Browsing named entities in a specific section of Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order.
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d down about 1820, (Fox Hill,) 1722
Court to Brattle, Brattle alley, 1722; Dassett's alley, 1789, Franklin avenue, 1818
In parts, Vincent's lane, 1777; Franklin place, Sturgis street, Baker's alley, Hamilton court, Franklin street, 1708
Hanover to Mill Pond, separate lane, 1807; in parts, Minot's court, Scott court, Friend street, 1733
From Fleet street to Bell alley, Garden court st., 1708
Green lane, 1708, from Bowdoin square to Chambers street, Green street, 1784
Greenoughill, Hamilton street, 1807
From Common street east, nearly opposite Park street, Hamilton place, 1806
West Boston Bridge, (Hancock Bridge,) 1793
Cambridge to Sumner; George street, 1732; at one time, Turner street, Hancock street, 1788
Hanover to Ann street; Methodist alley, 1796, Hanover avenue, 1829
Robinson's court, 1820; Robbins' court, 1824; from Hanover street, Hanover court, N., 1840
Queen street to Mill Bridge, extended north, 1824-1836; Orange Tree lane early, Hanover s
west, 1846, 1865; Frog lane, 1708, Boylston street, 1809
Brattle alley; In part, Cooper's alley; Hiller's lane, Brattle street, 1708
Cornhill, by the Church, to Elm street; Brattle to Elm, 1820, Brattle square, 1800
From Broad to India street, unchanged, Broad street, 1808
Copper street, 1803; extended to Lowell street, 1833, and to Allen street, 1845, Brighton street, 1816
Flounders alley; in part, Sea street; many changes, extensions and cutoffs, Broad street, 1805
Over Fort Point channel and O. C. railroad, Broadway bridge, 1869
Rawson's lane, 1708; Bromfield lane, 1796, Bromfield street, 1829
Muddy River, and was a part of Boston previous, (Brookline Town,) 1705
Bulfinch street to Meddlecott; called Clapp's buildings at one time, Bulfinch place, 1805
Cambridge to Middlicott; extended to Somerset place, 1818, Bulfinch street, 1800
From Tremont east, then north to Bromfield lane.
Built over, 1852, (Bumstead place,) 1807
From Sudbury, west to the
art of Richmond, 1800, Parmenter street, 1870
Milk to Cow lane, Hutchinson lane, 1722; Palmer street, 1788; Green lane, 1789, Pearl street 1800
Washington to Savage's court, now Williams court, arch remains, (Peck's arch,) 1800
Between Somerset and Tremont row, dug down, 1835, (Pemberton Hill,) 1814
Phillips place in part, formerly Pemberton Hill, Pemberton square, 1838
From Tremont, Tremont place, 1805; built over, (Philips place,) 1829
Southac street, 1729; part George stree
Between Essex and Pond sts., built over, (Rowe's Pasture,) 1777
Prince to Charter; Green lane; Hanover to Charter, 1824; Back street, 1708, Salem street, 1708
Hanover to Ann; Salutation alley, 1708, Salutation street, 1825
Cornhill to Somerset; So. Latin school, 1759; Cornhill to Tremont, 1803, School street, 1708
Scollay's Buildings, 1809; building removed, 1870, Scollays square, 1838
Dover to Roxbury; Suffolk, 1834; Dover to Castle, 1849; to Tremont, 1870, Shawmut avenue, 1851
previous, Chelsea Town, 1738
Winnissimmet ferry, 1631, Chelsea ferry, 1738
From Walnut street, west to the water, Chestnut street, 1800
Sweetser's alley, 1798; Sweetser's court, 1809, Chickering place, 1855
Extended south, 1838; north, 1846 and 1852; a part Lincoln court, 1820, Church street, 1828
Foster's lane, 1732; extended to Commercial street, 1846, Clark street, 1788
Snowhill to Margaret, Margaret avenue, 1814, Cleaveland place, 1814
Between Essex, Summer, Short, and South; built over, (Coffin's field,) 1775
Washington Gardens, previous Row, remains, Colonade gone, (Colonade row,) 1810
Long Wharf to Clinton, 1825; extended north, 1829, 1833; in part, Lynn street, Commercial street, 1818
Washington to Tremont; Walker's lane, 1741; Clough street, 1750; Nassau, 1788, Common street, 1836
State to Milk; Quaker lane, Dalton's lane, part Atkinson street; many extensions, Congress street, 1800
North Margin to Pond; extended to Salem street, 1838, Coope
street at one time, Derne street, 1806
State to Milk; Pudding lane, 1708; Joylieff's lane, Black Jack alley; many extensions, Devonshire street, 1784
Orange court, 1823; Dutch lane previous, Dix place, 1846
Doan's wharf at one time, Doane street, 1806
Washington to Back Bay; a part South Bridge street, 1805, Dover street, 1835
Over the Mill creek, Ann street, now part of North street (Draw bridge,) 1688
