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Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
fore being moved up to Barber's, and probably by the time you receive this, I shall be in motion in advance of that point. That a force may not be brought from Georgia (Savannah) to interfere with my movements, it is desirable that a display be made in the Savannah River; and I therefore urge that upon the reception of this, sucortation by rail effected. This delay afforded precious time to the enemy, and was fatal to us. Finnigan calls in his outposts; generals and armies are sent from Georgia and South-Carolina; a point of great strategic importance is selected near Olustee, and every thing put in a state of readiness to crush at the same time our armyoperate against an enemy whose strength was reported to be thirteen thousand men, under General Gardiner, (or Gardner,) who was said to have recently arrived from Georgia in order to defend the pasture-yard and shambles of the Confederacy from the invasion of the Union army. On the morning of the twentieth, at about nine o'clock
Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
There are a few points, however, upon which it is proper you should be correctly informed. First. You state that I was once sent from the Department of the South by General Hunter, for unruly conduct and language. Your information here was worse than imperfect, it was simply untrue. I left the department upon my own application, upon that solely, and for entirely different causes than differences with General Hunter. Second. You assert that I planned and urged the assault on Fort Wagner of the eighteenth of July last. That is much more credit than I deserve. I had too steadfastly advocated, as a principle, that intrenchments defended by the rifle had not been successfully assaulted in this war, to urge or to plan this assault as an exception. Secessionville and its lesson were too close at hand to be forgotten. But this assault was virtually successful. Our men entered the work, held a part of it for hours, took prisoners from the garrison. And before attributi
Fort Hamilton (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
mill, Colonel Henry halted until Hawley's brigade of infantry and Hamilton's regular battery had come up. I will now attempt to give some idery, the Eighth United States colored, Elder's battery of four, and Hamilton's of six pieces. The remainder of the column was halted on the rothe fight, the Eighth United States colored troops were supporting Hamilton's battery; but when their assistance was really indispensable, by movement was decidedly an error, for, by carrying it out, it left Hamilton's battery unsupported. In an attempt to enfilade the enemy on his were at once deployed, and our advance was soon sharply engaged. Hamilton's battery was ordered forward. Four pieces of the battery includi heavily, and did well to get out of the way as soon as possible. Hamilton's battery was posted in the centre, Elder's upon our right, and Laed on the left, a part of the Forty-eighth New-York to the left of Hamilton's battery, the other part on the right, and the One Hundred and Fi
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 90
l Gillmore's report. Headquarters D. S., Hilton head, S. C., March 7, 1864. Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief U. S.A., Washington, D. C.: I have the honor to submit herewith copies of certain letters and telegraphic despatches which co Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in pursuance of instructions received from the President of the United States, Major John Hay, Assistant Adjutant-General, will proceed to Fernandina, Florida, and other convenient points in thatxception — I submit his statement, to which you will probably attach more credit than to any assertion of mine: United States steamer Planter, land's end, South-Carolina, April 4, 1864. To the Editors of the Evening Post: Please allow me, tme Captain Hamilton's battery became endangered, and he cried out to our men for God's sake to save his battery. Our United States flag, after three sergeants had forfeited their lives by bearing it during the fight, was planted on the battery by L
Olustee (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
o operations in Florida prior to the fight at Olustee on the twentieth ultimo. A brief narrative o The nearest station to the ground is called Olustee, which is about three miles further up toward they did not halt, but pushed forward toward Olustee, the point at which General Seymour believed repared for battle as they would have been if Olustee had been the battle-field. Our column moved ch moment advanced. The railroad as it nears Olustee, takes a bend, and behind this bend the rebelf great strategic importance is selected near Olustee, and every thing put in a state of readiness again. Native Floridians insisted that, near Olustee, Finnigan and Gardner had collected an army ms, posted between swamps about two miles from Olustee, a railroad station ten miles beyond Sandersoe Eighth regiment had in the slaughter at Olustee, Florida, on the twentieth instant, and will then s I ever witnessed; and here, on the field of Olustee, was decided whether the colored man had the [2 more...]
