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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
estruction. A Kentucky colonel greatly distinguished himself that day. He is now Secretary of the Interior, hated by Grant, whom he then helped to save, and hated by all the whiskey thieves. At Chickamauga the Federal commander-in-chief gave up all as lost, and abandoned the field early in the afternoon. General Thomas, of Virginia, in the Yankee service, planted his corps on a hill, and there stood, like a rock in the ocean, resisting all assaults until nightfall, when he retired to Chattanooga. His stubbornness on the battle-field, and his persistent holding of the town after defeat, saved East Tennessee to the Union and gave a death-blow to the Confederacy. Andy Johnson refused to give up Nashville, as Buell directed, when Bragg advanced into Kentucky. The abandonment of Nashville then would have given the whole State over to the Confederacy. These two men — Thomas and Johnson — dug the grave of the Confederacy. Farragut, of Tennessee, rose to the highest rank in the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.35 (search)
y for battle, but were never attacked nor closely followed. We marched about twelve miles per day 'till we reached Tupelo, where Beauregard halted the army in order of battle, and remained unmolested 'till August, when Bragg moved his army to Chattanooga, and Price, in September, moved the Army of the West to Iuka. The author overestimates the Confederate army at Chickamauga. General Bragg stated his loss in killed and wounded at 18,000 men, and as two-fifths of his whole army, which was l, and having 18,000 of his men lying dead or wounded (he lost no prisoners), General Bragg was in no condition to press the beaten army, especially when Thomas still presented a stubborn front and covered the escape of the routed Federals into Chattanooga. While our author claims abundant glories for his own people, he accords high praise to the valor, constancy and ability of his antagonists. He highly esteems General Joseph Johnston, and makes a fair and strong exposition of his conduct a
r 14th, and on the same day determined to seize Bowling Green. He placed General S. B. Buckner in charge of the column of advance, telegraphing to Richmond for his appointment as brigadier-general, which was made next day, September 15th. The grounds of his intended movement were given by General Johnston to the President, the day before it was made, in the following letter: Nashville, Tennessee, September 16, 1861. Mr. President: Your dispatch of the 13th instant was received at Chattanooga. After full conference with Governor Harris, and after learning the facts, political and military, I am satisfied that the political bearing of the question presented for my decision has been decided by the Legislature of Kentucky. The Legislature of Kentucky has required the prompt removal of all Confederate forces from her soil, and the Governor of Kentucky has issued his proclamation to that effect. The troops will not be withdrawn. It is not possible to withdraw them now from Colu
th a force of some 2,500 men, has been ordered to Chattanooga to defend the approaches toward North Alabama andt required for immediate use have been ordered to Chattanooga, and those which will be necessary on the march he of percussion-caps and ordnance-stores, and, at Chattanooga, depots for distribution of these supplies. The es to superintend the operations at Knoxville and Chattanooga, I would respectfully suggest that the local commed to this place, having all been sent forward to Chattanooga, except what may be needed for the immediate use lief that General Johnston intended to retreat on Chattanooga, and masked the concentration of his troops to thrce of 2,500 men sent back by General Johnston to Chattanooga. General Johnston reorganized his own army (now ecatur was a middle route between the railroad to Chattanooga and the turnpike from Nashville through Columbia have no fears of a movement through Tennessee on Chattanooga. West Tennessee is menaced by heavy forces. My
t running north and south from Mobile, on the Gulf, to Columbus, near the mouth of the Ohio; and that from Memphis to Chattanooga, running east and west, and connecting the Mississippi River with the railroad system of Georgia and East Tennessee. ayed by a storm on the 22th, washing away pike and railroad-bridge at this place. Floyd, 2,500 strong, will march for Chattanooga to-morrow, to defend. This army will move on the 26th, by Decatur, for the valley of the Mississippi. Is in good conommand of the Army of the Mississippi. In the succeeding summer, 1862, he transferred the main body of his command to Chattanooga, and planned and executed the Kentucky campaign of that year, being at the same time in command of the department embrctory was decisive, as at the close of the second day's fight he occupied the battle-field, and Rosecrans retreated to Chattanooga. Failure to pursue and follow up his victory gave Rosecrans time to fortify and restore the morale of his shattered