Previously, Maverick's island, Williams island, and Noddle's island East Boston, 1832
From Chamber to North Russell street unchanged, Eaton street, 1795
Laid out by owners; extended 1750, 1784; to Columbus avenue, 1873, Elliot street, 1740
Hudson's lane, 1658; Wing's lane, 1708, Elm street, 1800
Mill lane, 1805; Mill Pond street, 1807, Pond street, 1814, Endicott street, 1836
Newbury to South; extended 1731; Achamutty street, 1775; east end Beach, 1804 Essex street, 1808
Shrimpton's lane, 1708; Royal Exchange lane, and Exchange lane from 1879, Excha
n street, 1807
From North street to Copp's Hill, Hanover to Commercial, 1803, Charter street, 1708
Mercha788; South Allen, 1806, McLean street, 1829
From Hanover to Ann; City court, 1822, Mechanic street, 1825
rk place at one time, Park street, 1803
Salem to Hanover; Beer lane, 1708; Bridge lane, 1796; part of Richmoon, 1820; to Chambers, 1859, Poplar street, 1800
Hanover to Mill Pond; Cold lane, 1708, Portland street, 180l to Charles; May st., 1733, Revere street, 1855
Hanover to Back, to Fish, 1820; Wood lane; Proctor's lane; 's Pasture,) 1777
Prince to Charter; Green lane; Hanover to Charter, 1824; Back street, 1708, Salem street, 1708
Hanover to Ann; Salutation alley, 1708, Salutation street, 1825
Cornhill to Somerset; So. Latin scho, Sudbury square, 1709
School to Mill Pond; from Hanover, 1708; Court to Portland, 1850; to Merrimac, 1851, street, 1654
Dock square to Mill Pond, north of Hanover, Green Dragon lane, 1708, Union street, 1828
harf, (Merry's point,) 1646
Fort street, 1666; Marlboroa to Batterymarch, east, 1804, 1820, Milk street, 1708
About Copp's Hill, (Mill Field,) 1634
Within Salem, North Margin, Causeway, South Margin and Merrimac streets, (Mill Pond,) 1650
Leverett to the water; Cart lane, 1733, Minot street, 1825
Fish to Clark square; to Fleet, 1784; North square to Fleet, 1800, Moon street, 1708
From Park to rear State House, to Charles; numerous streets added, Mt. Vernon, 1796
Across Fort Point channel, Mt. Wash.
Bridge, 1856
Extended 1814, 1851; Warren street, 1878; May street, 1796; Myrtle court, Zone street, Hill street, Myrtle street, 1806
Next north of Essex street, built over by Globe theatre, 1866, (Newbury place,) 1805
From Washington, east; jarvis row, 1805, Norfolk place, 1823
From Green to Merrimac; Gouch street, 1822; Gooch lane, 1732, Norman street, 1877
Between Moon and Garden court and Clark square, 1708, North square, 1788
Ann street; formerly
Sweetser's alley, 1798; Sweetser's court, 1809, Chickering place, 1855
Extended south, 1838; north, 1846 and 1852; a part Lincoln court, 1820, Church street, 1828
Foster's lane, 1732; extended to Commercial street, 1846, Clark street, 1788
Snowhill to Margaret, Margaret avenue, 1814, Cleaveland place, 1814
Between Essex, Summer, Short, and South; built over, (Coffin's field,) 1775
Washington Gardens, previous Row, remains, Colonade gone, (Colonade row,) 1810
Long Wharf to Clinton, 1825; extended north, 1829, 1833; in part, Lynn street, Commercial street, 1818
Washington to Tremont; Walker's lane, 1741; Clough street, 1750; Nassau, 1788, Common street, 1836
State to Milk; Quaker lane, Dalton's lane, part Atkinson street; many extensions, Congress street, 1800
North Margin to Pond; extended to Salem street, 1838, Cooper street, 1807
Between Snowhill, Charter and Lynn streets, Copp's Hill, 1660
From Corn Market south; opposite south side Faneuil Hall, Co
; no trace left, (Old Way,) 1708
In Mackerel lane, now Kilby street, filled up, (Oliver's Bridge,) 1722
Milk to Fort Hill; Oliver lane, 1789; in part, Gibbs lane, extended 1845, Oliver street, 1708
Otis place, 1812; from Summer to Devonshire street, Otis street, 1816
Tremont, opp. the Granary; trees planted 1762; removed, 1874, (Paddock's mall,) 1777
Common to Beacon street; Centry street, 1784; Park place at one time, Park street, 1803
Salem to Hanover; Beer lane, 1708; Bridge lane, 1796; part of Richmond, 1800, Parmenter street, 1870
Milk to Cow lane, Hutchinson lane, 1722; Palmer street, 1788; Green lane, 1789, Pearl street 1800
Washington to Savage's court, now Williams court, arch remains, (Peck's arch,) 1800
Between Somerset and Tremont row, dug down, 1835, (Pemberton Hill,) 1814
Phillips place in part, formerly Pemberton Hill, Pemberton square, 1838
From Tremont, Tremont place, 1805; built over, (Philips place,) 1829
Southac street, 1729; pa