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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
vis; Huron, Lieutenant-Commander G. A. Stevens. at the beginning of April. On the night of Sunday, the 5th, April, 1863. in the light of a full moon, the air calm and serene, Dupont anchored his fleet off Charleston bar, himself on board the James Adger, in which he had come up from Port Royal. Already, during the afternoon, Commander Rhind, with the Keokuk, The Keokuk was a double-turreted vessel, which had lately been built at New York. The turrets were immovable, the guns being arranger it, leaving the Keokuk on the ways. gun-boats, under the general command of Captain Green, outside the bar, as a squadron of reserve, to assist in an attack on Morris Island, should one be made. Dupont had now transferred his flag from the Adger to the New Ironsides from which he intended to direct the movements of his squadron, and in which he determined to share in the labors and dangers of the impending conflict. The works around Charleston harbor to be attacked were numerous and f
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
lroad bridges, two iron-clad steamers, and some vessels in the ship-yard, were destroyed. Many of the cannon about the city were temporarily disabled; and a 600-pounder Blakely gun, stationed at a huge mound which had been thrown up at the angle of East Bay and South Battery, for the purposes of a magazine and battery, was exploded that it might not fall into the hands of the Nationals. The shock of that explosion nearly ruined a fine mansion opposite. The remains of the great gun were at Adger's wharf when the writer sketched them, The Union Generals> at the close of March, 1866. The dimensions of the breech (four feet three inches in diameter) are indicated by the figure of a man, standing by the side of it. The projectile of this monster rifled cannon, weighing six hundred Blakely bolt. Grains of power. pounds, is also here delineated, together with three grains of the powder employed in projecting the bolt, drawn the exact size of the original. The evacuation of Char
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
ka 27,273 88 2,665 00 24,608 88 New Orleans April 23, 1864 Aroostook. Steamer Elizabeth 83,112 92 16,862 74 66,250 18 New York April 12, 1864 Keystone State, James Adger. Schooner Exchange 6,052 87 1,052 55 5,000 32 New Orleans April 23, 1864 Antona. Schooner Ellen 5,557 23 970 58 4,586 65 do June 10, 1864 Gertrude. Sch Kaskaskia 1,300 00 376 55 923 45 Springfield Jan. 11, 1864 Cricket. Steamer Kate 31,180 00 1,890 42 29,289 58 New York Feb. 16, 1864 Mount Vernon, Iroquois, James Adger, Niphon. Sloop Kate 3,572 22 442 22 3,130 00 Key West July 6, 1864 Brooklyn. Sloop Kate Waiting for prize list of the Pursuit. 711 81 126 27 585 54 do 31,842 57 do Jan. 14, 1863 Keystone State. 3,379 18 Schooner Sarah 21,454 10 1,671 22 19,782 88 do Nov. 26, 1863 Keystone State, Seneca, Norwich, Alabama, James Adger, Shepherd Knapp, Roebuck. Schooner Susan Jane 12,558 35 2,763 66 9,794 69 do April 23, 1864 Pawnee. Schooner Sally Mears 2,800 00 1,427 45 1,372 55 Washin
m. S. W. Godon, on board of which ship I have hoisted my flag. The fleet comprised the following vessels, sailing in the order in which they are named: Ottawa, Mohican, accompanied by the Ellen, Seminole, Pawnee, Pocahontas, Flag, Florida, James Adger, Bienville, Alabama, Keystone State, Seneca, Huron, Pembina, Isaac Smith, Penguin, Potomska, armed cutter Henrietta, armed transport McClellan, the latter having on board the battalion of marines, under the command of Maj. Reynolds, and the trthe morning of February twenty-eighth, and arrived at Warsaw Sound at twelve o'clock M. At evening they left Warsaw Sound in the following order: Wabash, Susquehanna, Florida, Flag, Ottawa, Seneca, Huron, Pembina, Isaac Smith, Penguin, Pawnee, James Adger, Potumska, Pocahontas, pilot-boat Hope, Seminole, Ellen, Alabama, Henrietta, Mohican, sailing ship Onward. Transports — Empire City, containing General Wright and staff, and the Fourth New-Hampshire regiment; Star of the South, Ninth Maine an
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
y.Mass.Mass.Mass.Sept. 3, 1861.Actg. Master.James Adger; Ladona; Horace Beals.No. Atlantic; E. Gulass.Mass.Nov. 12, 1862.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr.James Adger.North Atlantic.Aug. 24, 1866.Hon. dischargen.Mass.Mass.Mass.Sept. 3, 1861.Actg. Master.James Adger; Passaic; Britannia.No. Atlantic; So. Atla.Mass.Mass.Mass.Sept. 15, 1862.Actg. Ensign.James Adger; Eutaw.South Atlantic.Oct. 26, 1865.Hon. di.Jan. 18, 1864.Actg. Master's Mate.Proteus; James Adger.East Gulf; South Atlantic.Sept. 13, 1867.Did.Mass.Mass.Mass.Oct. 28, 1861.Actg. Master.James Adger.South Atlantic.Sept. 29, 1865.Hon. dischargs.Mass.N. Y.May 1, 1863.Actg. Master's Mate.James Adger.North Atlantic.Oct. 18, 1864.Resigned.Actg..Jan. 8, 1862.Actg. Master's Mate.Katahdin; James Adger.West Gulf; North Atlantic.Sept. 23, 1862.Retg. Vol. Lieut.Potomac; Hartford; Donegal; James Adger; Rodolph.Gulf. Upham Henry M.,Mass.Mass.Ma.Feb. 28, 1865.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr.Nanbnc; James Adger.North Atlantic.May 24, 1866.Hon. discharged
