Adams, Captain, 198Adelaide, the U. S. transport, 165
Africa, U. S. ships on coast of, 7
Alabama, the, Confederate vessel, 74, 228
Albemarle, the, 200, 203 et seq.
Allen, Lieutenant-Commander, 237
America, the, 61
Ammen, Lieutenant-Commanding
Daniel, 21; at Fort McAllister, 87; off Charleston, 92, 160, 162 (note)
Anderson, Colonel R. H., 85 (note)
Armstrong, of the Georgia, 194
Arrow, the Confederate steamer, 211
Atlanta, the Confederate ironclad, 82 (note); capture of, 117 et seq., 157, 206
Bache, Lieutenant, 237Bacon, Lieutenant-Commander, George, 72, 129
Badger, Lieutenant-Commander, 128, 134
Baker, Captain, C. E., 179
Baker, Master's Mate Henry, 196
Balch, Commander G. B., 129, 145
Bankhead, Lieutenant-Commanding John P., 21
Barnes, Lieutenant, report of, on capture of Forts Walker and Beauregard, 31 et seq., 85
Barstow, Lieutenant N. S., 178
Batteries: Read's, 26; Sigel's, 62
Bay Point, 27 et seq.
Beaufort, S. C., desertion of, 33 et seq., 42 et seq., 153
Beauregard, General G. T., proclamation of, concerning blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq., 137
Beauregard, Fort, see Fort Beauregard
Behm, Lieutenant C. F. W., 177, 189 Belknap, Colonel, of Eighty-fifth New York, 197
Belknap, Lieutenant-Commander George E., 100, 156
Belvidere, the, it. S. transport, 18, 33, 49
Benjamin, J. P., 16 (note)
Black Warrior, the, 184 et seq.
Blockade, proclamation concerning, 78; blockade running, 146
Blythewood, Mr., plantation of, 37
Bombshell, the, 205 et seq.
Boomer, Master's Mate E., 177
Boston Navy Yard, 7 et seq.
Boston, the, U. S. transport, 46, 49 et seq.
Boutelle, Mr., 18, 36, 91
Bowen, Mr., bar-pilot, 220
Boyden, Master's Mate, 218
Bradford, Mr., of the Coast Survey, 220
Bragg, General, 236, 240, 242
Branch, Colonel John L., his report on abandonment of Rockville, 40, 171
Brannan, General, 70 et seq.
Breese, Captain K. R., 232 et seq., 237
Bridge, Horatio, Chief of Provisions and Clothing Bureau, 3
Brincker, the, 177, 181, 183, 189
Brintnall, Assistant Surgeon, 63
Brooklyn, the, U. S. steamer, 6, 223, 228
Brown, John, raid of, 1
Bryson of the Lehigh, 146; of the Chippewa, 194
Buchanan, President, favors separation of States, 2
Buckingham, the, 229
Budd, Lieutenent-Commanding P. A., 21, 41; killed, 60, 68
Burnside, General A. E., 171, 176, 190
Butler, General B. F., 165 et seq., 168 et seq., 171. 219; at Fort Fisher, 222, 224 (note), et seq.
Campbell's plantation, 54Canandaigua, the, U. S. vessel, 74, 131, 156
Canonicus, the, U. S. monitor, 156, 221, 229
Case, Commander, 178; at Roanoke Island, 182
Catskill the, 90 et seq., 96 et seq., 125 et seq., 131 et seq., 146
Cavendy of the Gemsbok, 194
Ceres, the, 177 et seq., 181, 183 et seq., 197, 202 et seq., 205, 209
Chaplin, Lieutenant-Commanding J. C., commands the Dai
Charleston. S. C., blockade of, 11; stone fleet sunk in harbor, 41 et seq.; proclamation concerning blockade, 78 et seq.; attack on, 91 et seq.; failure in reducing, 104 et seq.; operations against, 121 et seq. Charleston, the, Confederate ram, 157
Chasseur, the, 179
Chickamauga, the, Confederate privateer, 244
Chicora, the, Confederate vessel, 74, 157
Chippewa, the, U. S. gunboat, 128. 194, 218, 228, 243
Cimarrone, the, 131
Clinch, Fort, see Fort Clinch
Clover, the, U. S. tug, 155
Colhoun, Commander E. R., 125, 128, 141, 177, 189
Collins, Lieutenant, Commanding Napoleon, 21
Colorado, the, U. S. frigate, 7, 217, 221, 224, 228
Columbia, the, Confederate ram, 156
Columbine, the, U. S. tug, 149
Colvocoresses, Captain G. M., 150 et seq.
