Happy Guineas

It took over a week for them to finally go outside... everything new scares these guineas!  They are so skittish!  A guinea trait, I'm finding out. But now they love being outside.

Hubby built this quick run so they could get outside - we can move it between the two coop doors.  If he encloses the end next to the coop, we could eventually use it as a chicken tractor and move it around the property.  We will have a larger fenced coop area but we may not get that done before winter.  Definitely by next spring, when I hope to get my first chickens.

I'm hoping by next spring the guineas can free-range during the day.  By then, they should be big enough to hold their own against the cats* and dogs.  I hope.  Fingers crossed.  The cats haven't even discovered them yet, at least to my knowledge.  The dogs definitely want to "get 'em".  Not good.

*Barack killed a juvenile pheasant a month ago. They are not small. I was quite surprised. But he IS a big cat.


  1. They look like they're enjoying their time in the sunshine! I like the run your hubby built for them and the fact that it can be moved around. We have a bunny and I need something like this so she can stretch her legs without having to worry about our dogs. Have a great day!

  2. Guineas are indeed a unique bird. They will let you know when things are not right on your place. They are good at predicting the bad weather too. When free ranging they will roost in the trees when the weather is good but when bad weather is coming they will roost inside a building. It's the most amazing thng. I saw it happen on my uncle's farm during my early years of life. After they learn to fly the dogs shouldn't be a problem. It's vertually impossible to sneak up on a Guinea. Now chickens, that's another story. Very nice idea for a fenced in run.

    Today starts the garden cleanup. The weather has been holding at 70s during the day and 40s at night which is unusual for here.

    I pray all is well with you and your family.

    Have a great garden day.

  3. I have heard they are great with bug pest control. Aren't most of us like that, we have to find our comfort zone before we can rule the roost.

  4. Yay! Happy guineas! I must say, a few years ago I never would have been tempted to own guineas (caTRACK ca-TRACK!! ever so loudly.. lol). But now I find them fascinating and beautiful. Would love to add some to our menagerie :) Looks like yours have a very nice set-up, and I like your plan. Especially the chicken part =) -Tammy

  5. I want guineas! Maybe next year!


  6. Glad the guineas are getting used to new surroundings.

  7. My grandpa had Guineas..I wish I had paid more attention..they followed him around the farm. He had both dogs and cats..they had lots of places to roost in the yard. They are beautiful..and boy do they eat bugs:)

  8. Those definitely look like happy guineas--If you look REALLY closely, you can see their smiles. LOL

    Although if I were them, I'd like to be outside too :)

    Hopefully the dogs, cats and guineas can all co-exist in peace!

  9. Awesome! I really want some guineas. Some day maybe. :)

  10. Wow, I can't believe how much they're growing. Looks like they're enjoying their new digs! :)

  11. Glad you all are there to intervene for safety then...

  12. Hiya Ms. Susan-Chester here!

    You certainly have the drool runnin' on the Big Brown chin with all that yummy lookin' food! I think I'll skip the milk and wash that pie down with a cold Guineas's!

    Woofs and major slobbers,
    Chester ;0=)

  13. Naughty Barack!

    The Guineas still look a bit startled, but it is nice for them to be able to go outside. When our chickens roam free through our garden, they prefer to be under the cover of the trees and shrubs. Great design for the run!

  14. No wonder they are nervous with so many beings around wanting to eat them :)

  15. looks like you are still stayin super busy!

  16. Oooh! I so wanted guineas when we first started out, but my neaighbors talked me out of it because of the noise and their tendancy to wander.

    They sure are beautiful ad interesting to watch, though.
    Looks like you've got a great set-up for them, too.


  17. I've always adored the little fowl but have never been able to prod Hubs into gettin' 'em. These days through we probably have too many large wild critters to keep guineas. Heck, I'm havin' trouble keepin' a cat!

    God bless ya and have a most marvelous day sweetie!!!

  18. I thought guineas was something you drank...no wait...that's Guinness. nevermind

    btw Happy Thanksgiving swee'pea!

  19. Stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

  20. It certainly is beautiful out there.

  21. I just recently found your blog. Your pictures are beautiful!

    What do you shoot with?
