Total Basset Case: 4 year anniversary gifts
Showing posts with label 4 year anniversary gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4 year anniversary gifts. Show all posts

Apr 4, 2014

Just Perfect

And now I am finally around to recapping our anniversary.

Mister and I had really, really been looking forward to our anniversary dinner date night for quite a while.
We don't tend to go out to eat too terribly much so when we know we have a dinner out on the schedule, we get very excited.

But before we headed off to dinner and drinks, 2 things needed to happen.
1. Dress putting on
and 2. fruit and flower themed gifts
Which I did a terrible job of photographing but I promise they happened.
Ironically Mister and I had very similar ideas for each other and almost ended up getting each other Nutribullets but changed our minds at the last minute.
I ended up getting mister and 'Apple' iHome with a radio so he can listen to Reds games in his office.
And Mister gave me an 'Apple' iTunes gift card to download music for running a Lowes gift card to buy flowers to plant this spring.

Then we headed out to Boca for drinks and over to Sotto for dinner.
Both places were new to us and I can't believe we hadn't been to either before but it certainly won't be the last time.  The interior of both places are amazing and I could have spent all night looking at the architecture and light fixtures.
And the food.  My lanta I'm still thinking about it.  Is there anything better than handmade pasta?

And that's a wrap on our anniversary, just a perfect night.

Apr 2, 2014

Fruit & Flowers : 4 Year Anniversary Gift Guide

My 3 year anniversary gift guide was a huge hit last year so I am back again this year with a 4th year round up.  

And for a little back story, at our first year of marriage, Mister and I (let's be honest I did) decided that we would attempt to go the traditional route with gifts each year.  
We both love the challenge of coming up with creative, clever and thoughtful gifts this year.
And here we are at year 4 and the traditional gift is...are you ready for this...
fruit and flowers - at first glance, not the easiest of prompts
And the 'modern' gift is appliances.
Well lucky for both of us, we did invest in new appliances for ourselves back in January.
But we still wanted to go the traditional route (and on a budget) on our actual anniversary.

Let's get the obvious gifts out of the way...
Wine and flowers.
Easy peasy, done and done.
And I honestly don't think any girl would appose either of those.

But! Let's take it a few steps further and get a little more creative.

A few of these may be a stretch, but let's just call them extra clever.

Wine of the month club (great for girls and guys)
Edible Arrangements (I mean it's fruit in the shape of a floral arrangement)
Apple products (iPhone, iHome, iPad, iPod, iTunes gift cards)
Fruit themed kitchen towels/accessories (Target or Crate and Barrel are good places for these)
Seeds to plant apple, orange, banana, etc trees
Nutribullet, Ninja, Vitamix (to make fruit smoothies)
Flowers/landscaping items- a 'day in the yard' gift basket
Kate Spade often has fruit and floral themed items - bagswalletsclothing etc.
Cologne/Perfume (floral scents)
Garden tools (to plant flowers)
Fruit flavored olive oils

And there you have it, fruit and flowers!
What ideas do you have for 4 year anniversary gifts?

Come back by tomorrow to see what Mister and I gave each other and how we spent our anniversary. 

Mar 27, 2014

Our Love : 4 Year Anniversary

Today marks our 4 year wedding anniversary and I literally can't believe it.
I still remember our wedding day so vividly and it makes me so so happy.
There are times when I want to live that day over and over again (and wear my dress - which I will 100% be doing tonight).
But at the same time I love that we have 4 years or marriage under our belt.
4 years of growing (well 14 if we are counting from the beginning), 4 years of understanding our marriage and each other, 4 years of owning and running a home, 4 years of making dinner and going on date nights together, 4 years of going through the good and bad and ups and downs, 4 years of love that continues to grow each and every day.  And I can't wait to see what the next 444 years hold. 

Andddd that's enough mushy ;)

Because I am craving a vacation and sunshine like whoa I thought it would be fun to recap our honeymoon.
Our honeymoon was a 100% complete surprise to me.  Mister planned and orchestrated the entire thing.  I had no idea where we were going until we got to the airport and even then I didn't really know what to expect.  I always suggest to my friends getting married to go this route.  As much as I love to plan and be in the know, not having to worry about a single thing to do the with honeymoon made the wedding planning process so much easier.  Mister told me to pack for warm weather and the beach and that's what I did and it worked out perfectly.

We went Secrets Capri in Riveria Maya and absolutely loved it.  It was one of the prettiest and nicest places we've ever stayed.  I mean they welcome you at the door with champagne, it can only get better from there. 
I fully believe that all inclusive is the way to go for a honeymoon.  The less you have to worry about the better! Plus they just keep the drinks comin'! service.  Possibly the best part ever.

We met 4 other couples while we were there who were also on their honeymoons and became great friends with them for the week and still talk to them to this day.  
It really was just the best time and I would go back in a heart beat.
Can we, Mister?!

Mister and I are big fans of traditional anniversary gifts so I'll have a gift guide up next week for 4th year anniversary (fruit and flowers).  I couldn't have it up this week or it would have spoiled Mister's gift ;)