2008 ... the summer I moved from Akron, Ohio to the Kansas Oklahoma border. These are some of my favorite photos from my early days here on the prairie. These photos were taken with my old Fujifilm Finepix camera, before I received my Nikon in December 2008. :-)
blue skies with fluffy clouds... famous in Kansas!
lone winter tree by pond
Ringo our chocolate lab and the late Boogie
a cicada sheds its outer skin
barn swallows enjoy front porch livin'
even Ringo prefers the front porch
Ringo and Boogie chillin' together
sunflowers... a welcome sight in Kansas
a slimmer, trimmer Ringo
(mom has him on a diet plan now)
clouds cast shadows over a pasture
old pasture gate, wiped out by 2009 pasture fire
just the first of many beautiful sunsets