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Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 31 9 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 27 27 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 18 18 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 17 13 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 16 12 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 15 15 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 14 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 14 14 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 13 13 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 12 12 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
ke Island, with the intention of making it a base for immediate operations, and that his first offensive work would be against the forces stationed at Hatteras Inlet, with the further purpose of destroying the Hatteras light; and that they would land a considerable force at the upper end of the island, at a point near Chicamacomico, and march down. Seeing the necessity of counter-action on the part of the Union forces, on the 6th of September I wrote a full account of the situation to General John E. Wool, commanding the Department of Virginia, in which occurred the following suggestions: First. Roanoke Island, which commands the Croatan Channel between Pamlico and Albemarle sounds, should be occupied at once. It is now held by the rebels. They have a battery completed at the upper end of the island and another in course of erection at the southern extremity. Second. A small force should be stationed at Beacon Island, which is in the mouth of Ocracoke Inlet and commands it.
ours. Our route was through a thickly wooded region all the way. It continued cloudy and was intensely dark, and there was a drizzling rain nearly all night. We had to trust to our horses keeping on the path, as they see better in the darkness than men. It frequently occurred that we could not tell whether we were on the road or not, for we could not distinguish a white handkerchief an arms length in front of us. Immediately on our arrival at Neosho I delivered the dispatches and mail to Major John A Foreman, commanding officer of the post, who at once sent them by another detachment on to Springfield. I breakfasted at home with father and mother and the family, the first time for nearly two years. Mother was nearly wild with delight to see me, so many exciting events have taken place in this section since the last time she saw me. Though we were within twelve miles of here last September at the battle of Newtonia, I did not have an opportunity of coming home. She heard the boom
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
General, Robert, mentioned, 87. Andrew, Governor John A., mentioned, 145. Antietam, battle of, killed at Antietam, 215. Breckinridge, General John C., mentioned, 83, 341, 369. Bristol Stakenbrough's brigade, 288. Brockenbrough, Judge John W., 403. Brown, John, mentioned, 74, 75, rro Gordo, battle of, 38, 40. Chambliss, General John R., killed, 362. Champe, Sergeant, 9. C Fredericksburg, battle of 222. Fremont, General John 6., 143, 179. French, General, mentioned Gordon, General James B., 337. Gordon, General John B., mentioned, 241, 336, 371, 387. Gorgap-Gettysburg, 274, 280, 282, 283. Logan, General John A., mentioned, 24. Lomax, General L. L.,mouth Rock, 83. Polk, James K., 32. Pope, General John, 173, 177, 180, 184, 186, 191, 193. Popenck, General, mentioned, 143. Schofield, General John M., joins Sherman, 372. Scott, General, on, Augustine, mentioned, 1. Washington, Colonel John A., 116, 117, 121, 122. Washington Colle[3 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance on Monterey-the Black Fort-the battle of Monterey-surrender of the City (search)
ut too much loss, for the purpose of creating a diversion in favor of Worth, who was conducting the movement which it was intended should be decisive. By a movement by the left flank Garland could have led his men beyond the range of the fire from Black Fort and advanced towards the north-east angle of the city, as well covered from fire as could be expected. There was no undue loss of life in reaching the lower end of Monterey, except that sustained by Garland's command. Meanwhile [General John A.] Quitman's brigade, conducted by an officer of engineers, had reached the eastern end of the city, and was placed under cover of the houses without much loss. Colonel Garland's brigade also arrived at the suburbs, and, by the assistance of some of our troops that had reached house-tops from which they could fire into a little battery covering the approaches to the lower end of the city, the battery was speedily captured and its guns were turned upon another work of the enemy. An entr
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Investment of Fort Donelson-the naval operations-attack of the enemy-assaulting the works-surrender of the Fort (search)
leaving behind a valuable part of our available force. On the 7th, the day after the fall of Fort Henry, I took my staff and the cavalry — a part of one regiment and made a reconnaissance to within about a mile of the outer line of works at Donelson. I had known General Pillow in Mexico, and judged that with any force, no matter how small, I could march up to within gunshot of any intrenchments he was given to hold. I said this to the officers of my staff at the time. I knew that [General John B.] Floyd was in command, but he was no soldier, and I judged that he would yield to Pillow's pretensions. I met, as I expected, no opposition in making the reconnaissance and, besides learning the topography of the country on the way and around Fort Donelson, found that there were two roads available for marching; one leading to the village of Dover, the other to Donelson. Fort Donelson is two miles north, or down the river, from Dover. The fort, as it stood in 1861, embraced about
