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d was enabled to brave the repeated anathemas of the Western Church. When, however, to recover the attachment of the Monophysites, he again anathematized the Council of Chalcedon; and Euphemius, the newly elected patriarch of Constantinople, forsaking the policy of his predecessors, took part with the Western Church against him, his difficulties became more serious. What result this combination against him might have produced, cannot now be known; death removed him from the scene of strife A. D. 490, shortly before the death of Zeno. He was succeeded in the see of Alexandria by another Monophysite, Athanasin II. (Evagrius, H. E. 3.11-23; Breviculus Historiae Eutycliianistarum. s. Gesta de Nomine Acacii, apud Concilia, vol. iv. col. 1079, ed. Labbe; Liberatus, Breviarium, 100.15-18; Theophanes, Chronographia, pp. 107-115, ed. Paris, pp. 86-92, ed. Venice, vol. i. pp. 194-206, ed. Bonn; Victor Tunnunensis, Chronion ; Tillemont, Mémoires, vol. xvi.; Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 477, vol. i.
Petrus MONGUS 22. MONGUS or MOGGUS (*Pe/tros o( *Moggo\s), Monophysite patriarch of Alexandria in the fifth century. Liberatus (Breviarium, 100.16) gives him also the surname of BLAESUS, the STAMMERER. He was ordained deacon by Dioscorus, successor of Cyril, who held the patriarchate for seven years A. D. 444-451). Peter was the ready participator in the violences of Dioscorus, and earnestly embraced his cause, when he was deposed by the Council of Chalcedon, withdrawing from the communion of the successor of Dioscorus, Proterius, who supported the cause of the council, and uniting in the opposition raised by Timothy Aelrus and others. (Liberat. ibid. 100.15.) He was consequently sentenced by Proterius, apparently to deposition and excommunication. (Liberat. Ibid.) Whether he was banished. as well as Timothy Aelurus, is not clear, but he seems to have accompanied Timothy to Alexandria, and to have been his chief supporter when, after the death of the emperor Mareian, he returned, and
ch Peter, whose age and misfortunes appear to have ahated the fierceness of his party spirit, was ready to adopt. He consequently subscribed the Henoticon of the cmperor, and readmitted the Proterian party to communion on their doing the same. John of Tabenna had meanwhile fled to Rome, where the pole Simplicius, who, with the Western Church, steadily supported the Council of Chalcedon, embraced his cause, and wrote to the emperor in his behalf. Felix II. or III., who succeeded Simplicius (A. D. 483) was equally zealous on the same side. Peter had some difficulty in maintaining his position. In order to recover the favour of his Monophysite friends, whom his subservience to Zeno's policy had alienated, he anathematized the Council of Chalcedon; and then, to avert the displeasure of Acacius of Constantinople and of the Court, to whose temlporizing course this decisive step was adverse, he denied that he had done so. Evagrius> (H. E. 3.17) has preserved the letter he wrote to Acacius o
, and uniting in the opposition raised by Timothy Aelrus and others. (Liberat. ibid. 100.15.) He was consequently sentenced by Proterius, apparently to deposition and excommunication. (Liberat. Ibid.) Whether he was banished. as well as Timothy Aelurus, is not clear, but he seems to have accompanied Timothy to Alexandria, and to have been his chief supporter when, after the death of the emperor Mareian, he returned, and either murdered Proterius or excited the tumults that led to his death A. D. 457. Timothy Aelurus was immediately raised to the patriarchate by his partizans, but was shortly after banished by the emperor Leo L, the Thracian, who had suceeded Marcian : Peter also was obliged to flee. Another Timothy, surnamed Salofaciolus, a supporter of the Council of Chaleedon, was appointed to succeed Proterius in the patriarchate. When, in the following reign of Zeno, or rather during the short usurpation of Basiliscus, Timotheus Aelurus was recalled from exile (A. D. 475), and was
s anger, however, somewhat abated, and Peter was allowed to live, but was deprived of the patriarchate, to which Timothy Salofaciolus was restored. On the death of Salofaciolus, which occurred soon after, John of Tabenna, surnamed Talaia or Talaida [JOANNES, No. 115, was appointed to succeed him; but be was very shortly deposed by order of Zeno, on some account not clearly ascertained, and Peter Mongus was unexpectedly recalled from Euchaita in Pontus, whiter he had been banished, and was (A. D. 482) restored to his see. His restoration appears to have been part of the policy of Zeno, to unite if possible all parties, a poliey which Peter, whose age and misfortunes appear to have ahated the fierceness of his party spirit, was ready to adopt. He consequently subscribed the Henoticon of the cmperor, and readmitted the Proterian party to communion on their doing the same. John of Tabenna had meanwhile fled to Rome, where the pole Simplicius, who, with the Western Church, steadily support
Petrus MONGUS 22. MONGUS or MOGGUS (*Pe/tros o( *Moggo\s), Monophysite patriarch of Alexandria in the fifth century. Liberatus (Breviarium, 100.16) gives him also the surname of BLAESUS, the STAMMERER. He was ordained deacon by Dioscorus, successor of Cyril, who held the patriarchate for seven years A. D. 444-451). Peter was the ready participator in the violences of Dioscorus, and earnestly embraced his cause, when he was deposed by the Council of Chalcedon, withdrawing from the communion of the successor of Dioscorus, Proterius, who supported the cause of the council, and uniting in the opposition raised by Timothy Aelrus and others. (Liberat. ibid. 100.15.) He was consequently sentenced by Proterius, apparently to deposition and excommunication. (Liberat. Ibid.) Whether he was banished. as well as Timothy Aelurus, is not clear, but he seems to have accompanied Timothy to Alexandria, and to have been his chief supporter when, after the death of the emperor Mareian, he returned, and
his death A. D. 457. Timothy Aelurus was immediately raised to the patriarchate by his partizans, but was shortly after banished by the emperor Leo L, the Thracian, who had suceeded Marcian : Peter also was obliged to flee. Another Timothy, surnamed Salofaciolus, a supporter of the Council of Chaleedon, was appointed to succeed Proterius in the patriarchate. When, in the following reign of Zeno, or rather during the short usurpation of Basiliscus, Timotheus Aelurus was recalled from exile (A. D. 475), and was sent from Constantinople to Alexandria to re-occupy that see. he was joined by Peter (Liberatus, ibid. 100.16), and his party, and with their support drove out his competitor Salofaciolus, who took refuge in a monastery at Conopus. On the downfal of Basiliscus and the restoration of Zeno, Timothy Aelurus was allowed. through the emperor's compassion for his great age. to retain his see; but when on his death (A. D. 477) the Monophysite bishopis of Egypt, without waiting for the e
ion of Basiliscus, Timotheus Aelurus was recalled from exile (A. D. 475), and was sent from Constantinople to Alexandria to re-occupy that see. he was joined by Peter (Liberatus, ibid. 100.16), and his party, and with their support drove out his competitor Salofaciolus, who took refuge in a monastery at Conopus. On the downfal of Basiliscus and the restoration of Zeno, Timothy Aelurus was allowed. through the emperor's compassion for his great age. to retain his see; but when on his death (A. D. 477) the Monophysite bishopis of Egypt, without waiting for the emperor's directions, elected Peter (who had previously obtained the rank of archdeacon) as his successor, the emperor's indignation was so far roused, that he determined to put the new prelate to death. His anger, however, somewhat abated, and Peter was allowed to live, but was deprived of the patriarchate, to which Timothy Salofaciolus was restored. On the death of Salofaciolus, which occurred soon after, John of Tabenna, surnam