Commodore Barney, the, 177, 186, 189, 192 et seq.
Commodore Hull, the, 197, 205, 209 et seq.
Commodore McDonough, the, U. S. gunboat, 72 et seq.
Commodore Perry, the, 177, 183, et seq., 193
Conemaugh, the, U. S. vessel, 71 Congress, the, U. S. frigate, 7, 82, 111
Connecticut, regiment of: Sixth, 46
Conover, Acting-Lieutenant F. S., 72, 73 (note)
Constellation, the, U. S. sloop, 7
Cony, Ensign, 198 et seq.
Cosmopolitan, the, U. S. transport, 46
Cossack, the, U. S. steamer, 79
Cotton Plant, the, 205 et seq., 209 et seq.
Crosby, Lieutenant, Pierce, 165
Crusader, the, U. S. vessel, 63
Cumberland, the, U. S. vessel, 6, 82, 111, 166 et seq.
Cushing, Lieutenant William B., 194 et seq., 198 et seq., prowess of, 211 et seq., 236
Dacotah, the, U. S. steamer, 7, 196Daffodil, the, U. S. tug, 155
Dahlgren, Rear-Admiral, 8, 116; relieves Dupont, 121 et seq.; before Sumter, 129 et seq.; demands surrender of Sumter, 137, 149; in Tulifing Creek, 153 et seq.; from Memoir of, 160 et seq.
Daniels, Lieutenant-Commander, 238 [264]
Darlington, the, Confederate steamer, 51; captured, repaired, and put in U. S. service, 61, 70
Davenport, Lieutenant-Commanding H. K., 177 et seq., 189, 203
Davis, Commander, Chas. H., 18; in Wassaw Sound, 46 et seq.
Davis, Lieutenant-Commander John L., of the Wissahickon, 84 et seq., 128
Davis, Master's Mate John, 149
Dawn, the, 84 et seq., 89
Daylight, the, 194
De Ford, the, U. S. vessel, 71
Delaware, the, U. S. transport, 46, 177, 179, 183 et seq., 186 et seq., 189 et seq., 192
Dismission of Officers, 4
Donavant, Colonel, 27 et seq.
Downes, Commander, John, 87, 92, 117, 125, 162(note)
Drayton, Commander, Percival, of the Pocahontas, 26; transferred to the Pawnee, 36 et seq., 39; in St. Andrew's Inlet, 50 et seq., 67 et seq.; at Fort McAllister, 87 et seq.; off Charleston, 92, 162 (note)
Drayton, General, 16 (note), 19, 21; his description of attack on Fort Walker, 24 et seq., 28; report on defence of Forts Walker and Beauregard, 31 et seq.; his coast chart found, 34, 114
Dupont, Flag-Officer, Samuel Francis, 13 et seq., 16 et seq., 26, 38; receives a confidential letter from Sherman, 43; reports of, 53 et seq.; report of, 60 et seq., 65, 70; letter to, concerning Beauregard's proclamation, 78 et seq., 83; before Fort McAlister, 85, 87; off Charleston, 91, 100 et seq.; conflicting orders to, 104 et seq.; relieved of command, 121 et seq.; sketch of, 123 et seq, injustice toward, 161 et seq.; 182
Eastman, Lieutenant, 172Ellen, the, U. S., 44, 46, 49, et seq., 59, 61, 67 et seq.
Elliott, Captain, of Fort Beauregard, 27
Elliott, Captain, of Seventy-ninth Highlanders, 44 et seq.
Ellis, the, 184, 194 et seq., 198
Empire City, U. S. transport, 49
Eolus, the, 229
Ericsson, Captain, John, 110 et seq., 114
Escort, the, 197
Fagan, Lieutenant, 233Fairfax, Commander D. M., 92, 125, 128, 162 (note)
Fanny, the, U. S tug, 165, 169, 172, 184, et seq.
