Where is the option in context bar to change default pen tool mode?

  • When using the pen tool, where do I find the option in the context menu to switch it between symmetrical and smooth, etc? When I have the pen tool selected, I'm not seeing those options in the contextual menu. thanks

  • administrators

    @Boldline You can hold Command+ while dragging a control point to keep the other side length fixed (not-symmetric).

    Also for the node type creation there is a button in the context panel (just before the Turning field) that opens a menu with a few options.

  • @VectorStyler thanks! I figured out if I turn off the symmetric nodes and the "show segment" options, I get the pen tool settings that work best for me.

    With your Command+ option, I see it can give me pure cusp nodes when using the pen tool. that can be useful

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