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
ent and treasurer of the Pelzer manufacturing company, was born in Charleston, S. C., October 26, 1848, being the son of the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D. D., pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of Charleston for forty-four years, and grandson of James Adger, a prominent merchant of Charleston. At the age of sixteen, in November, 1864, he volunteered in Company B, Third South Carolina militia, as third sergeant, Col. A. D. Goodwyn. In June, 1865, by order of Governor Magrath, he was transferred to Congress and suggest such legislation as may be deemed best. J. Adger Smyth, mayor of Charleston, was born at that city in 1838, son of Rev. Thomas Smyth, for forty years pastor of the Second Presbyterian church. His mother's father was James Adger, a lieutenant in the war of 1812, and her grandfather was Maj. Robert Ellison, of the continental army, who was captured by the British and confined for some time at Charleston with Isaac Hayne, who became a martyr to the cause of independence
gulator, 68 et seq. Huzzar, the, 179 I. Indiana, regiments of: Twentieth, 173 Ingraham, Commodore D. N., proclamation of, concerning blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq., 82 I. N. Seymour, the, 177 Iosco, the, 218 Iris, the, 156 Iroquois, the, U. S. vessel, 7 Irwin, Lieutenant, 43; commended, 62 Isaac Smith, the, U. S. vessel, 17, 19, 21, 26, 37, 46, 49 et seq., 52, 72 et seq., 130 Ives, Captain T. P., 179 J. Jacksonville, Fla., 60 et seq. James Adger, the, 84 Jeffers, Lieutenant-Commanding William N., 177, 186 John Adams, the, U. S. sloop, 7 Johnson, Ensign M. L., conduct commended, 62; again commended, 102 Johnson, Neils, 69 Jones, Ensign, 200, 211 Jordan, Thomas, 78 Josselyn, of the Commodore Hull, 210 Judah, the, Confederate privateer, 69 Juniata, the, 156, 222, 228 K. Kansas, the, 210, 228 Kempff, Acting Master, 43 Keokuk, the, 90 et seq., 99 et seq., 116 Keystone State, the, U. S.
ing with the artillery of the eighth regiment. The steamer Huntsville is being fitted into a gunboat. The Monticello has taken ten-inch swivels on board, and is expected to sail this evening. The Chesapeake sailed yesterday with provisions for Old Point Comfort. The Parkersburg has sailed with the twenty-fifth regiment. The eighth, thirteenth, twenty-eighth, and sixty-ninth regiments, nearly 3,000 strong, embarked yesterday afternoon for Annapolis, on the steamers Marion, Alabama and James Adger. Van Buren, April 24. --The Van Buren Press newspaper, the leading Union newspaper in Western Arkansas, to-day hoisted the Confederate flag over its office. The United States troops at Fort Smith evacuated the post last night, and left for the Indian country. The State troops now occupy the fort. Trenton, April 24. --Governor Olden has called for an extra session of the Legislature, to meet on Tuesday next. New York, April 24. --The steamship
Coolness. --We understand that the agents of the New York and Charleston Line of Steamships have detained the Columbia, Jas. Adger and Marion, and pressed them into the service of the Administration at New York. The capital invested in these boats is about $700,000. The proportion owned in Charleston is about $500,000, or over. The proportion owned in New York is about $200,000. Without the consent of the Charleston owners, they have quietly taken possession and kept all the vessels of the line, except the Nashville. They have not got possession of the latter, because the Charleston owners had very good reason why it should not return to New York, as it might be added to the other seizures. This stands in very bold contrast with their talk of our seizure of the Marion. The Marion was not, in fact, seized at all. With the consent of the owners it was taken into the service of the State for a limited time, and the State repaid the owners for the use of the boat at the
d turn upon Cincinnati. Let the border cities alone; the border States will manage them. Give yourselves no concern about the Southern cities, especially Charleston, Savannah and New Orleans. We are wide awake all along here. We have a great General out here operating against Lincoln and Scott--General Climate. Besides, we have General Watchfulness and General Bravery. The Virginians here are mostly old men.--Capt. Shirley Carter Turner, for many years the noble Commander of the "James Adger" steamer, from this port to New York, had several brothers in the Navy and Army of the United States. All have resigned but one, and he is out of the country. Capt. Turner belongs to the old Virginia Carters, of Shirley, and a nobler specimen of Virginia's best blood does not live on the green earth. His health is bad and his means limited, and his family, which is large and young, is dependent on his daily toil. The Captain said to me yesterday, with great emotion, "if any good man w