Farragut, Rear-Admiral, 215 et seq.
Febiger, Commander, 204, 209 (note)
Fernandina, Fla., 48 et seq.
Fisher, Fort, see Fort Fisher.
Flag, the, U. S. steamer, 81
Flusser, Lieutenant-Commanding C. W., 177, 184 189, 194, 199 et seq.
Forrest, the, Confederate steamer, 185
Fort Beauregard, 22, 27; abandoned, 28 et seq., 101
Fort Clinch, desertion of, 50 et seq.
Fort Donelson, the, 229
Fort Fisher, 217, 219 et seq.
Fort Jackson, the, 218, 228
Fort McAllister, 85 et seq.
Fort Moultrie, 4, 91 et seq., 131 et seq., 134, 137, 146 et seq., 151, 156, 165
Fort Pulaski, surrender of, 61 et seq.
Fort Sumter, S. C., 2, 4 et seq., 11, 16; attack on, 90 et seq., 130 et seq., 141, 146, 148
Fort Wagner, 126 et seq., 131, 133 et seq., 145
Fort Walker, attack on, 22 et seq.; surrender pf, 27; report on, 30 et seq., 42
Foster, General, 149, 152, 196 et seq.
Fox, Gustavus V., Assistant Sec. of the Navy, 10, 121, 162
Frailey, Commander James M., 81
French, Master Charles A., 177
Galveston, Texas, 74Gemsbok, the, 194
George's Creek, the, .S. transport, 49
Gettysburg, the, 220
Gibson, Lieutenant-Commander W., 85, 128
Giddings, Master John E., 177, 189
Gillis, Commander J. P., 21, 63, 165
Gillmore, General, 122 et seq.; before Fort Wagner, 127 et seq., 133 et seq., 138, 146, 153
Glisson, Commander 0. S., 175, 223
Godon, Commander S. W., 18, 21, 48, 56, 58
Goldsborough, Rear-Admiral L. M., 176 et seq.. 182
Governor, the, U. S. steamer, 14, 17
Granite, the, 177
Grant, General U. S., 215, 227
Graves, Master G. W., 177, 189
Great Britain, opinions there on the destruction of Charleston Harbor, 41 et seq.; statement purported from her consul at Charleston, 78 et seq.; English steamers attempt blockade-running, 146; blockade-runner taken, 146
Gregory. Rear-Admiral, 110, 122
Haggerty, Commander Francis S., 21 [266]Hale, the, U. S. tug, 43 et seq., 48, 63 et seq., 70
Hampton Roads, expedition to, 13 et seq.
Harriet Lane, the U. S. revenue cutter, 165 et seq.
Harris, Lieutenant-Commander T. C., 128
Hartford, the, U. S. steamer, 7
Harvest Moon, the, U. S. steamer, 148, 159
Hatch, General, 152 et seq.
Hatteras Inlet, 163 et seq.
Hatteras, the, U. S. vessel, 74
Hawkins, Colonel, 165, 172, 187, 194
Hayes, Acting-Master, Peter, 177, 189
Hazard, Commander Samuel F., 177
Henrietta, the, U. S. cutter, 49 et seq.
Henry Andrew, the, 60
Hetzel, the, 177, 183 et seq., 189, 196
Hopkins, Lieutenant-Commanding A., 189
Housatonic, the, U. S. vessel, 74, 76 et seq., 79 et seq.; destruction of, 147
Howarth, Mate, 200, 211; gallantry of, 213
Howqua, the, 210 et seq.
Hunchback, the, 177, 186 et seq,, 189 et seq., 196 et seq.
Hunter, General, 61, 105 et seq.
Hunter, the, U. S. transport, 130
Huron, the, 50 et seq., 67, 218, 223, 231, 242 et seq.
Houston, George, a Regulator, 68 et seq.
