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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
mp which forbade more than twenty men at a time at night to go to the sinks. I have seen as many as five hundred men in a row waiting their time. The consequence was that they were obliged to use the places where they were. This produced great want of cleanliness, and aggravated the disease. Our men were compelled to labor in unloading Federal vessels and in putting up buildings for Federal officers, and if they refused, were driven to the work with clubs. The treatment of Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan and his officers was brutal and ignominious in the extreme. It will be found stated in the depositions of Captain M. D. Logan, Lieutenant W. P. Crow, Lieutenant-Colonel James B. McCreary and Captain B. A. Tracy, that they were put in the Ohio Penitentiary and compelled to submit to the treatment of felons. Their beards were shaved and their hair was cut close to the head. They were confined in convicts' cells and forbidden to speak to each other. For attempts to escape, and f
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
d there twenty months without losing his reason. T. D. Henry Company E, Duke's Regiment, Second Kentucky Cavalry, General J. H. Morgan's command. Sworn to before me this third day of March, 1876. will. A. Harris, Notary Public in and for San Bit to him without any answer. 4. Papers from forty-one to forty-seven, inclusive, relate to the confinement of General John H. Morgan and his officers in the penitentiary, at Columbus, Ohio. Though the Federal agent on the 30th of July, 1863, notified me that General John H. Morgan and his officers would be placed in close confinement, he.informed me two months afterwards, that the United States authorities had nothing to do with the treatment that General Morgan and his command received wheGeneral Morgan and his command received when imprisoned at Columbus. 5. Papers from forty-eight to fifty-seven, inclusive, relate to the detention of surgeons. Before the date of the cartel, surgeons were unconditionally released after capture. That rule was first adopted by the Confeder
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
h ahead as rapidly as possible, as he was desirous of getting the ship ready for sea before the blockade could be established. The McRae was a propeller of about 600 tons, barque rigged, and mounted six thirty-two pounders, one nine-inch Dahlgreen gun on pivot, and one twenty-four pounder brass rifle, also on pivot, making in all eight guns. The line officers above me were Lieutenants Warley, Egleston and Dunnington, all of the old navy. The midshipmen were Stone, John Comstock, Blanc and Morgan. Our surgeon was Dr. Linah, of South Carolina, and the purser was the best old gentleman in the world, Mr. Sample. The steamer Sumter, a propeller of 400 tons, mounting five guns and commanded by Commander R. Semmes, was fitting out near us. Captain Semmes was untiring in his efforts to get his vessel ready for sea, and finally threw his guns aboard in a half fitted state, started down the river, and in a few days was on the ocean destroying the commerce of the enemy. While the McRae wa
tish band. On the 24th of August, 1824, General William Clark, Indian Agent, purchased for the United States all the lands claimed by this tribe in Missouri. In July, 1829, in furtherance of a provisional agreement made the year before, the United States commissioners bought from the deputies of the Winnebagoes, Chippewas, Ottawas, Pottawattamies, Sioux, Menomonees, and Sacs and Foxes, about 8,000,000 acres, extending from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. At this treaty, Keokuk and Morgan, with about two hundred Sac warriors, were present and forwarded the negotiation. While such had been the treaty relations with the Sacs and Foxes, two rival war-chiefs divided the double tribe by their counsels, and contended for the first place in authority and influence. These were Keokuk, who was said to be of Fox descent, though chief of the Sac village on the Des Moines River; and Black Hawk, chief of the Sac village near Rock Island. Each had risen to his position by courage and
ional Government. minor operations. the cavalry. Morgan and Duke. fight at Woodsonville. N. B. Forrest. isoners escaped. On the 6th of December Captain John H. Morgan, with 105 men, crossed Green River, near Muand then returned to his camp without loss. John H. Morgan was the captain of a volunteer company in the Kparty there. He then came to Kentucky, and entered Morgan's company as a lieutenant. Both became brigadier-gty, wariness, enterprise, and unfailing resources. Morgan lost his life in the war, and his friend and comrade became his biographer. Duke's Life of Morgan, without any attempt at art, has the rare merit of combining tst gentleman. When Bramlette invaded Lexington, Morgan secured his arms and got away with his company on teached Buckner in safety on the 30th of September. Morgan was soon put in command of a squadron, composed of is at Oakland, ten miles in rear of Hindman's, with Morgan's cavalry, in the direction of Brownsville. Helm,
