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soon the truth spread; and my friends in Hingham and Plymouth came up generously to the work. We felt that the two great ideas of the church and the schoolhouse, which our Pilgrim Fathers brought to this shore, were to be carried out, and ever trusted in God they would. But this narrative is growing too long. In a few words, then, let me add, that I found conventions to be the best missionaries of the truth; and I gathered them in Plymouth, Duxbury, New Bedford, Bridgewater, Kingston, Hanover, Hanson, &c. The Old Colony was ready to take the lead; and we began with petitions and memorials to the Legislature, all recommending the establishment of Normal Schools. How many hundred pages I wrote on this subject, during 1834-6, I dare not say. It was the subject of my thoughts and prayers. The wisdom of the Prussian scheme recommended itself to the reflecting; and, as I had studied it, I was invited to lecture in each of the New England States. I went to Portsmouth, Concord, Nashu
rried Miss Relief, daughter of David He was the son of David and Hannah (Richmond) Jacobs of Hanover. He served as one of the committee of safety during the Revolution; and died in 1808, aged 79 arly as 1688, and was a schoolmaster, and a deacon in the church. and Hannah (Hersey) Jacobs of Hanover, April 25, 1810,--a lady of strong mind, of an amiable disposition, and of graceful bearing. Tty of $500. who long taught a private school on Beacon Hill, Boston, and who is still living in Hanover at the advanced age of ninety-one years. He was a bright-eyed, obedient, and well-behaved boed down the slopes of Beacon Hill, or spent a few days on a visit to his mother's early home in Hanover, where, instead of working with the boys upon the farm, he preferred to speak his pieces in theomestead of his grandfather David Jacobs, and the birth-place of his mother, is in that part of Hanover called Assinippi, and is now the residence of the Hon. Perez Simmons. An air of quiet and comf
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, T. G. Appleton. (search)
est; And beyond the glowing town, and guiltless sea, sweet rest. Tom Appleton was greatly interested in the performances of the spiritualists, trance mediums, and other persons pretending to supernatural powers. How far he believed in this occult science can now only be conjectured, but he was not a man to be easily played upon. He thought at least that there was more in it than was dreamed of by philosophers. When the Longfellow party was at Florence in April, 1869, Prince George of Hanover, recently driven from his kingdom by Bismarck, called to see the poet, and finding that he had gone out, was entertained by Mr. Appleton with some remarkable stories of hypnotic and spiritualistic performances. The prince, who was a most amiable looking young German, was evidently very much interested. Deafness came upon Mr. Appleton in the last years of his life, though not so as to prevent his enjoying the society of those who had clear voices and who spoke distinctly. When one of h
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 13: Plymouth County. (search)
$400.10; in 1862, $2,406.66; in 1863, $3,373.14; in 1864, $3,854.80; in 1865, $2,800.00. Total amount, $12,834.70. Hanover Incorporated June 14, 1727. Population in 1860, 1,565; in 1865, 1,545. Valuation in 1860, $821,527; in 1865, $747,5 the war. May 18th, Appropriated two hundred and fifty dollars to purchase uniforms for soldiers who may volunteer from Hanover. It was also voted to pay each soldier a dollar a day for drilling. November 6th, Voted, to raise six hundred dollars the town within one week. August 23d, The bounty was fixed at one hundred and fifty dollars to all who may enlist from Hanover for three years service. It was also voted to borrow five thousand dollars in anticipation of the ordinary revenue of to each volunteer enlisting for three years to the credit of the town. This bounty was paid until the end of the war. Hanover furnished about one hundred and eighty men, and had a surplus of twenty-two at the end of the war over and above all dem
4 Essex 187 F. Fairhaven 130 Falmouth 38 Fall River 133 Fitchburg 625 Florida 73 Foxborough 501 Framingham 405 Franklin 502 Freetown 137 G. Gardner 628 Georgetown 188 Gill 265 Gloucester 191 Goshen 341 Gosnold 168 Grafton 630 Granby 342 Granville 302 Great Barrington 74 Greenfield 266 Greenwich 343 Groton 408 Groveland 194 H. Hadley 345 Halifax 546 Hamilton 196 Hancock 77 Hanover 550 Hanson 547 Hardwick 631 Harvard 633 Harwich 41 Hatfield 346 Hawley 268 Haverhill 198 Heath 269 Hingham 551 Hinsdale 79 Holden 635 Holland 303 Holliston 410 Holyoke 305 Hopkinton 412 Hubbardston 636 Hull 553 Huntington 348 I. Ipswich 202 K. Kingston 554 L. Lakeville 556 Lancaster 638 Lanesborough 80 Lawrence 202 Lee 81 Leicester 639 Leominster 642 Lenox 84 Leverett
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 2: education (search)