Huzzar, the, 179
Indiana, regiments of: Twentieth, 173Ingraham, Commodore D. N., proclamation of, concerning blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq., 82
I. N. Seymour, the, 177
Iosco, the, 218
Iroquois, the, U. S. vessel, 7
Irwin, Lieutenant, 43; commended, 62
Isaac Smith, the, U. S. vessel, 17, 19, 21, 26, 37, 46, 49 et seq., 52, 72 et seq., 130
Jacksonville, Fla., 60 et seq.James Adger, the, 84
Jeffers, Lieutenant-Commanding William N., 177, 186
John Adams, the, U. S. sloop, 7
Johnson, Ensign M. L., conduct commended, 62; again commended, 102
Josselyn, of the Commodore Hull, 210 [267]
Judah, the, Confederate privateer, 69
Kansas, the, 210, 228Keokuk, the, 90 et seq., 99 et seq., 116
Keystone State, the, U. S. vessel, 75, 80 et seq.
Lamb, Colonel, William, 226, 237, et seq., 240Lancer, the, 179
Lardner, Captain J. L., 16, 21
Leckler, Colonel A. A., 78 et seq.
Lee, Admiral S. P., 203 et seq.; relieved by Porter, 216 Lee, General Robert E., 48 (note), 52, 56 et seq.
Lehigh, the, U. S. monitor, 138, 141, 146
Lenapee, the, 242
Lenthal, John, Chief of Construction Bureau, 3
Lillian, the, 229
Lincoln, Abraham, elected President, 1 et seq., 105 et seq., 121 et seq., 216, 227
Lockwood, the, 177, 181, 183, 185 et seq., 189 et seq., 194
Lodona, the, 131
Longshaw, Assistant-Surgeon, 237
Louch, Acting-Master, 2.37
Louisiana, the, 177, 183 et seq., 189, 192, 218, 220
Mcblair, Colonel, 52McClellan, the, U. S. transport, 49 et seq.
McCook, Lieutenant R. S., 190, 193
Macedonia, the, U. S. vessel, 6
Mackenzie, Lieutenant A. ., 102
Magruder, Captain, Geo. W., dismissed by Lincoln, 3 et seq.
Mahaska, the, 131, 146 et seq.
Maple Leaf, the, U. S. transport, 146
Maps: Roanoke Island, 180; Newbern, 191
Marblehead, the, U. S. vessel, 71, 129 et seq., 145
Marion, the, U. S. transport, 49
Mattabesett, the, 204, 206 et seq., 209
Meade, Lieutenant-Commanding, 145
Mediterranean, our ships in the. 7
Memphis, the, U. S. vessel, 76, 80, et seq., 148 [268]
Mercedita, the, U. S. vessel, disaster to, 74 et seq., 81
Miami, the, 300 et seq., 208, 210
Mingoe, the, 152
Minnesota, the, U. S. frigate, 7, 165 et seq., 217, 221, 223 et seq., 228, 230, 232
Mississippi, the, U. S. steamer, 7
Mohican, the U. S. steamer, 7, 18 21, 48 et seq., 52, 56, 58, 217, 221, 228
Monitors, description of, 111 et seq.
Monroe, Fortress, see Fortress: Monroe.
Montauk, the, 83 et seq., 88, 90, 92, 94 et seq., 125, 127 et seq., 131, 138, 242
Montgomery, the, 218, 228
Monticello, the, 165 et seq., 172, 174, 196, 200, 211, 218, 228
Morris Island, 117, 122, 125, 128, 130, 134 et seq., 141, 145, 156
Morse, the, 177, 183 et seq., 186, 189
Morton, the, Confederate steamer, captured, 70
Mount Vernon, the, 175, 210 et seq., 218
Mullan, Assistant Engineer, 218, 221
Murray, Lieutenant-Commanding A., 177 et seq., 185, 187, 189
Mystic, the, U. S. steamer, 7
Nahant, the, 87 et seq., 92, 97 et seq., 117, 125, 127, 131Nantucket, the, 90, 92, 96, 128 et seq.
Nashville, the, Confederate vessel, destruction of, 85 et seq., 121
Naval attack, plan of, 232
Negroes, rejoicing at Beaufort, 34 et seq.; desolation of, at Hutchinson's Island, 37 et seq.; as spies, 43
Newbern, 189 et seq.
New Hampshire, regiment of: Fourth, 46, 59
New Ironsides, the, U. S. vessel, 83, 91 et seq., 96, 100, 104 et seq., 109 et seq. 116, 127 et seq., 131 et seq., 134 et seq., 137, 139, 141, 146, 160, 217, 221, 223, 229, 236
New Orleans, La., 104 et seq.
