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Braxton Bragg 308 2 Browse Search
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D. C. Buell 231 1 Browse Search
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McMinnville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
jective point, for while he had made up his mind to reach east Tennessee via McMinnville and Altamont, he was repairing the railroad and marching a column in the dir. J. Lawton, and made a forced march of fifty miles to Altamont, arriving at McMinnville on the night of the 11th. Here he was joined by Col. J. J. Morrison, with athe capture of the entire Federal force of 1,400 men, whom he carried off to McMinnville after burning a large amount of government stores (General Forrest's report,self and the whole line of railroad through Tennessee, and the occupation of McMinnville was delayed two weeks. Thus it will be seen that these two small columns of, as further developments will show. General Nelson's division arrived at McMinnville on the 3d of August, and General Buell was actively engaged in concentrating West Pointer, and regarded as one of the best officers in the service, from McMinnville, August 11th, in the direction of Gallatin. His command consisted of about
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 9
to Shelbyville, Tenn. Gallatin was several times during the war the scene of his most successful raids. At the battle of Shiloh he rendered valuable service both in the advance and the retreat and on the flank of the army during the battle. Shortly after the battle he received permission to make a dash into Tennessee, and on the 26th of April, with a force of 350 men, composed of his own squadron and detachments from Col. Wirt Adams' regiment and McNairy's battalion, he crossed the Tennessee river on a small horse ferry and on the 30th reached Lawrenceburg, Tenn., where the troops encamped for the night. Next day he attacked and routed 400 convalescents employed in erecting a telegraph line, capturing and paroling many prisoners. He then passed around Nashville and reached Lebanon, about thirty miles east, on the night of May 4th. His command was fatigued by the constant service, and he concluded to rest there until morning; but during the night, which was dark and rainy, he
Lawrenceburg (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
crossed the Kentucky river. My reception at this place was very encouraging. The whole population turned out and vied with each other as to who should show the most attention. I left Harrodsburg at six o'clock the same evening and moved to Lawrenceburg twenty miles distant, threatening Frankfort in order to draw off the troops from Georgetown. Remained there until the return of my courier from Frankfort, who brought the information that there was a force in Frankfort of 2,000 or 3,000 men, consisting of Home Guards collected from the adjacent counties and a few regular troops. From Lawrenceburg I proceeded to Shryock's Ferry on the Kentucky river, raised the boat which had been sunk, and crossed that evening, reaching Versailles at 7 o'clock. I found this place abandoned by its defenders, who had fled to Lexington; remained there that night and on the next morning marched toward Georgetown. While at Versailles I took about 300 government horses and mules. I passed through Midwa
Tullahoma (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
lowing extract from General Buell's statement in review of the evidence before the military commission (Records, Vol. XVI, part 1, page 35). Referring to the campaign at this period, he says: Morgan had not yet disappeared from Kentucky after his first inroad when Forrest suddenly appeared at Murfreesboro on the 13th of July, surprised and captured the garrison, consisting of 1,400 men, cavalry, artillery and infantry, forming part of the force which was about to march from that place and Tullahoma to occupy Mc-Minnville, and did serious damage to the railroad. Two other regiments which had been designed for Murfreesboro had been detached and sent into Kentucky on the occasion of Morgan's incursion. The consequence of this disaster was serious. The use of the railroad from Nashville, which had been completed the very day before, and which I was depending on to throw supplies into Stevenson for a forward movement, was set back two weeks; the force of Forrest threatened Nashville it
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
ening and moved to Lawrenceburg twenty miles distant, threatening Frankfort in order to draw off the troops from Georgetown. Remained there until the return of my courier from Frankfort, who brought the information that there was a force in Frankfort of 2,000 or 3,000 men, consistFrankfort of 2,000 or 3,000 men, consisting of Home Guards collected from the adjacent counties and a few regular troops. From Lawrenceburg I proceeded to Shryock's Ferry on the Keand was informed just before reaching the place that a train from Frankfort was due with two regiments of Federals. I tore up the track and e road, but the train was warned of our presence and returned to Frankfort. Having taken possession of the telegraph office I intercepted a to destroy the track between Midway and Lexington and Midway and Frankfort and to blow up the stone bridge on that road, which he successfulll be under the domination of Morgan in a few days. He will take Frankfort and Lexington if forces are not sent immediately. Then, the spec