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
ory. 212. Amnesty Proclamation, 98. Andersonville, 177. Apparition, 164. Arnold, Hon. I. N., 150, 237, 302. Ashley, Hon. Mr., 151. Ashmun, Hon., George, 284-286. Assassination, 63. B. Baker, G. E., 127. Baldwin, Judge, (Cal.,) 245. Baltimore Convention, 162. Barrett, Hon. J. H., 86, 254. Bateman, Newton, 192. Bates, Attorney-General, 55. Battle, Fair Oaks, 139. Beecher, Henry Ward, 135, 230. Bellows, Rev. Dr., 81, 274. Bible Presentation, 199. Bingham, Hon. John A., 234. Blair, Hon. M., 21, 46, 88. Booth, Edwin, 49. Bowen, H. C., 221. Brady, M. B., 46. Braine, Lieutenant, 94. Brooks, Noah, 63, 165, 188, 235. Bulletin, (San Francisco,) 223. Burnside, 81. C. Cabinet Meeting, 55. Cameron, Secretary, 136-138, 253. Cannon, Colonel L. B., 115. Cass, General, 271. Chase, 21, 84, 85, 86, 88-90, 180, 218, 223; letter to Stanton, 180. Cheever, Rev. Dr., 147. Chicago Convention, 119. Christian Commission, 161. Clark, Senator,
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
12th U. S., 2d Battn., Capt. Thomas M. Anderson; 14th U. S., 1st Battn., Capt. W. Harvey Brown; 14th U. S., 2d Battn., Capt. David B. McKibbin. Second Brigade, Maj. Charles S. Lovell; 1st and 6th U. S., Capt. Levi C. Bootes; 2d and 10th U. S., Capt. John S. Poland; 11th U. S., Capt. DeL. Floyd-Jones; 17th U. S., Maj. George L. Andrews. Third Brigade, Col. Gouverneur K. Warren ; 5th N. Y., Capt. Cleveland Winslow; 19th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. John W. Marshall. Artillery, 1st U. S., Batts. E and G, ig.-Gen. John Newton; 18th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. George R. Myers; 31st N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Francis E. Pinto; 32d N. Y., Col. Roderick Matheson; Maj. George F. Lemon; 95th Pa., Col. Gustavus W. Town. Artillery, Capt. Emory Upton; Md. Light, Batt. A, Capt. John W. Wolcott; Mass. Light, Batt. A, Capt. Josiah Porter; N. J. Light, Batt. A, Capt. William Hexamer; 2d U. S., Batt. D, Lieut. Edward B. Williston. Second Division, Maj.-Gen. William F. Smith:--First Brigade, (1) Brig.-Gen. Winfield S. Han
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
iller, Maj. George Harney; 56th Pa. (9 cos.), Col. J. William Hofmann. Second division, Brig.-Gen. John C. Robinson:--First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Gabriel R. Paul, Col. Samuel H. Leonard, Col. AdriaGeneral Headquarters, 6th N. Y. Cav., cos. D and K, Capt. Riley Johnson. First division, Brig.-Gen. John C. Caldwell:--First Brigade, Col. Edward E. Cross, Col. H. Boyd McKeen ; 5th N. H., Lieut.-John B. Kohler; 102d Pa., Guarding wagon-train at Westminster, and not engaged in the battle. Col. John W. Patterson; 139th Pa., Col. Frederick H. Collier, Lieut.-Col. William H. Moody. Artillery Barman; 107th N. Y., Col. Nirom M. Crane; 3d Wis., Col. William Hawley. Second division, Brig.-Gen. John W. Geary:--First Brigade, Col. Charles Candy; 5th Ohio, Col. John H. Patrick; 7th Ohio, Coleut. David H. Kinzie. Cavalry Corps, Major-General Alfred Pleasonton. First division, Brig.-Gen. John Buford:--First Brigade, Col. William Gamble; 8th Ill., Maj. John L. Beveridge; 12th Ill. (4
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
Cummings Point, 63 et seq. Cushing,. Caleb, 76 D. Davies, General T. A., 174 Davis, Jefferson, 25 et seq., 40; elected President of the Confederacy, 41; opposes the attack on Fort Sumter, 56; belief of Northern aid, 71; offers letters of marque and reprisal, 78; call for volunteers, 79; his message to Governor Letcher, 92; letter to Governor Jackson, 117, 158; speech of, at Richmond, 169 Declaration of Causes by South Carolina, 5 et seq. Dennison, Governor, 140 Dix, Secretary John A., 33, 76, 208 Doubleday, Captain (afterward General) Abner, 29, 64 Douglas, Stephen A., adherents of, 8; his interview with President Lincoln, 76 Dogan Heights, 191 Duke, Captain, 117 Dumont, Colonel, 143, 15 E. Ellsworth, Col. E. E., 110 et seq.; shot at Alexandria, 113; buried from the White House, 114 Ellsworth's Zouaves, 110 Elzey, General, 194 Evans, Colonel, 183 Evarts, Wm. M., 76 Everett, Edward, 76 F. Falling Waters, W. Va., skirmis
erence arose between the States. Judge Roman had been a Whig, Mr. Crawford a States Rights Democrat, and Mr. Forsyth a zealous Douglas man. No secret instructions were given. Their own convictions and honest and peaceful purpose were to be their guide. In the meanwhile Virginia, through the General Assembly, on January 19, 1861, adopted a series of resolutions deprecating disunion and inviting all States that were moved by a like desire to appoint Commissioners to unite with her. Ex-President John Tyler, Messrs. William C. Rives, John W. Brockenbrugh, George W. Summers, and James A. Seddon, five of the most distinguished citizens of the State, were appointed to represent Virginia in the proposed conference. If any agreement could be made they were to report to the Confederate Congress for ratification by each State severally. The border States acceded and others followed. Twenty-one States were represented. They met, debated, made propositions and counter-propositions, a