Newport News, 82
New York, regiments of: Ninth, 165, 186; Twentieth, 165; Eighty-fifth, 197
Niagara, the, U. S. frigate, 7
Nicholson, Lieutenant-Commander J. W. A., 17, 21
Norfolk Navy Yard, menaced by Confederates, 4 et seq., 57, 163
North Carolina, the, 210
O'Connor, Ensign, 237Osceola, the, U. S. transport, 18, 33, 218, 222, 228, 242 et seq. [269]
Otsego, the, 214
Ottawa, the, U. S. gunboat, 19, 21, 26, 38, 48, 45 et seq., 48, 50 et seq., 53 et seq., 59 et seq., 67, 74, 80, 128, 131, 147, 156
Paine, General, 236Palmetto State, the, Confederate vessel, 74, 157
Parker, Lieutenant--Commander, James, 232 et seq., 235, 237 et seq.
Passaic, the, 83, 87 et seq., 92, 94, 111, 131, 229
Patapsco, the, 87 et seq., 95, 128, 131, 141, 148, 151; loss of, 154, 159
Paul Jones, the, U. S. vessel, 71, 128
Pawnee, the, U. S. sloop, 21, 36 et seq., 41, 49 et seq., 67, 127, 129 1 et seq., 145, 152 et seq., 155 et seq., 165 et seq., 172
Pearson, Midshipman F. H., 55; conduct praised, 62, 72
Peerless, the, U. S. transport, 18, 33
Pembina, the, U. S. gunboat, 19, 21, 27, 33, 36, 38 et seq., 43, 49 et seq., 59, 67
Penguin, the, U. S. gunboat, 19, 21, 33, 41, 49 et seq., 59
Pennsylvania, regiments of: Forty-seventh, 70; Fifty-fifth, 63; Ninety-seventh, 46, 50; One Hundred and Seventy-sixth, 79
Pensacola, the, U. S. steamer, 7
Penton, Mr., Pilot of the Catskill, 131
Petrel, the, British war-steamer, 78 et seq.
Philadelphia, the, U. S. steamer, 176 et seq.
Pickens, Governor, 16 (note)
Picket, the, 179
Pickering, of the Housatonic, 147
Pioneer, the, 179
Plans of naval attacks : opposite page 232; of Fort Fisher, opposite page 241
Planter, the U. S. vessel, 65, 72
Pochahontas, the, U. S. steamer, 7, 18, 26, 35, 49, 56, 58 et seq.
Pontiac, the, 151 et seq.
Porter, Rear-Admiral D. D., relieves Admiral Lee, 216 et seq.; report of, 223 et seq., 227; report of, 234, 241 et seq.
Port Royal, necessity of seizing, 11 et seq., 16 et seq., 20, 26, 32 et seq, 41 et seq.
Port Royal, the, U. S. vessel, 70
Portsmouth, the, U. S. sloop, 7
Potomska, the, 46, 49 et seq., 56, 58 et seq., 64
Powhatan, the U. S. steamer, 7, 74, 228 [270]
Preble, Commander George H., 152
Prentiss, Commander G. A., 66 et seq.
Preston, Lieutenant S. W., 102, 138, 218, 221, 233; death of, 237 et seq.
Princess Royal, the, prize steamer, 79, 81
Proclamations: forbidding all intercourse between Confederate and National forces, 35; concerning the blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq.
Pulaski, Fort, see Fort Pulaski
Putnam, the, 177 et seq., 181, 183, 194
Quackenbush, Commander, 155, 177, 183, 189Quaker City, the, 79, 81, 218, 222
Raleigh, the, 211Ranger, the, 179
Read, battery of, 26
‘Regulators,’ 68 et seq.
Relief, the, U. S. store-ship, 7,
Renshaw, Lieutenant R. T., 177, 189
Republic, the, 229
Resignations of officers, 4 et seq.
Reynolds, Major John G., 14, 49 et seq.
Rhind, Lieutenant-Commanding A. C., 63, 92, 128, 218, 220 et seq.