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
osed to be a thirty-two pounder, and with this he kept up a regular fire, but not destructive, as the shells passed over the heads of our men. There can be no doubt concerning the fighting qualities of Barton's brigade. On this occasion they fought like tigers; but the same difficulty which opposed Hawley's brigade, presented itself to them, namely, the mass of the enemy. The last regiments to enter the field, were the First North-Carolina, and Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, (colored,) of Montgomery's brigade. They took a bold position at the front, and maintained their ground with commendable pertinacity. For three and a half successive hours did our brave regiments combat the enemy before them. The instances of personal daring that occurred in the mean time, are numerous. Never before did the troops in this department have such an opportunity for displaying their valor, and on no previous occasion have they exhibited such a high degree of bravery. If the enemy had presented an
Jacksonville (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
lle, the junction of the two railroads from Jacksonville and Fernandina. A portion of the command rication was established between Baldwin and Jacksonville on the eleventh. On that day I telegraphed. I at once despatched General Turner to Jacksonville to stop the movement. He was the bearer ofn several places after the train comes into Jacksonville to-morrow, and to keep the track obstructedida Central Railroad, forty-five miles from Jacksonville, and within fifteen miles of Lake City. Thhundred of the wounded had been conveyed to Jacksonville. Their names are embraced in the list of c nobly did he act his part. The wounded at Jacksonville receive the best of attention from the surg on the field. These two gentlemen were at Jacksonville when the news of the battle was telegraphedeneral ordered a retreat. We returned to Jacksonville, fifty-eight miles distant, and reached theKeys railroads, about twenty miles west of Jacksonville, on Friday, the twentieth; marched westward[42 more...]
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
up at Fernandina when our troops arrived there two years ago. It was out of order, and the engineers did not have the requisite material to repair it. Monday morning two hundred and sixty-four of the wounded left on the steamer Cosmopolitan for Beaufort. Among the number was Lieutenant-Colonel Reed, of the First North-Carolina (colored) regiment, who was in a critical condition. In the absence of Colonel Beecher, who had gone North with despatches, Lieutenant-Colonel Reed took command of the Lieutenant Dodge is wounded in the left arm, but not badly. I am wounded in the right leg, about three inches above the ankle-joint, but not badly. All of us officers had our horses shot under us. We are now on board of this steamer, bound for Beaufort, where all the wounded will. be.landed except us four officers. We return to Hilton Head to-morrow. The battery remained at Jacksonville, which I think our forces will find it difficult to hold, as the enemy were following us closely. Taking
Florida (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
General T. Seymour, relative to operations in Florida prior to the fight at Olustee on the twentietd that in regard to my proposed operations in Florida, the Secretary replied that the matter had begurate measures for the speedy restoration of Florida to her allegiance, in accordance with instrucy communicated to you my plans with regard to Florida in my letter of February fifteenth, from whicrpose of extending to the citizens of the State of Florida an opportunity to avail themselves of the our army safely intrenched in Lake City, and Florida wrested from the hands of the rebels. The he field. At this point the two railroads of Florida cross each other. Cars had been placed on thMajes, Chief Medical Officer with the army of Florida, order the removal of the field-hospitals stitime, all your articles concerning (somewhat) Florida affairs; but more particularly concerning mysissued by General Finnigan to the citizens of Florida: The enemy, by a sudden landing at Jack[17 more...]
Fernandina, Fla. (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
nction of the two railroads from Jacksonville and Fernandina. A portion of the command reached Baldwin on the the railroad from Jacksonville with the one from Fernandina. He holds also the crossing of the St. Mary's Soed in this State (one at St. Augustine and one at Fernandina) ought to be ample in Florida. The artillery c sent instructions to Colonel Goss, commanding at Fernandina, to have the railroad tracks on both roads torn us is ordered to keep six companies in motion from Fernandina constantly, and at least five days out of seven (rs to have been done upon the locomotive while at Fernandina. So it is reported to me. The prompt use of a, Assistant Adjutant-General, will proceed to Fernandina, Florida, and other convenient points in that State, fp of half a dozen similar old refuse picked up at Fernandina when our troops arrived there two years ago. It wjunction of the Jacksonville and Tallahassee, and Fernandina and Cedar Keys railroads, about twenty miles west
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