rly untranslatable. If I cannot find a translation and you have a copy of the original, I'll send them down for your consideration. On August 18, 1840, Dana wrote again from Guildhall to his friend Barrett: After a week of pleasure at Hanover, I find myself once more on the hither side of the North Pole, in safety as I trust of both mind and body. To me withdrawal from my daily studies and occupations is an event that occurs but seldom; but from its rarity it is the more highly enjy, and if I do not get your letters, why, the de'il is in it. Tell me what you think of Jones Very and I'll tell you something about the man. I had almost forgotten to say how much I owe you for a large share of the pleasure of my visit to Hanover, and to remind you of our bargain, to live together and write books. In the meanwhile, I trust no legal or other logicalities may obscure in us the love of the beautiful or the hatred of the Devil. Give my best remembrances to my namesake an
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 1: Ancestry. (search)
nd removed two years later to Hingham. For the genealogy of the Jacob family, see History of Hanover, by J. S. Barry, pp. 319-335; and for that of the Simmons family, pp. 371-374. His son John was used for an inn, is now the residence of Rev. Robert L. Killam. It is situated in the part of Hanover known as Assinippi. His son David, Jr., who was born in Hanover in 1763, married Hannah HerseyHanover in 1763, married Hannah Hersey, She was a descendant of William Hersey, an emigrant from England, who was in Hingham as early as 1635. To him a numerous family, largely still resident in that town, trace their lineage. His g descended. Martha Hersey, a sister of Mrs. Relief Sumner's mother, married Elisha Simmons, of Hanover, who died, in 1825, at the age of eighty. The site of his residence is near that of Perez Simmr. The Jacob family were generally farmers, residing in Hingham, Scituate, South Scituate, and Hanover. They were marked by good sense and steady habits, and some of them discharged important civic
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 2: Parentage and Family.—the father. (search)
was the duty of a good citizen to speak well of, and to sustain, the powers that be. He was admitted, in 1803, into the Society of the Cincinnati, as the successor of his father. Mr. Sumner was married, April 25, 1810, to Relief Jacob, of Hanover. They had formed an acquaintance while both were boarding with Captain Adams Bailey, on South-Russell Street. Miss Jacob, at the time of her marriage, was living with Shepard Simonds, on the corner of May (Revere) and South-Russell Streets. She had, since leaving Hanover, been earning her livelihood with her needle, upon work received at her room. Crossing the street from the Simonds house, they were married by Justice Robert Gardner, in their new home, a frame house which they had hired, situated at the West End, on the southeast corner of May (Revere) and Buttolph (Irving) Streets, occupying a part of what is now the site of the Bowdoin school house. Here eight of their children, all but the youngest, Julia, were born. Mr. Sumn
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 4: College Life.—September, 1826, to September, 1830.—age, 15-19. (search)
low alike, and free from all fawning to gain the favor of any. His greatness was not, in my opinion, the result of ambition to become known and distinguished above most other men, but to do his duty faithfully in whatever he took in hand, seeking the right and pursuing it without regard to public opinion. He was thoroughly equipped for the station which he reached; and the world knows how well he acquitted himself. In his vacations, Sumner saw something of country life, walking once to Hanover, with his friend William H. Simmons, and occasionally passing a few days with his father's uncle, William Sumner, who lived on what is now River Street, in Hyde Park, then a part of Dorchester. This relative died in 1836, at the age of eighty-seven. The Neponset River flows just in the rear of his house. Near by were then forests and pastures, where now are streets and dwelling-houses. Sumner rowed on the river, strolled over the fields, took long walks to Scots' Woods, the seashore at
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 14: first weeks in London.—June and July, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
arious, —always at home, whether for argument or laughter. The style of debate is different in the Lords and in the Commons; in the latter I have heard the two discussions on the Irish Corporation Bill. I have alluded to my opportunities of seeing various shades of life and opinion. I may add that I know men of all parties. With Lord Wharncliffe I have talked a great deal about toryism and the ballot; while Lord Lansdowne expressed to me this morning his strong aversion to the King of Hanover as King of England. Sir Robert H. Inglis, Sir Robert H. Inglis, 1786-1855. He entered Parliament in 1824, and represented the University of Oxford from 1829 to 1853. He was a finished scholar, and much identified with literary and charitable associations. Sumner dined with him several times, and attended parties at his house, 7 Bedford Square. one of the best men I ever met, has shown me great kindness; I breakfasted with him, and then partook of a collation with the Bishop of London.