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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Origin of the late war. (search)
regretted that they had done so. The South at last fell from physical exhaustion — the want of food, clothes and the munitions of war; she yielded to no superiority of valor or of skill, but to the mere avoirdupois of numbers. Physically, she was unable to stand up under such a weight of human beings, gathered from wherever they could be called by appeals to their passions or bought by a promise to supply their necessities. It is said that after the battle of the Second Cold Harbor, where Grant so foolishly assailed Lee in his lines, and where his dead was piled in thousands after his unsuccessful attack, the northern leaders were ready to have proposed peace, but were prevented by some favorable news from the southwest. They did not propose peace except upon terms of unconditional submission. The South being forced to accept those terms to obtain it, the North was not afraid to avow its purposes and carry them out. Slavery was abolished without compensation, and slaves were awar
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
hieftan had commanded the numbers which Northern generals and Northern writers attribute to him, then the story of Gettysburg and of the war would have been far different. Sherman's Historical raid. By H. V. Boynton. Cincinnati: Wilstach, Baldwin & Co. The author has kindly sent us a copy of this able and scathing review of Sherman's Memoirs, and we have read it with very great interest. He shows most conclusively from the official records that Sherman has done great injustice to Grant, Buell, Rosecrans, Thomas, McPherson, Schofield, and almost every other officer to whom he alludes in his book, and he carries the war into Africa by severely criticising Sherman's generalship, upon some of his most important fields, and showing that he was actually saved from terrible disaster again and again by the very men whom he now disparages. We cannot, of course, accept all that General Boynton has written; but we rejoice to see this well merited rebuke to the General of the Army
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
o under flag of truce and seek an interview with General Grant, to represent to him the suffering and death of he loved so well and served so efficiently; but General Grant cannot fail to remember so extraordinary a propomerely know it from public rumors. I offered to General Grant, around Richmond, that we should ourselves exchashed. Previously to this, I think, I offered to General Grant to send into his lines all the prisoners within satisfactory basis. The day that I left there General Grant arrived. General Butler says he communicated tot on April 30, 1864, he received a telegram from General Grant to receive all the sick and wounded the Confeder declared that in April, 1864, the Federal Lieutenant-General Grant forbade him to deliver to the Rebels a sin to send our men home and to get back their own, General Grant steadily and strenuously resisted such an exchanIt is hard on our men held in Southern prisons, said Grant in an official communication, not to exchange them;
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Statement of General J. D. Imboden. (search)
. In the absence of official information or instructions from Richmond, we acted upon what the newspapers announced as a recently established arrangement with General Grant, which was, in effect, that either side might deliver to the other on parole, but without exchange, any prisoners they chose, taking simply a receipt for them.cort telegraphed back from Jacksonville that the Federal commandant at Saint Augustine refused to receive and receipt for the prisoners till he could hear from General Grant, who was then in front of Petersburg, Virginia, and with whom he could only communicate by sea along the coast, and asking my instructions under the circumstanaid to let go the prisoners without some official acknowledgment of their delivery to the United States, and knowing that two or three weeks must elapse before General Grant's will in the premises could be made known, and it being impossible to subsist our men and the prisoners at Jacksonville, I could pursue but one course. I ord
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Colonel D. T. Chandler, (search)
ey came to us, but what it was when they were sent back. Our men were taken in full health and strength;. they came back wasted and worn — mere skeletons. The Rebel prisoners, in large numbers, were, when taken, emaciated. and reduced; and General Grant says that at the time such superhuman efforts were made.for exchange there were 90,000 men that would have re-enforced the Confederate armies the next day, prisoners in our hands who were in good health and ready for fight. This consideratio captors, how could a Government which had not the means of making better provision for its own soldiers provide any better than we did for the thousands of prisoners which were captured by these emaciated skeletons? And what shall we say of General Grant and his splendid army of two hundred thousand hale, hearty, well equipped men, who, in the campaign of 1864, were beaten on every field by forty thousand of these emaciated and reduced creatures, until, after losing over a third of their men,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
