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n to send him supplies, etc. He adds: The most essential route to be guarded is that leading through Somerset and Monticello, as, in my opinion, most practicable for the enemy. On the same day, General Johnson wrote again, using this languapment of an army. Having thus saved the remnant of his command, he burned his boats, and moved his tired army, on the Monticello road, toward Nashville. The condition of the Confederate army was truly deplorable. On the night of the 18th it ha efforts, many of the troops had nothing better than parched corn to sustain life. Crittenden marched his army through Monticello and Livingston to Gainsboro, and, finally, by General Johnston's orders, took position at Chestnut Mound, where he was d place immediately on an efficient footing the command of Major-General Crittenden. Schoepf followed Crittenden to Monticello, and then returned. Thomas did not pursue his victory, for reasons sufficiently obvious. The season of the year, the
. Webb, Third Lieutenant; Samuel Robinson, First Sergeant; J. E. Wright, Second Sergeant; G. M. LaLane, Third Sergeant; H. D. Hanahan, Fourth Sergeant; M. J. Darly, Fifth Sergeant; J. B. Boyd, First Corporal; J. E. Gaillard, Second Corporal; A. M. Brailsford, Third Corporal; DeSaussure Edwards, Fourth Corporal; J. E. Dutart, Fifth Corporal; E. W. Bellinger, Sixth Corporal; O. D. Mathews, Quartermaster; R. S. Miller, jr., Commissary.--Charleston Mercury, May 10. The Cumberland, Pawnee, Monticello, and Yankee are enforcing the blockade off Fortress Monroe. The Yankee pursued an armed schoon er up York River, but after proceeding a short distance was fired upon from a concealed battery, and compelled to return. The steamers Philadelphia, Baltimore, Powhattan, and Mount Vernon, of the Acquia Creek line, recently taken possession of by the Federal Government, are cruising on the Potomac, all heavily armed. Southern troops are concentrating in the vicinity of Norfolk. An Alabama r
May 1. The battle of Port Gibson, Miss., was fought this day, between the National forces, under Major-General Grant, and the rebels, under General John S. Bowen.--(Doc. 180.) A fight took place at Monticello, Ky., between a force of five thousand Nationals, under the command of General Samuel P. Carter, and the rebels, commanded by Colonel Morrison, resulting in the defeat of the latter.--(Doc. 181.) The Committee of Thirteen, appointed at the last session of the rebel Congress to collect and report outrages on persons and property committed by the public enemy in violation of the rules of civilized warfare, reported in part, and asked leave to continue their labors.--See Supplement. The schooner Wanderer, while endeavoring to run the blockade of Wilmington, N. C., was captured by the National steamer Sacramento. A skirmish took place near La Grange, Arkansas, between a detachment of the Third Iowa cavalry, under the command of Captain J. Q. A. Do Huff, and
May 31. A battle occurred in Lincoln County, Mo., between a large body of guerrillas, and the enrolled militia of the county, resulting in the defeat of the latter, with a loss of ten men.--The National gunboat Alert, lying at the navy-yard at Norfolk, Va., took fire this morning. The fire soon reaching her magazine, a shell exploded, which went through her bottom, and she sank immediately.--A cavalry reconnoissance was made from Somerset, Ky., to within four miles of Monticello, during which, sixteen rebels, with their arms and horses, were captured. A force of Union cavalry, under the command of Colonel F. M. Cornyn, Tenth Missouri cavalry, returned to Corinth, Miss., after a successful raid into Alabama. They were absent five days, during which time, they had a fight (May twenty-seventh) with a body of rebel guerrillas, under Colonel Roddy, at Florence, Ala., routing them with considerable loss; they destroyed seven cotton factories, with all their contents, valued at
ll be at once enrolled, and the rolls forwarded to these headquarters. Commanders of districts will appoint enrolling officers, and take such steps as may be necessary to fully and promptly carry out this order. A right took place near Monticello, Ky., between the National cavalry under Colonels Carter and Kautz, and the rebels under Pegram, resulting in the rout of the latter, and the occupation of Monticello by the National troops.--(Doc. 60.) The Savannah Republican, of this date,Monticello by the National troops.--(Doc. 60.) The Savannah Republican, of this date, says: The movements of Rosecrans still continue clouded in mystery, and it is not known whether he has sent off any of his force or not. It is very difficult to obtain any information of his movements, as he has established a chain of patrols, and it is well-nigh impossible for scouts and spies to penetrate his lines. Rosecrans appears better informed of our movements. Late Yankee papers publish a list of forces which Bragg has sent to Mississippi. --the brig Mary Alvina was captured and burn