Rhoades, Assistant-Surgeon, 58
Rhode Island, the, 218, 228
Richmond, the, U. S. vessel, 7
Ringgold, Captain, Cadwalader, 17
Ripley, General, 16 (note), 132 et seq., 135 et seq.
Roanoke Island, 171, 173, 175; map of, 180 et seq.
Roanoke, the U. S. frigate, 7, 33
Robertson, Master, conduct commended, 62
Robeson, Lieutenant T. R., 178
Rockville, desertion of, 39 et seq.
Rodgers, Commander C. R. P., 13, 21, 27; reconnoitres Wassaw Sound, 38; commands advance against Port Royal Ferry, 43 et seq.; in Wassaw Sound, 46; in St. Andrew's Inlet, 50 et seq., 55 et seq.; at Fort Pulaski, 61 et seq., 70; highly commended, 102, 109
Rodgers, Commander George W., of the Catskill, 92 et seq., 125, 127 (note), 128; death of, 131 et seq., 146, 162 (note)
Rodgers, Commander, John, 19, 27; makes a reconnoissance on Tybee Island, 35 et seq.; threatens Savannah, 47 et seq.; off Charleston, 91; in Wassaw Sound, 117, 122, 162 (note)
Rowan, Captain S. C., 128, 137, 146, 165, 172, 177, 179; at Roanoke Island, 182 et seq., 185 et seq.; at Newbern, 189 et seq.
Sabine, the, U. S. frigate, 6, 17St. Andrew's Inlet, 48 et seq.
St. Augustine, Fla., surrendered to Captain Rodgers, 55 et seq., 59 et seq.
St. Louis, the, U. S. sloop, 6
St. Mary's, Ga., 53 [271]
Sampson, Lieutenant William T., 155
San Jacinto, the, U. S. steamer, 7
Santiago de Cuba, the, U. S. vessel, 218, 225, 228
Seneca, the, U. S. vessel, 16, 19 et seq., 23, 25, 29, 33, 35, 38 et seq., 43 et seq., 50, 69 et seq., 84, 89, 128, 217, 228, 242
Saratoga, the, U. S. sloop, 150
Sassacus, the, 204, 207 et seq., 218, 228, 242 et seq.
Savannah. 11; menaced, 47 et seq., 88, 153 et seq.
Scott, Lieutenant--Commanding, 129
Sea Bird, the, Confederate ship, 184 et seq.
Seminole, the, U. S. steamer, 7, 21, 28 et seq., 49
Semmes, Lieutenant-Commanding A. A., 64
Shawmut, the, 242
Shawsheen the, 177, 181, 183, 186, 194, 196 et seq.
Shenandoah, the, 156, 217, 228
Sherman, General T. W., 14, 17 (note); his report on Port Royal expedition, 32 et seq.; moves against Port Royal Ferry, 43, 47, 59, 152 et seq.; 242 et seq.
Shokokon, the, 196
Sketches: of the Atlanta, 119; of torpedo-boats, 140
Small, Robert, colored pilot of the Planter, 65, 67
Smith, Captain, Joseph, Chief of Yards and Docks, 3
Smith, Captain, Melancton, 204 et seq., 207, 210
Snell, Lieutenant-Commander, 70
Soley, Professor, volume of, 120
Sonoma, the, 152 et seq., 155 et seq.
Southfield, the, 177 et seq., 189 et seq., 201 et seq., 212, 214
Sproston, Lieutenant John G., killed, 69
Squadron, Mississippi, 216
Squadron, North Atlantic, 216
Squadron, West Gulf, 216
Star of the South, the, U. S. transport, 49
Stars and Stripes, the, U. S. vessel, 177, 189, 193
State fealty, 5 et seq.
Steedman, Commander, Charles, 21, 70 et seq.
Stellwagen, Commander Henry S., 165, 171
Stephens, Alexander H., address of, 1 et seq., 246
Stettin, the, 80 et seq.
Stevens, General I. L, 30, 43, 45
Stevens Lieutenant-Commanding Thomas H., 21, 54, 61, 138
Stimers, Chief-Engineer Alban C., 109 et seq., 138
Stringham, Commodore, 165, 169, 171 [272]
Stuyvesant, Report of, 143
Sumter, Fort, see Fort Sumter.
