Showing posts with label Lesser Whitethroat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lesser Whitethroat. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

From Ashdod to Hantsholm

Received good news from the Israeli Ringing Center regarding a Lesser Whitethroat I ringed in October 2011 that was controlled in Hantsholm, Nordjylland, Denmark some days ago. 
Lesser Whitethroat is a classic loop-migrant. Massive numbers pass north through Israel in spring, but in autumn they probably take a more westerly route going south to Africa. However apparently even the smaller numbers in Israel in autumn are from W European origin. We have many controls of spring birds making their way NW to W Europe, but very few autumn controls.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ashdod bits and pieces

Sunny and cold morning. Set the nets up in the dark, just to discover that the water level is too high and my wellies are of no help... Ringing was pretty slow, as expected for this time of the year when the reeds are dry. Still some nice stuff around - Long-eared Owl at first light, late Masked Shrike and Lesser Whitehroat, Reed Bunting heard and Moustached Warbler trapped late in the morning.
Later, virtually no gulls at the gull site. Seven minutes of seawatching produced a 1cy Kittiwake, 1 Yelkouan Shearwater sitting on the water, and 15-20 Sandwich Terns. Not bad!
Thanks to Re'a, Miri and Shlomo for the help.