officials that an order was just received from Grant to exchange us immediately. We were wild withnd City and Davenport. At the request of Judge Grant of the latter city, on the 20th of Septembe better took place, the presumption is that Judge Grant did not succeed in his benevolent mission. ffered to renew the exchange, man for man. General Grant then telegraphed the following important ofeat, and would compromise our safety here. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. We think that the ony settles beyond all controversy that General U. S. Grant, Secretary Stanton, and Mr. Lincoln, wefollowing extract from the Testimony of General Grant before the Committee on the Conduct of ommissioner. General Lee's overtures to General Grant and to the Federal Government (through thethe horrors of Andersonville rests with General U. S. Grant, who refused to make a fair exchange ofpon a new cartel with General Butler, Lieutenant-General Grant refused to approve it, and Mr. Stanto[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Diary of Robert E. Park, Macon, Georgia, late Captain Twelfth Alabama regiment, Confederate States army. (search)
ne 10th Stayed quietly in bivouac all day. There are rumors that Grant is mining towards our fortifications, and attempting his old Vicksbsed by both sides on the right of our line. Appearances go to show Grant's inclination to beseige rather than charge General Lee in the futuJames; still others thought it was a grand flank movement, in which Grant was to be outgeneraled as McClellan was, and Lee, as usual, grandly The object of the daring expedition was no doubt accomplished, and Grant was forced to send large reinforcements to the threatened and demoren we first reached it, but the delay brought heavy battalions from Grant--ten times our small number — who could have readily forced us to ae Valley (for the men are in the army), as well as Early's troops. Grant and he have resolved to make this fertile Valley a desert, and, as ose that Irish-Yankee Sheridan and that drunken butcher and tanner, Grant, have little comprehension of sentiments of humanity or Christianit
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
mmander-in-chief of his army who first organized victory for the Union was a Virginian. Next to Grant and Sherman, the most successful Federal generals, who struck us the heaviest blows, were born aSouth--viz: Thomas, Canby, Blair, Sykes, Ord, Getty, Anderson, Alexander, Nelson, etc., etc. General Grant was beaten the first day at Shiloh and driven back to the river, cowering under the protectiats. A Kentucky brigade, under General Nelson, checked the shouting, exulting rebels, and saved Grant from destruction. A Kentucky colonel greatly distinguished himself that day. He is now Secretary of the Interior, hated by Grant, whom he then helped to save, and hated by all the whiskey thieves. At Chickamauga the Federal commander-in-chief gave up all as lost, and abandoned the field ear other. Have they succeeded in the department of politics? From Washington's inauguration to Grant's, the Republic had lasted (after a fashion) eighty years. Then a new element of voting power wa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
deral armies it must always command a certain sort of attention. But General Sherman's worse enemies could wish him no greater harm, so far as his fame is concerned, than that he should have written just this book. He so completely ignores the services of other officers, and takes to himself credit that belongs to his comrades, that his book has been most severely criticised by Federal officers, and General Boynton in his book (Sherman's Historical raid) has completely demolished him. General Grant has been reported as saying — on reading the book--I really thought until I read Sherman's narrative that I had something to do with crushing the rebellion. We do not propose to take sides in this family quarrel, and we are afraid that we could not be prevailed upon to interfere even though the fight should wax so hot as to approximate the famous Kilkenny battle. If military reputations suffer, as the Saviors of the Union now turn their artillery on one another, all we have to say is
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.35 (search)
e truth. He discusses the Battle of Shiloh in a frankness conformable with the general spirit of his book. But he is mistaken in thinking General Bragg's lines were repulsed late in the day of the 6th, when it was only necessary to press back Grant's left flank one-eighth of a mile. His own record shows that after a day of unchecked success the Confederate army, having surprised and routed Sherman at 7 o'clock in the morning, had constantly pressed on towards Pittsburg landing until thredisaster of the day and establish the Federal lines in the positions from which they had been driven. The author pays a handsome and deserved compliment to General Beauregard for his conduct of the battle after General Buell had reinforced General Grant. But he falls into some mistakes as to the conduct of the Confederate army after the Battle of Shiloh. April 7, General Beauregard took position at Corinth, and threw up earth works about the place. During the month of May he moved his army