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Mi'ndarus (*Mi/ndaros), a Lacedaemonian. was sent out in B. C. 411, to succeed Astyochus in the office of Admiral. In the same year, having reason to believe that the Phoenician ships, promised by Tissaphernes, would never be forthcoming, he listened to the invitation of Pharnabazus, and sailed from Miletus to the territory of the latter satrap on the Hellespont, having managed to escape the notice of the Athenian fleet, which was aware of his intention and had removed from Samos to Lesbos with the view of preventing its execution. At Sestos he surprised the Athenian squadron there, which escaped with difficulty and with the loss of four ships. The Athenians, however, under Thrasyllus and Thrasybulus followed him to the north from Lesbos, and defeated him in the Hellespont, off Cynossema. After the battle, Mindarus sent to Euboea to Hegesandridas for reinforcements, and in the meantime we find him furnishing aid to the Aeolians of Antandrus in their insurrection against the garrison
ion of their fleet to different quarters to collect money, were left in the Hellespont with a force of no more than forty ships, and Mindarus, whose squadron now amounted to sixty, prepared to attack them; but they moved away by night from Sestos to Cardia, where they were joined by Alcibiades with five galleys, and soon after by Thrasvbulus and Theramenes, each with twenty. With this force they sailed to Cyzicus (whither the Peloponnesians had removed from Abydus), and there surprised them. The latter, however, having drawn up their ships close together near the shore, made a vigorous resistance: but Alcibiades sailed round witlh twenty triremnes to a different part of the coast, and attacked them from the land in the rear. Mindarus hereupon disembarked to meet him, but was slain in the battle, and the Athenians gained a complete victory, B. C. 410. (Thuc. 8.85, 99-105, 107, 108; Xen. Hell. 1.1. §§ 1, 3-5, 8-18; Plut. Alc. 27, 28; Diod. 13.39, 45, 49-51.) [HIPPOCRATES. No. 6.] [E.