Showing posts with label Common Rosefinch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Common Rosefinch. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Poland - Aquatic Warblers and more

I recently returned from a short work visit to Poland, with Amir Balaban. This trip was organised with OTOP, to learn about their excellent conservation work, focused on restoration, and develop collaborations. Despite all the photos, videos and sound recordings that appear below, it really was a work trip, honest! Luckily our work includes field visits, so when a group of birders meet up, and excellent birds are plentiful, sometimes meetings get a little shorter... 

Our trip started on Sunday, June 2nd. After picking up the rental car in Warsaw we headed straight to Biebrza marshes. Our first stop was at Dluga Lake, the classic spot for Aquatic Warbler. 

Such a great habitat, lots of birds singing - I especially enjoyed the snipes in display flight. Despite the less-than-ideal time of day, quickly we heard our first singing male, and soon spotted it singing from the top of a tall grass blade - fantastic!

Clarification: Bimbo is a term used by Spanish birders for lifer. Indeed, Aquatic Warbler was a global lifer for me.

We then continued to the OTOP reserve of Mscichy that is carefully managed specially to create optimal conditions for Aquatic Warbler. Superb example of habitat restoration. It was raining most of the time, and the tall grass was very wet. We finished our session there soaked to the bone, but it was certainly worth it. More encounters with Aquatic Warblers, still not best photos but lovely views and I love their song.

Amir doing his stuff

Next morning (June 3rd) we returned early to Mscichy to improve our views and maybe get some decent photos of Aquatic Warbler. Coming from the hot Middle east, I am used to birds peaking their daily activity in the early morning. But Aquatic Warbler in Poland isn't like that! In fact the morning session was much quieter, with less activity. Still, so many great birds around (River Warbler, Common Rosefinch etc.) that it was highly enjoyable. Habitat photo by Thomas Krumenacker:

Aquatic Warbler in its habitat - they often sing from a tall grass blade:

I was intrigued by this singing Common Rosefinch, clearly a 2cy. It was singing non-stop and being very territorial, but without a hint of pink plumage. The slow plumage development of Common Rosefinch is known and correlated with song development - see this article

Later on we continued to the watch tower at Bialy Grad trail - lots of good birds on the marsh there, including Black and White-winged Terns.

In the morning of June 4th we visited a state-protected old growth forest in the Lublin region. It was truly majestic, and full of birds, mosquitoes and fungi. Thanks Jarek for the help in identifying non-birds! Red-breasted, Collared and Pied Flycatchers, Gray-headed Woodpeckers, Wood Warblers etc. - superb.

Fuligo septica

Pluteus leoninus

Gray-headed Woodpecker in its nest

Red-backed Shrike

I believe I can fly! (Roe Deer)

A study visit to another restored OTOP reserve, Krowie Bagno, was very interesting regarding hydrology and vegetation management. The boggy mire is full of life, small and large. Great Snipe and Corn Crake were among the excellent birds seen and heard there.

Very cool meat-eating plant - Drosera rotundifolia

Cranberry Fritillary

In the evening it was time for main dish. We headed over to THE prime location for Aquatic Warbler in Lublin area - another chunk of OTOP-managed land, Serebryskie Bagno. It is slightly drier there, resulting in less competition with Sedge Warbler. Aquatic Warblers were so plentiful and active in the evening, in beautiful restored habitat. I split away from the group to spend quality solo time with these globally-threatened birds. It was awesome. I sat down, surrounded between four different males, serenading to each other. The air was still. The light was golden. Meadow Pipits singing in the background. I felt complete.

That median crown stripe

Bombina Bombina - the scientific name is so much cooler than the English name (European Fire-bellied Toad)

Early Marsh-Orchid

Then it was back to Warsaw for two days of meetings and events:

Of course, the visit to Warsaw included exploration of some of its fine urban wildlife sites. We joined a research team working on Mandarin Ducks in the Royal Palace Park, and wandered around the wild Jewish cemetery. 

The final new bird species for the trip was Common Redstart - I was pleasantly surprised to find them breeding inside the city. eBird trip report is here here - 130 species in total which is quite OK I think.

And that was that. Huge thanks to our hosts from OTOP - Iza, Jarek, Staszek, Slava, Łukasz, Krzysztof. Also Viktar and Thomas that joined us contributed greatly to the trip. It was awesome! And Amir... Till next time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

My rosefinch

It's still around, my subtle beauty. This morning it finally posed albeit briefly. Perched for a few snaps and disappeared somewhere - still not familiar with all of its hiding spots. I think I am the only birder who has seen it - a few others tried and failed.

It is interesting (for very few of us, admittedly) to note that this bird has asymmetric tertial moult: On its left wing longest tertial is unmoulted, on right wing it is moulted.

Amidst a few days of unsettled weather, this morning was perfectly still and bird activity was great at my local patch. I had higher numbers than my winter average of Chiffchaff, Bluethroat and Blackcap. A Wryneck that I have seen a couple of times during the winter showed nicely. Reed Warblers are back. Full eBird checklist here.

White-throated Kingfisher

Lots of wildflowers now, including the stunning Blue Lupins.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Murphy's Rosefinch

Back in Novembr 2018 I found a Common Rosefinch in my local patch, Nahal Ekron in Mazkeret Batya, 200 m from my house. On that first encounter I managed to obtain record shots, not the best quality but not too bad. Since then, presumably the same individual has been showing on and off at the same area. I keep seeing it every week or so, but it keeps frustrating me. I walk there with my dog almost every morning. I rarely carry my camera for this walk - too heavy. However, at all instances when I found good birds at this site I was without my camera. I always had to run back home for the camera. But this rosefinch keeps playing games with me. When I'm innocently walking my dog, the bloody bird typically shows up on a thistle 4 meters away, porning itself completely. This is a representative phone photo from a few days ago:

Pissed off, I run back home for the camera, return 5 minutes later to discover the bird had gone. Aaarrrghhh! This morning it happened again. Despite unstable weather and relatively few birds, the rosefinch was there, exposed like a top model. I decided that today is the day. A few minutes later when I returned with the camera, at first it was the usual drill - no sign! Only after a good 20 minutes of hectic search if flew out of a garden back to the dry vegetation by the stream. I managed to get some photos of it, still not perfect, but at least today Murphy was partially defeated.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Patch rosefinch

This morning I did my routine morning walk with Bamba (my dog) in my very local patch, wadi Ekron near my house. The autumn is coming to close here - at least for me, as tomorrow I'm going away for a couple of weeks. Weather was nice and there were birds around. While walking and birding I thought of the birds I found this autumn on patch, and of those that I really wanted to and did not, like Daurian Shrike, Siberian Stonechat and Common Rosefinch. I decided to give the rosefinch one last try and played music near a concentration of finches. No response. I walked on and birded without any dramas. While walking back, I heard that familiar call, and saw a finch flying towards me - Common Rosefinch! I was very keen to document it, but I did not carry my heavy camera system this morning. I shot off home, grabbed my camera and raced back to the spot. It took me a while to relocate the bird, but eventually it showed OK. Phew. Typically for this time of year it's in moult and not exactly attractive.

I seem to be having a good season for them - this is the third I have found.