Kingston (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
responsibility of protecting a line of 300 miles from Cumberland Gap to Corinth, Gen. John H. Morgan spread consternation throughout Kentucky and Tennessee by his great raid into the former State. Leaving Knoxville on the 4th of July by way of Kingston and Sparta, he passed rapidly through Tompkinsville, Ky., where he crossed the Cumberland to Glasgow, Lebanon, Harrodsburg, Versailles, Georgetown and Cynthiana, where he had a heavy engagement on the 17th. Thence he returned south via Paris, W engaged in concentrating his army there preparatory to crossing the mountains at Altamont for the invasion of East Tennessee, when General Morgan again appeared on the scene as a disturbing element. On the 10th of August, having moved from Kingston, Tenn., by his favorite route via Sparta, he made his appearance at Gallatin, 26 miles north of Nashville, which had been the scene of his raid in March, and at daylight of the 12th captured Col. W. P. Boone and five companies of the Twenty-eight
Cumberland River (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
n's capture. Following are the reports of General Morgan, giving the details of this remarkable raid: Brigade Headquarters, Tompkinsville, Ky., July 9, 1862. Sir: I have the honor to report that I arrived with my command at the Cumberland river and passed the ford about 2 p. m. yesterday, 8th inst. My forces consisted of Colonel Hunt's Georgia regiment of cavalry, my own regiment and a squadron of Texas Rangers. We were joined at the river by two companies under Captains Hamilton and McMillan. I received information that the enemy had passed Cumberland river at Salina the day of my arrival, with about 780 men, but did not deem it right to attack that force, as I was aware that a considerable body of cavalry, about 380 or 400 strong, were stationed at this town, and I thought by a rapid night march I might succeed in surprising them. I left the river at 10 p. m. on the 8th inst., and at 5 a. m. this day I surprised the enemy and having surrounded them, threw four shell
Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
more troops to Kentucky. The mayor of Cincinnati, being notified, said he would send 500 men, and the governor of Ohio 1,000 stand of arms, while the governor of Indiana said he would send a regiment. All this telegraphing took place on the 12th. The scare increased. On the 13th General Boyle telegraphed Capt. Oliver D. Greeois cannot send a force to Paducah, complains that he has over and over again asked for reinforcements from General Buell and adds that all the forces in Ohio and Indiana should be sent to Kentucky. President Lincoln responds calmly that General Buell's position is such that he cannot deplete his force; and then he drolly telegraps, and arrived there at 4:30 a. m. on the 13th, capturing the pickets without firing a gun. The Federal forces were under the command of Gen. T. T. Crittenden, of Indiana, and consisted of portions of the Ninth Michigan infantry, Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry, Third Minnesota infantry and Capt. J. M. Hewett's Kentucky battery. They
Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
ir own account. Their excess in killed and wounded is remarkable, as they fought us from behind stone fences and fired at us from buildings as we passed through town. We captured a very fine twelve-pounder brass piece of artillery, together with a large number of small arms and about three hundred government horses. I found a very large supply of commissary and medical stores, tents, guns and ammunition at this place, which I destroyed. The paroled prisoners were sent under an escort to Falmouth, where they took the train for Cincinnati. I proceeded the next morning toward Paris and was met on the road by the bearer of a flag of truce, offering the unconditional surrender of the place. I reached Paris at 4 o'clock [18th], remained there that night and started toward Winchester the next morning. As my command was filing out of Paris on the Winchester pike, I discovered a large force of Federals coming toward the town from the direction of Lexington. They countermarched, suppos
Monticello (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
manded all previous orders that had been given by General Boyle to pursue me, and remained in perfect security all night. I found a very large supply of commissary stores, clothing, blankets, shoes, hats, etc., at this place, which were destroyed. I also found the arms that had been taken from Zollicoffer, together with large quantities of shell and ammunition, all of which were destroyed. I also burned at this place and Crab Orchard, 120 government wagons. From Somerset I proceeded to Monticello and from there to a point between Livingston and Sparta, where my command is now encamped. I left Knoxville on the 4th day of this month with about 900 men and returned to Livingston on the 28th with nearly 1,200, having been absent just 24 days, during which time I traveled over one thousand miles, captured seventeen towns, destroyed all the government supplies and arms in them, dispersed about 1,500 Home Guards, and paroled nearly 1,200 troops. I lost in killed, wounded and missing,
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