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Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Here's What I Think About You

I think you're more than amazing. You're outrageously spectacular! You're brilliant, inspirational, brave, and talented. You are kind, silly, funny and caring. You have made my life rich! You've encouraged me, and others, on this journey called life to stay strong, love myself more, and laugh at myself when life looks too darn serious. You've helped me see another viewpoint when I was stuck in my muck. You've never failed to love on me when I was too worn out to give myself a much needed hug.

I think you all deserve a round of applause... No, make that a standing ovation! Yes, this is what I think about each one of you who read my blog and have made my life richer by your presence. The video is 1:01 minute long. Take a bow, then linger here listening to the sounds of appreciation I feel for you. Then grab this video and share it with your family and friends.

You have just experienced an official Woodstock Lily Love-In.
~Peace~Love & Incense~

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mind Games That Count

Every Christmas has its own set of memories. This year's Christmas, our first together as Mr and Mrs. Man (Superman) was beautiful in every way. It was peaceful, and I needed a heaping bunch of peaceful before my surgery this coming Wednesday. (BTW many of you've been asking the surgery time so you can pray, it's at 9:00 am. I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 am) Thank you in advance for this gift of prayer. You can read in the previous post about the surgery if you need details.

Here are some of the things I'll be thinking about before they knock me out for the surgery or in the next few days if I start thinking about things too much. I do that sometimes. I'm working on being here now. And yes, it's work. As a creative, I tend to be all over the map. Most times that's a good thing but in times like this when the 'what if's' pop in, I have to remember to tell them I'm receiving company.

So here's my happy thought list...

How much I love my family.

Good music.
My son, Jake, played a mini concert
for us on Christmas night.
I'll be hearing those notes
when the nurse asks me to count backward from 100.

Opie Taylor's silly faces. He is my feline Spirit guide.
Cats may actually have wings.
Four-legged angels with whiskers
Living right here on earth.
This is a watercolor and pen painting by Audrey Smart,
a talented artist, and personal friend, you can find here.
I cried when I opened the package
and saw how she captured Opie's goof ball essence perfectly.

Puppy Dog Balls
Yes, I will be giggling and recalling how
this 15 year old dog
can still jump higher than a gazelle,
hides from thunder storms
but wants to eat the mailman...whole.

Then there's the Bad Santa and Mrs. that surely
pinched Jackson... then smiled sweetly for the camera.
Just look at the positions of their pincher hands...

Little boys named Devin that are artists
and gingerbread train makers...

and of course double as Super Heroes.

And other blue eyed, red headed boys about to turn 2...
Could this little Super Hero clown be Emery??
Yes, this will make me smile
and be grateful every time I think about him.

Superman's joyful spirit and strong heart.
He loves me deeply.
See how he's smiling looking at me through his phone camera lens?
That's the iPhone cover I got him for Christmas on the back of it.
~He loved it~
~I love him~

And friends, so dear, I couldn't have made it
through life without...

My view right now...
is heavenly.
I am filled with gratitude,
over flowing
from my big red cup
that I hold like my heart
beating inside my own hands.
My life is full of family and friends'
the kind you want to tell Oprah about
because they're that incredible.

And now we are onto a brand new year. I'm ready. How about you? I'm not making any New Year's resolutions. How about you?

Have a listen to a perfect melody written by Jake. Happy New Year everyone.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Design A Dream/Vision Board...the easy way

Dylan and I have been creating our Dream/Vision Boards. Today I'm showing you her project in hopes you will be inspired to make one for yourself. This is a fabulous way to organize what you want to manifest in life or who you'd like to become--and I'm not just taking about material things. You can acquire all the stuff in the world and still not have happiness, or be content, or have inner peace, or have good health. I find it's best to create an atmosphere of balance between soul things and material things. Heart stuff always comes first.

I actually started doing this type of visualization (some people call it prayer) when I was in my teens. It's the secret behind all my greatest adventures, and successes I've had in life. It took a near fatal auto accident for me to realize I need to begin visualizing again how I want to design the next phase of my life. Dylan was in the accident with me, and lost her husband 2 years ago. It was my privilege to help her with this project. Together we are moving forward and a Dream/Vision board is a great place to start.

Here's a look at Dylan's Dream Board project start to finish.

Beginning stages of decoupaging small, preferably torn pieces of papers, napkins, cutouts, etc., on an up-cycled bulletin board. DIY tip: This is a quick fix for any old bulletin board even if you don't use it for a Dream-Vision Board. You can trick out an old lamp shade using this method, too. Heck, transform your car! Go wild!

Dylan gluing down a crocheted heart with Mod Podge. Look for items that will add texture and interest. Think about using old concert ticket stubs, that cocktail napkin you save from a special event, a doodle you drew on an envelope while talking on the phone, the tissue paper that bouquet of flowers was wrapped in... The options are endless. Kids like making projects like this, too. Invest this practice into their lives so they can get an early start on customizing their lives, too.

Don't forget to add an element of gratitude to your Dream Board. We secured this little bag that had sentimental value to Dylan right on her board. This way she can fill it with a handwritten thank you when one of her dreams come true. She could also fill it with folded pieces of paper with all the things she's thankful for inside such as... that parking space that magically opened up, the unexpected call from an old friend, a bird outside her window singing sweetly--just for her. Life is not just about getting "stuff" to fill up a mansion. It's about remembering to say thank you for all you already have first. FIRST. And saying thank you even before a dream comes true is one way to seal your wish with a kiss. Teach your children and yourself to say thank you for all things. This is the best magic making trick of all time. Promise!

Here's Dylan's finished Dream Board with all her goals, reminders, wishes, and dreams stapled on her refurbished bulletin board. Stapling or using push pins enables you to remove items that have come to fruition or are no longer on your bucket list and especially to ADD more! Look! See my picture on Dylan's Dream Board. I'm the one in the itsy-bitsy, black and white bikini. I'm famous!! And dreaming big time! 


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