o great lines of railroad, and except its two thousand inhabitants, or thereabouts, and a few wooden stores, contains nothing worthy of observation: its chief edifice is the Tishomingo Hotel. The lines of railway that intersect here are those of the Mississippi Central, and the Mobile and Ohio Railroads: the first was an unbroken line from New-Orleans, and crossing the Mobile road at this place, ran to Grand Junction, whence one branch went to Memphis, Tenn., and the other to Huntsville, Chattanooga, and thence into Virginia; the second ran direct from Mobile, passed the junction at this place, and ran on to Columbus, Kentucky. In a military point of view, the occupation of this point was of vital importance, as will appear at once to any intelligent reader who glances at the map. North of the town we found the fields and woods picturesquely dotted with tents; we could see various regiments under drill in the distance, and faintly heard the word of command of field officers. On
zens. Driving in our pickets, they had occupied the northern end of the New-Orleans and Memphis Railroad; they had also seized Memphis, sunk our little improvised fleet of gunboats there, after a noble fight, in which we inflicted considerable loss; had pushed along the Charleston and Mississippi Railroad, the west end of which they occupied; and had camped about three miles from Corinth. This was a startling position for us truly! Our main railroad communication with Richmond, via Chattanooga, in the enemy's possession, and we obliged to travel many hundred miles round by way of Mobile, Alabama, and Georgia, to keep the communication open! As there are but two lines of railroad, both had been taxed to the utmost before this disaster. What could we do with but one, while the enemy had several outlets by land and river communication as well for advance as supplies? To add to our misfortunes, Corinth was a wretched site for a camp, utterly destitute of water, good or bad, and
y heart to sing thy praise. By his timely arrival General Mitchell cut a division of rebel troops in two. Four thousand got by, and were thus enabled to join the rebel army at Corinth, while about the same number were obliged to return to Chattanooga. April, 20 At Decatur. The Memphis and Charleston Railroad crosses the Tennessee river at this point. Tile town is a dilapidated old concern, as ugly as Huntsville is handsome. There is a canebrake near the camp, and every soldier les. To-day we filled the bridge over the Tennessee with combustible material, and put it in condition to burn readily, in case we find it necessary to retire to the north side. A man with his son and two daughters arrived tonight from Chattanooga, having come all the wayone hundred and fifty miles probably — in a small skiff. April, 25 Price, with ten thousand men, is reported advancing from Memphis. Turchin had a skirmish with his advance guard near Tuscumbia. April, 26 T
y persons apply for passes to go outside the lines and for guards to protect property. Others come to make complaints that houses have been broken open, or that horses, dogs, and negroes, have strayed away or been stolen. May, 23 The men of Huntsville have settled down to a patient endurance of military rule. They say but little, and treat us with all politeness. The women, however, are outspoken in their hostility, and marvelously bitter. A flag of truce came in last night from Chattanooga, and the bearers were overwhelmed with visits and favors from the ladies. When they took supper at the Huntsville Hotel, the large diningroom was crowded with fair faces and bright eyes; but the men prudently held aloof. A day or two ago one of our Confederate prisoners died. The ladies filled the hearse to overflowing with flowers, and a large number of them accompanied the soldier to his last resting-place. The foolish, yet absolute, devotion of the women to the Southern cause
usand conflicting stories of the battle, but rumor has many tongues and lies with all. General Mitchell departed for Washington yesterday. The rebels at Chattanooga claim that McClellan has been terribly whipped, and fired guns along their whole line, within hearing of our troops, in honor of the victory. A lieutenant onstant says the Confederates have won a decisive victory at Richmond. No Northern papers have been allowed to come into camp. July, 6 McCook moved toward Chattanooga. General W. S. Smith has command of our division. The boys have a great many game chickens. Not long ago Company G, of the Third, and Company G, of the Teon of the railroad track between this place and Pulaski have been destroyed. A large rebel force is said to be north of the Tennessee. It crossed the river at Chattanooga. July, 18 The star of the Confederacy appears to be rising, and I doubt not it will continue to ascend until the rose-water policy now pursued by the Nort