Doc. 60.-fight near Monticello, Ky. Somerset, Ky., June 10, 1863. One of the most exciting and trying reconnoissances that I have ever seen I returned froo'clock we were in the saddle, and moving at a brisk walk in the direction of Monticello. We were regaled on our way by the perfume of the clover-fields and early fle trouble among the pickets. Our men pressed on vigorously till they reached Monticello, where they captured two boxes of small arms of all patterns and sizes, and tich he did in the face of a superior force, and fell back without loss. At Monticello, the rear-guard was joined by a company of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, Captain t found a savory meal, and had retired to safer positions in the direction of Monticello. The wounded were brought to Captain West's, and laid down in his yard, whHe fell while gallantly discharging his duty to his country. The people of Monticello, supposing we were coming in force, expressed, in private, much gratification
my corps. Major Emory here made a cavalry reconnoissance toward Jacksboro, encountered two regiments of rebel cavalry, and routed them, taking forty-five prisoners. General Burnside, with the main body of his army, left Chitwood on the twenty-eighth and reached Montgomery, the county-seat of Morgan County, Tennessee, forty-two miles from Chitwood, on the thirtieth. Here another column of infantry, under Colonel Julius White, came in, having marched from Central Kentucky, by way of Albany, Monticello, and Jamestown. Colonel Burt, commanding the cavalry advance, sent word that the rebel General Pegram was holding the gap in the mountains, near the Emery Iron-Works, with two thousand men. The position was a very strong one, and the gap was the gate to the Clinch River Valley. A battle was expected, as there was not a better place in the country to check our forces. But on the morning of the thirty-first it was discovered that the enemy had fled in the night. Emery River, nine miles
f life, which have reached most fabulous prices. Two thousand cavalry and mounted infantry were sent from the vicinity of Greenwood and Grenada north-east to intercept us; one thousand three hundred cavalry and several regiments of infantry with artillery were sent from Mobile to Macon, Meridian, and other points on the Mobile and Ohio Road. A force was sent from Canton north-east to prevent our crossing Pearl River, and another force of infantry and cavalry was sent from Brookhaven to Monticello, thinking we would cross Pearl River at that point instead of Georgetown. Expeditions were also sent from Vicksburgh, Port Gibson, and Port Hudson, to intercept us. Many detachments were sent out from my command at various places to mislead the enemy, all of which rejoined us in safety. Colton's pocket map of the Mississippi, which, though small, is very correct, was all I had to guide me, but by the capture of their couriers, despatches, and mails, and the invaluable aid of my scouts, w
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
nd broil it on the coals, and then eat it without bread or salt. The suffering of the men from the want of the necessaries of life, of clothing, and of repose, has been most intense, and a more melancholy spectacle than this solemn, hungry, and weary procession, could scarcely be imagined. Destitute of provisions and forage, the sadly-smitten Confederates were partially dispersed among the hills on the borders of Kentucky and Tennessee, while seeking both. Crittenden retreated first to Monticello, and then continued his flight until he reached Livingston and Gainesborough, in the direction of Nashville, in order to be in open communication with Headquarters at the latter place, and to guard the Cumberland as far above it as possible. Thus ended the battle of Mill Spring (which has been also called the Battle of Beech Grove, Fishing Creek, and Somerset), with a loss to the Nationals of two hundred and forty-seven, of whom thirty-nine were killed, and two hundred and eight were wo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
d evil-boding. At East Point he met some of Wheeler's cavalry, which Hood had left behind to operate Against Sherman. These were attacked and driven across the Flint River. Kilpatarick crossed that stream at Jonesboroa, and pursued them to Lovejoy, where Murray's brigade, dismounted, expelled them from intrenchments, captured the works, took fifty prisoners, and, in the pursuit, Atkins's brigade seized and held two of their guns. Pressing forward, Kilpatrick went through Macdonough and Monticello to Clinton, and then made a dash upon Macon, driving in some of Wheeler's cavalry there, threatening the strongly-manned works, burning a train of cars, tearing up the railway, and spreading the greatest consternation over that region. By this time the Confederates began to comprehend the grand object of Sherman's movement, but could not determine his final destination. The evident danger to Georgia and the Carolinas caused the most frantic appeals to be made to the people of the forme