wooster in command at Montreal, Montgomery then pushed on towards Quebec. See Montgomery, Richard; Quebec.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Prescott, William 1726-1795 (search)
Prescott, William 1726-1795 Military officer; born in Groton, Mass., Feb. 20, 1726; was a provincial colonel at the capture of Cape Breton in 1754, and was one of General Winslow's captains in Nova Scotia in 1756, when the dispersion of the Acadians took place (see Acadia). Prescott inherited a large estate at Pepperell, and held several offices of trust there. When the news of the fight at Lexington reached him he assembled a regiment of minute-men, of which he became colonel, and marched to Cambridge. When it was decided to fortify Bunker Hill, Prescott was chosen to conduct the enterprise. He cast up a redoubt and breastworks on Breed's Hill, and defended it bravely the next day (June 17, 1775) until his ammunition was exhausteat, after a severe battle with 3,000 troops under Generals Howe and Clinton. He was among the last to quit the field. Prescott resigned his commission early in 1777, and returned home; but in the autumn of the same year he entered the Northern arm
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Prescott, William Hickling 1796-1859 (search)
Prescott, William Hickling 1796-1859 Historian; born in Salem, Mass., May 4, 1796; grandson of Col. William Prescott; graduated at Harvard College in 1814; William Hickling Prescott. adopted a literary rather than a professional career, in consequence of an injury to his eye while in college. In 1824 he commenced contributing to the North American review, and in June, 1826, began his History of Ferdinand and Isabella (3 volumes, 1838). This work placed him in the front rank of historians and was followed by Conquest of Mexico (3 volumes, 1843); Conquest of Peru (2 volumes, 1847); and History of Philip II. of Spain (3 volumes, 1855-58). He intended to add three volumes more, but he did not live to complete them. In 1856 he published Robertson's Charles V., with notes and a supplement. His works have been translated into several European languages. He died in Boston, Jan. 28, 1859.
. M. Milnes. another letter from Judge Story. Visit to Paris. Gen. Lewis Cass. art Studies in Italy. glowing Description of the country. Thomas Crawford. anecdote concerning Thomas Aquinas. Acquaintances made in Germany. letter from William Prescott. Mr. Sumner's regard for Boston. his home on his return from Europe. Lyceum lectures. course of lectures to the Cambridge Law School. he Edits Vesey's Reports. remarks from the Law Reporter. He (Charles Sumner) presents in his owsured up a golden store of intellectual wealth, and. on his return to Boston early in 1840 possessed an affluence of learning and a felicity of diction which commanded the admiration of our most accomplished scholars. You have indeed, wrote Mr. Prescott the historian to him, read a page of social life such as few anywhere have access to; for your hours have been passed with the great,--not merely with those born to greatness, but those who have earned it for themselves. With what delight M
Robert C. Winthrop at the head, with fame and fortune in the distance. On the other hand, there are a few radical anti-slavery agitators, who are held by men in power as contemptible disturbers of the public peace, and who may incur the fate of Elijah Parish Lovejoy, murdered by the mob at Alton. Which line of action will this accomplished young civilian take? We shall soon see. In the summer of 1844 Mr. Sumner had a severe sickness, from which it was feared he would not recover. William Prescott, the historian, thus refers to it in his journal, under the date of Nahant, July 21: Been to town twice last week,--most uncommon for me,--once to see my friend Calderon, returned as minister from Spain; and once to see my poor friend Sumner, who has had a sentence of death passed on him by the physicians. His sister sat by his side, struck with the same disease. It was an affecting sight to see brother and sister thus, hand in hand, preparing to walk through the dark valley. I shall