f the tired and angry soldiers and the roll of their baggage-wagons were continuous through that dreary day and those which succeeded it. Duke, in his Life of Morgan (page 113), tells what he saw, in his usual animated style. He says: The Tennessee troops were naturally most influenced by the considerations which affecter Colonel Rich, a valuable officer, who lost his life at Shiloh. one of the finest and best-disciplined regiments in the service, was detailed for this duty, and Morgan's squadron was sent to assist it. Our duty was to patrol the city and suburbs, and we were constantly engaged at it until the city was evacuated. Floyd had nod not be carried off nor distributed to the citizens, burned; and the capital of Tennessee (although we did not know it then) was abandoned finally to the enemy. Morgan's squadron was the last to leave, as it was required to remain in the extreme rear of the army, and pick up all the stragglers that evaded the rear-guards of the
difficult retreat. reorganization at Murfreesboro. the retreat. Morgan's first raids. the March. public terror and fury. Exasperation a, Scott's Louisiana, Wirt Adams's Mississippi, and by Forrest's and Morgan's commands, who were bold and energetic in harassing the enemy. Thenemy. Scott's gallant action has already been mentioned. Captain John H. Morgan here first began to win his reputation as a raider. The rat the enemy's communications-is, of course, as old as warfare. But Morgan, and after him, Stuart, Forrest, and others, made it historic and hssel-legitimate modern warfare is indebted to the Confederates. Morgan's first raid was begun on the afternoon of March 7th. With Lieuten administrative minds of his age and country. Duke says Life of Morgan, page 118): When the line of march was taken up, and the headr; Scott's Louisiana regiment at Pulaski, sending forward supplies; Morgan's cavalry at Shelbyville, ordered on. To-morrow, Breckinridge's
s brigades. It followed Bragg's line at about eight hundred yards' distance. Breckinridge's reserve was composed of Trabue's, Bowen's, and Statham's brigades, with a total infantry and artillery of 6,439. The cavalry, about 4,300 strong, guarded the flanks, or was detached on outpost duty; but, both from the newness and imperfections of their organization, equipment, and drill, and from the rough and wooded character of the ground, they did little service that day. The part taken by Morgan's, Forrest's, and Wharton's (Eighth Texas), will be given in its proper place. The army, exclusive of its cavalry, was between 35,000 and 36,000 strong. Jordan, in an official report, made in July, 1862, to the writer, then on inspection-duty, gave the effective total of all arms at 38,773, who marched April 3d. In his Life of Forrest he makes it 39,630. Hodge, in his sketch of the First Kentucky Brigade, with a different distribution of troops, puts the total at 39,695, which he says
n's statement. Withers's and Ruggles's reports. Gibson's and Gilmer's letters. Duke's life of Morgan. Jordan's life of Forrest. Chalmers's account. consequences of the mistake. A fruitless t armies the United States ever put in the field into a shapeless mass. Duke, in his Life of Morgan (page 142), says: Every one who witnessed that scene — the marshaling of the Confederate ahey identified from the prisoners as McDowell's and the Thirteenth Missouri. Duke, who was with Morgan's cavalry, marching in their rear, says that as they went in, horse and foot, they struck up thee field. This defeat of the enemy was shared in by Polk's corps and Patton Anderson's brigade. Morgan's cavalry and Wharton's Eighth Texas Cavalry also pursued the routed Federals, but were checked,, without such order, I know the enemy would have been crushed. General Duke, in his Life of Morgan, takes the following view of these events (page 154): It is a point conceded now on all si
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Shiloh. (search)
Hudson. Brigade loss: k, 98; w, 498; m, 28 = 624. Third Brigade, Col. W. S. Statham: 15th Miss.; 22d Miss.; 19th Tenn., Col. D H. Cummings; 20th Tenn., Col. J. A. Battle (c); 28th Tenn.; 45th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. E. F. Lytle; Tenn. Battery, Capt. A. M. Rutledge. Brigade loss: k, 137; w, 627; m, 45 = 809. troops not mentioned in the foregoing list. Cavalry: Tenn. Regt., Col. N. B. Forrest (w); Ala. Regt., Col. James H. Clanton; Texas Regt., Col. John A. Wharton (w); Ky. Squadron, Capt. John H. Morgan. Artillery: Ark. Battery, Capt. George T. Hubbard; Tenn. Battery, Capt. H. L. W. McClung. The total Confederate loss, as officially reported, was 1728 killed, 8012 wounded, and 959 missing =10,699. According to a field return for April 3d, 1862 ( Official Records, Vol. X, 398), the effective strength of the Confederate forces that marched from Corinth was as follows: Infantry, 34,727; artillery, 1,973; cavalry, 2073,--or an aggregate of 38,773. The 47th Tennessee Regiment re