Susquehanna, the, U. S. vessel, 7, 16, 20 et seq., 23, 27, 32, 166 et seq., 174, 224, 228
Tacony, the, 218, 228, 239Tatnall, Commodore, Josiah, 19; his defence of Fort Walker, 22 et seq., 47
Taylor, Captain, Wm. Rogers, 77, 81
Terry, General A. H., 129 et seq., 160, 228, 231 et seq., 236 et seq., 241 et seq.
Ticonderoga, the, 222, 228
Torpedoes, sketch of, 140; success of, 148; facts about, 157 et seq.
Toucey, Isaac, ex-Secretary of Navy, 3
Tristam Shandy, the, 229
Trumpeter, the, U. S. transport, 205
Truxton, Commander, 239 et seq.
Turner, Commander, Thomas, 91 et seq., 99
Unadilla, the, U. S. gunboat, 21, 26, 33, 37, 67, 74, 81, 218, 228, 242Underwriter, the, 177 et seq., 181, 183 et seq., 189
Union, the, U. S. transport, 18, 33
United States, Second Artillery of, 165
United States Navy, position of ships at opening of war, 6; compared with that of Confederacy, 9; demonstration in Wassaw Sound, 46 et seq.; force in St. Andrew's Inlet, 48 et seq.; disaster to, in Charleston Harbor, 75 et seq., 100 et seq.
Valley City, the, 177, 181, 183 et seq., 189, 191, 213 et seq.Van Alstine, C. J., 81
Van Brunt. Captain G. I., 165
Vandalia, the, U. S. sloop, 15, 26
Vanderbilt, the, 228
Vera Cruz, Union vessels at, 6 et seq.
Vermont, the, U. S. vessel, 71
Vidette, the, 179
Vixen, the, U. S. steamer, 18 et seq., 36 et seq., 39 et seq., 72
Wabash, the, U. S. frigate, 7, 13, 15, et seq., 21, 23, 27, 32 43, 46, 50, 52, 55, 59, 62, 72, 122, 148, 165 et seq., 228Wagner, Fort, see Fort Wagner
Walker, Fort, see Fort Walker
Wamsutta, the, 64
Wando, the, 156
Wassaw Sound, demonstration in, 46 et seq.
Washington, D. C., menaced by Confederates, 4 [273]
Wassaw Sound, 117 et seq., 157
Water Witch, the, U. S. vessel, 71, 146, 149
Watmough, Lieutenant-Commanding Paul G., 81
Weed, the, U. S. transport, 148
Weehawken, the, 90 et seq., 109, 114, 117 et seq., 125, 127 et seq., 130, 133 et seq., 137; sunk, 141 et seq.
Weitzel, General, at Fort Fisher, 223 et seq.
Welles, Gideon, Secretary of Navy, 3, 104 et seq.
Welles, Master F. S., 177, 201 et seq. (note)
Werden, Lieutenant-Commanding, Reed, 177 et seq., 189
Wescott, Master's Mate, 231
Western World, the, 46
Whelan, Surgeon, William, Chief of Medicine Bureau, 3
Whitehead, the, 177, 181, 183 et seq., 186, 188, 194, 201, 204, 207, 200 et seq.
Whiting, Lieutenant-Commander
W. D., 128
Whiting, Major-General, 225 et seq.
Wilderness, the, 220 et seq., 229
Williams, Lieutenant-Commander E. P., 70, 138
Winfield Scott, the, U. S. transport, 33
Winslow, the, Confederate steamer, 170
Wissahickon, the, 84 et seq., 89. 128, 131, 152
Women of the South, violent feeling shown by, 56, 66
Worden, Commander John L., 83 et seq., 92, 114, 162 (note)
Woodman, Master's Mate, 213
Woodward, Master Thomas G., 177
Wright, Brigadier-General, H. G., 19, 27; enters Wassaw Sound, 46 et seq.; in St. Andrew's Inlet, 49, 54
Wyalusing, the, 204, 207, 209, 214
Wyandotte, the, U. S. steamer, 6
Wyman, Lieutenant-Commanding R. H., 21
Yantic, the, 222, 228Young, Captain, 25